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BET founder says Trump is not a racist, and stocks are right to rally post-election

Bob Johnson: I turned down a Trump Cabinet position  

Media mogul Bob Johnson, who met with President-elect Donald Trump earlier this month, told CNBC on Tuesday the post-election rally in the stock market has been a reaction to having a businessman in the White House.

The BET founder, a Democrat, also said on "Squawk Box" that he's known Trump for years and believes Trump wants to work with African-Americans and all Americans to boost the economy.

"To me, I never thought Donald Trump, and I still don't believe it today, was a racist. I don't believe that he's anti-African-American," said Johnson, founder and chairman of The RLJ Cos. "For too long, the African-American community has been ignored by the Republicans because they thought we were always locked with the Democrats."

Trump is not in either camp, Johnson said: "Certainly not an establishment Republican [and] he's not a Democrat, he was open. And he's a business guy. And business guys tend to look at where's the opportunity for a benefit."

The market is right to be optimistic about the possibility of Trump's policy proposals kicking U.S. economic growth into a higher gear, said Johnson, who had supported Hillary Clinton during the campaign.

Johnson met with Trump and top advisors Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus and Jared Kushner at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, on Nov. 20.

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Prashad posted:

This rich man, his rich ex wife and children although they are black are living a white life at equestrian clubs and equestrian events where they are the only blacks around.


I remember him when he was poor.  He became rich selling out black people. He got the franchise to develop a black owned cable company ( not black content only) he could not gather the funds so sold that right to a white company much to the chagrin of all those black companies who were better than he and had real options to deliver content but were shut out because Barry forced the hand of Drew to vote for him. He is a sell soul.


Hip hop was a diverse genre which had political messaging as well as party themes.

Then along came drug lords from CA with their gangsta rap crap.  This portrayed to stupid upper middle class black boys that they only way to be authentic was to be a gangsta.  It showed stupid suburban white boys that to authentically black one had to act ghetto.  So now they have ghetto themed parties because they think that this is being "cool".

How did all of these folks get this image? BET compliments of this clown. He refused to play anything other than what white suburban boys wanted to here.  They didn't want to hear "Fight the Power", and they cannot dance, so they didn't want to her Will Smith, or other party themed rap.

They wanted shoot em up gangsta.

caribny posted:

Hip hop was a diverse genre which had political messaging as well as party themes.

Then along came drug lords from CA with their gangsta rap crap.  This portrayed to stupid upper middle class black boys that they only way to be authentic was to be a gangsta.  It showed stupid suburban white boys that to authentically black one had to act ghetto.  So now they have ghetto themed parties because they think that this is being "cool".

How did all of these folks get this image? BET compliments of this clown. He refused to play anything other than what white suburban boys wanted to here.  They didn't want to hear "Fight the Power", and they cannot dance, so they didn't want to her Will Smith, or other party themed rap.

They wanted shoot em up gangsta.

Banna, you are a knucklehead.

This analysis is way out of left not your usual self today.

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:

Hip hop was a diverse genre which had political messaging as well as party themes.

Then along came drug lords from CA with their gangsta rap crap.  This portrayed to stupid upper middle class black boys that they only way to be authentic was to be a gangsta.  It showed stupid suburban white boys that to authentically black one had to act ghetto.  So now they have ghetto themed parties because they think that this is being "cool".

How did all of these folks get this image? BET compliments of this clown. He refused to play anything other than what white suburban boys wanted to here.  They didn't want to hear "Fight the Power", and they cannot dance, so they didn't want to her Will Smith, or other party themed rap.

They wanted shoot em up gangsta.

Banna, you are a knucklehead.

This analysis is way out of left not your usual self today.

So why don't you educate me?  Makes no sense to engage in personal attacks when apparently you don't have any insights.

Note to you. BET was attacked by many for promoting gangsta rap and squashing other hip hop genres which didn't appeal to the white suburbs, and so had lower sales.  This is a FACT!  Wouldn't surprise me if there was payola, because in that era videos was the prime form of marketing, especially to the suburbs.

seignet posted:

He will continue to make millions whilst u&d2 find all kinds of things wrong with man making money from white folks.

