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Judge orders Trump to hand over tax returns to NY prosecutors, blasts ‘repugnant’ immunity claim

U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero
U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero

NEW YORK,  (Reuters) – A federal judge today said U.S. President Donald Trump must hand over eight years of tax returns to Manhattan prosecutors, forcefully rejecting the president’s argument that he was immune from criminal investigations.

Trump’s immunity claim was “repugnant to the nation’s governmental structure and constitutional values,” U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero wrote in a 75-page decision.

“The court cannot square a vision of presidential immunity that would place the President above the law,” Marrero added.

Trump quickly filed an emergency appeal to the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan, which temporarily blocked Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance from enforcing the subpoena, citing the “unique issues” in the case.

Marrero’s decision would have forced Trump’s longtime accounting firm Mazars USA to start turning over documents this afternoon.

The decision further complicates Trump’s battle to keep his finances under wraps, despite having promised during his 2016 White House run that he would disclose his tax returns.

Vance, a Democrat, had subpoenaed personal and corporate tax returns from 2011 to 2018 and other records from Mazars, as part of a criminal probe into the president and his family business.

“The Radical Left Democrats have failed on all fronts, so now they are pushing local New York City and State Democrat prosecutors to go get President Trump,” Trump, a Republican, tweeted after Marrero’s decision. “A thing like this has never happened to any President before. Not even close!”

In suing Vance last month to block the subpoena, Trump argued that he was immune from criminal probes while in office, and the U.S. Constitution required Vance to wait until after he left the White House.

Trump is separately trying to block Deutsche Bank AG from handing over financial records, which the bank has said include tax returns, sought by multiple U.S. House of Representatives committees.

Those probes is separate from the debate over whether Trump should be impeached because of his dealings with Ukraine.

The 2nd Circuit appeals court heard oral arguments in the Deutsche Bank case on Aug. 23. It has yet to rule.

Jay Sekulow, a lawyer for Trump, said he was pleased the subpoena would not be enforced immediately. Danny Frost, a spokesman for Vance, declined to comment.

Both sides proposed schedules to allow oral arguments in Trump’s appeal later this month.

Mazars did not respond to requests for comment, but has said it would comply with its legal obligations. The U.S. Department of Justice, which opposed Vance’s bid to dismiss Trump’s case, declined to comment.


Marrero, who was appointed by Democratic President Bill Clinton, declined to assert jurisdiction over the Vance subpoena, saying Trump should have brought his case in a New York state court.

The judge, however, made clear that if the appeals court disagreed with that finding, Trump should lose.

Marrero said Trump failed to show that enforcing the subpoena would interfere with his presidential duties, cause irreparable harm or be against the public interest.

He also rejected as too broad the idea that the president, his family and his businesses should be shielded from criminal process.

“The expansive notion of constitutional immunity invoked here to shield the President from judicial process would constitute an overreach of executive power,” Marrero wrote.

Marrero said even President Richard Nixon had conceded during the Watergate scandal that he would be required to produce documents in response to a judicial subpoena.

In seeking a stay, Trump’s lawyers said the case raised “momentous” questions about the president’s immunity and that complying with the subpoena would cause irreversible damage.

“There will be no way to unscramble the egg scrambled by the disclosure,” Trump’s lawyers said.

Vance issued the subpoena four weeks after issuing another subpoena to the Trump Organization for records of hush money payments, including to two women prior to the 2016 election who said they had sexual relationships with Trump, which he denies.

Trump is running for re-election. His current term ends on Jan. 20, 2021.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

kp posted:

Judge orders Trump to hand over tax returns to NY prosecutors, blasts ‘repugnant’ immunity claim

NEW YORK,  (Reuters) – A federal judge today said U.S. President Donald Trump must hand over eight years of tax returns to Manhattan prosecutors, forcefully rejecting the president’s argument that he was immune from criminal investigations.

Trump’s immunity claim was “repugnant to the nation’s governmental structure and constitutional values,” U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero wrote in a 75-page decision.

“The court cannot square a vision of presidential immunity that would place the President above the law,” Marrero added.

Strumpovsky doing much more than messing his pants ...


This will be another dog and pony show.  It will be a dud. If they find tax evasion, then what does the NYS Tax division do all year!

The probably will find some payment to some hooker to keep her quiet and classify as non business!  So what?

They will be pulling a lot of his tax attorneys in front of them!  Nothing will stick!


Trump has protection up to the Supreme Court so these are just people doing due diligence. While the Dems will vote for the impeachment of Trump, nothing will happen to him until he leaves office in January 2021. But when he does leave office in January 2021, he will deeply regret running for president because there has been so much exposed about Trump and reckoning with Melania in only the tip of the iceberg. His regrets will be even deeper than the depth of the Deep State.

ksazma posted:

Trump has protection up to the Supreme Court so these are just people doing due diligence. While the Dems will vote for the impeachment of Trump, nothing will happen to him until he leaves office in January 2021. But when he does leave office in January 2021, he will deeply regret running for president because there has been so much exposed about Trump and reckoning with Melania in only the tip of the iceberg. His regrets will be even deeper than the depth of the Deep State.

Nah, you tun juss like dem PNC bannaz who could not wait for Roger Khan to return to Guyana and squeal on the PPP.

Trump will outsmart you all!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Trump has protection up to the Supreme Court so these are just people doing due diligence. While the Dems will vote for the impeachment of Trump, nothing will happen to him until he leaves office in January 2021. But when he does leave office in January 2021, he will deeply regret running for president because there has been so much exposed about Trump and reckoning with Melania in only the tip of the iceberg. His regrets will be even deeper than the depth of the Deep State.

