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skeldon_man posted:

He should be impeached for being mentally unstable. I might want to think that there is somewhere in the constitution an article that makes it possible to impeach an imbecile. IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE WHO KNOWS IF THIS IS PART OF THE CONSTITUTION?

And if Trump goes and the GOP retain control of Congress, the Presidency and the Supreme  Court, so what.

I fear Pence way more than I fear Trump, who is way too incompetent to get anything done. Pence will be ruthless in constructing a Christian Taliban state where the rich pay no taxes and the middle class remain burdened with funding the Federal gov't.

caribny posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Maybe the Democratic party needs to stop wailing and whining and develop a message to ensure that they win back the House and the Senate next year.

I have yet to hear any of this. To most people the Russia fiasco is a snore. At best reality show TV, but not likely to woo them to the polls next year.

What you do not hear does not mean something is not happening. Do you think the organizing that makes the confrontation on health care immigration, environment is magical? And why is the russian fiasco a snore?

It is likely the one that can take down a presidency at most and at least it will be germ that will likely win back the house.


Trump is beyond a Skont. The America I know and came to is NOW gone. This FOOL has diminished the moral and ethical fabric of America. He makes the Constitution looks like cheap Toilet Paper and the admiration of our TRADEMARK Democracy the laughing stock of the World. I am capable of reading and understanding quite well.


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