You miss completely the circumstance of his wealth. The story being told is that Barry and the DC city council wanted an exclusive black majority owned cable franchise beginning with a monopoly on cable in the District. They put out bids and lots of prominent groups came forth with proposals. He was a friend to the mayor so when the final consideration was before the council the Mayor but the squeeze on the council to vote for his proposals.

The fellow did not put up  a cent because he did not have it or the ability to persuade lenders to fund him. He squatted on the exclusive contract for a few years and with cable companies sprouting up everywhere the city was without a cable delivery system.

Instead of going back to the original bidders for help the City felt is was behind the 8 ball and conceded to  this fellow finding white partners. He sold his contract out completely to a white outfit and made himself a mint for doing absolutely nothing but getting over because of political pandering. It was a  kick in the stomach to the People of DC who still don't like him

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:

He will continue to make millions whilst u&d2 find all kinds of things wrong with man making money from white folks.

He can do as he wishes, even selling women to this white men.  He can live with the damage that he has done.  I know that he doesn't have a conscience.

For a man who claims to be a Christian its amazing that you can justify sinful actions if those who do so make money.   Dare I say that you perpetrate a certain ethnic stereotype that many have of Indians?


Trump is not a racist person. The people sees Trump as racist because he is a white Republican. Democrats of any race sets in nicely with lower middle class and welfare recipients, because they think Democrats are working in their favor which is not true.

The facts that Trump is proven to be a president of all Americans, many who hates him are accusing him of racism and hoping he will fails along the way. 

In creole, people must check their pot bottom before labeling other people.


Cobra posted:

Trump is not a racist person.

Trump said that blacks have a lazy gene.  Trump claimed that the majority of murders of whites were due to blacks.  Trump claims that a judge cannot exercise professionalism because he is Mexican.  Trump screams that 1/3 of all undocumented migrants are criminals.  Trump has engaged known racists (Bannon and Sessions) in his cabinet. Trump tweets all weekend because a young black/Hispanic group expressed fear of racism towards them, after hearing his campaign, observing heightened white supremacy, and Trump ignoring this.

Trump was also retweeting posts by white supremacists.

This is a man being tried guilty after he has proven so.  But I understand why this wouldn't disturb you.  You think that you are white and have the same anti black and anti Muslim views that he has. 

So cobra=Trump=racist!  I note your assertion about democrats and welfare, when in fact many of those who voted Trump get food stamps, disability insurance and other forms of social support!  Trump himself benefits from "welfare" when he uses tax loop holes to not have to pay income tax.


Prince posted:

Trump said that blacks have a lazy gene. 

If he said so then they are frigging lazy. There is no two way about it. What a man have to do to speak the truth and be left alone? 

The day when Trump says that Guyanese Indians are unethical and a scourge on NYC as they destroy neighborhoods with illegal basements, which they use to stuff illegal aliens, you will sing a different tune.

And there are those who will say so.  All those Italians and others in Queens.

caribny posted:
The day when Trump says that Guyanese Indians are unethical and a scourge on NYC as they destroy neighborhoods with illegal basements, which they use to stuff illegal aliens, you will sing a different tune.


Carib, Go drink more PNC Que Que juice and have more foo foo.

President Trump loves Indos. His selection makes us Indos all proud.

Cobra posted:

Trump is not a racist person. The people sees Trump as racist because he is a white Republican. Democrats of any race sets in nicely with lower middle class and welfare recipients, because they think Democrats are working in their favor which is not true.

The facts that Trump is proven to be a president of all Americans, many who hates him are accusing him of racism and hoping he will fails along the way. 

In creole, people must check their pot bottom before labeling other people.


He is not even a republican. He is an opportunistic carpetbagger skating by on the republican platform. If nothing he said to date moved you to that conclusion that he is a racist it is because what he says is something you also embrace so it is not an anamoly to your thinking.


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