Nah, you tun juss like dem PNC bannaz who could not wait for Roger Khan to return to Guyana and squeal on the PPP.

Trump will outsmart you all!

I do think the rug will get pulled out from under Trump in 2020. The Repubs are scared to criticize him because they are worried of primaries but once the rug is pulled out from below him, they will avoid him like the plague especially since he isn't even a republican. Trump is a RINO.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Trump has protection up to the Supreme Court so these are just people doing due diligence. While the Dems will vote for the impeachment of Trump, nothing will happen to him until he leaves office in January 2021. But when he does leave office in January 2021, he will deeply regret running for president because there has been so much exposed about Trump and reckoning with Melania in only the tip of the iceberg. His regrets will be even deeper than the depth of the Deep State.

Nah, you tun juss like dem PNC bannaz who could not wait for Roger Khan to return to Guyana and squeal on the PPP.

Trump will outsmart you all!

I do think the rug will get pulled out from under Trump in 2020. The Repubs are scared to criticize him because they are worried of primaries but once the rug is pulled out from below him, they will avoid him like the plague especially since he isn't even a republican.

Trump is a RINO.

RINO yuh seh Ksazma ...

Information shows that Trump was ---

-- Republican -- 1987

-- Independent Party of New York -- 1999

-- Democrat -- 2001

-- Republican -- 2009

-- Independent -- 2011

-- Republican -- 2012

Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

I do think the rug will get pulled out from under Trump in 2020. The Repubs are scared to criticize him because they are worried of primaries but once the rug is pulled out from below him, they will avoid him like the plague especially since he isn't even a republican.

Trump is a RINO.

RINO yuh seh Ksazma ...

Information shows that Trump was ---

-- Republican -- 1987

-- Independent Party of New York -- 1999

-- Democrat -- 2001

-- Republican -- 2009

-- Independent -- 2011

-- Republican -- 2012

- Lying Dickhead -2019


Slimey Giuliani could be on the hook for his actions now that two guys who helped him with the fake Biden charges are themselves under arrest.  House Dems subpoena Giuliani associates. 

These people are being deep fried now, all over Sleazy ass Trump. Talk about draining the swamp, yep Trump is keeping his promise, heheheeee.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

Slimey Giuliani could be on the hook for his actions now that two guys who helped him with the fake Biden charges are themselves under arrest.  House Dems subpoena Giuliani associates. 

These people are being deep fried now, all over Sleazy ass Trump. Talk about draining the swamp, yep Trump is keeping his promise, heheheeee.

Order a sex doll that resembles Trump wife and left the man in peace... Trump is American problem.

Dough  Ford is your problem .. the bastard who’s cutting your health benefits among other things and leaving less money in your pocket. 

cain posted:

Slimey Giuliani could be on the hook for his actions now that two guys who helped him with the fake Biden charges are themselves under arrest.  House Dems subpoena Giuliani associates. 

These people are being deep fried now, all over Sleazy ass Trump. Talk about draining the swamp, yep Trump is keeping his promise, heheheeee.

Nehru posted:


Trump draining the swamps .....!/quality/90/?


Banna, in my work as a therapist I met many women like that and I am willing to bet she suffers with backache from carrying that much weight out front.

While working toward my cert. I had a German instructor for my last exam. After I completed the session she whipped off the covers and bounced off the table...that pic reminded me of her except I believe she was a bit older.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

Banna, in my work as a therapist I met many women like that and I am willing to bet she suffers with backache from carrying that much weight out front.

While working toward my cert. I had a German instructor for my last exam. After I completed the session she whipped off the covers and bounced off the table...that pic reminded me of her except I believe she was a bit older.

That must have been quite an exam. 

This was my daughter's Physics instructor at FIU. But this was when she was younger.

Dr. Fiorella Terenzi


Images (1)
  • mceclip0

You fellas will get played by these ladies big time. Be on your guard for sexual harassment. Prashad even afraid to ride in an elevator alone with a woman now. Watch out for those women who want to succeed in their careers. If you don't have king Kong trapped in your pants like caribj then be on guard.

Last edited by Prashad

Only a matter of time before Giuliani goes down.

Trump now says he doesn't know the two fools. He says that he takes photos with everyone. So who gave the Secret Service the all clear sign for these men to approach Trump even though Trump doesn't know them? 

ksazma posted:

Only a matter of time before Giuliani goes down.

Trump now says he doesn't know the two fools. He says that he takes photos with everyone. So who gave the Secret Service the all clear sign for these men to approach Trump even though Trump doesn't know them? 

The same man who did not assigned any seen bodyguards for Cheddi Jagan when he went into the Guyana interior. 


We boy Baseless staying away from this thread..heheheee.

Oi Base I see your hero starting to sweat bullets banna. Why do you gravitate to people who constantly lie like rass and do so wrong almost like.ahhhh..traitor to their country, man?


So last night, NYT reported that Giuliani may be investigated for his actions in Ukraine pertaining to being a foreign agent. Trump responded to that by saying that he doesn’t know if Giuliani is his lawyer. Trump would disown his own mother if he feels that she is in his way. 😀

ksazma posted:

So last night, NYT reported that Giuliani may be investigated for his actions in Ukraine pertaining to being a foreign agent. Trump responded to that by saying that he doesn’t know if Giuliani is his lawyer. Trump would disown his own mother if he feels that she is in his way. 😀

You remember when Trump said he can stand on 5th Avenue and shoot someone and nothing will happen to him? Well, I am saying that Trump might stand on 5th Avenue and put a gun to his head and no one will try to stop him. That day is coming for him and Rudy. If tickets are being sold for these events, I will buy them.

Last edited by Former Member

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