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Trump Is Now Bragging About Stealing Donors’ Money While Losing The Election

At a rally in North Carolina, Donald Trump bragged about how little money he is spending, and how phenomenal his poll numbers are. The truth is that Trump is losing the election while pocketing millions off of his donors.

Trump Is Now Bragging About Stealing Donors’ Money While Losing The Election

At a rally in North Carolina, Donald Trump bragged about how little money he is spending, and how phenomenal his poll numbers are. The truth is that Trump is losing the election while pocketing millions off of his donors.

Trump said, “We have just gotten some reports, and we are getting these phenomenal poll numbers, and they’re saying that our expenditures on advertising, our expenditures on people, our expenditures on everything, are a tiny fraction, and yet we’re minimum tied, and might probably actually be winning, spending a tiny fraction, spending a tiny fraction.”

Donald Trump isn’t winning this election. An examination of the national polls suggests that Trump might be tied with Clinton, but a national popular vote isn’t how a president is elected. The Electoral College map continues to suggest that Hillary Clinton has a decided advantage, and Donald Trump remains an underdog. Contrary to what the man who lies 91% of the time said, he is not currently winning.

Trump’s poll numbers are phenomenal because they are so low. Donald Trump continues to range between 38% and 42% support. Trump’s numbers haven’t moved for months, and one wonders if they would be better if he spent his donors’ money building a presidential campaign.

The fact is that Trump has raised $127.6 million. If he isn’t spending the cash on building his campaign, where is the money going?

Donald Trump is making a profit off of his campaign by funneling donor money into Trump owned businesses that he is paying for “campaign work.”

It is true that Trump isn’t spending money on his campaign, but what he left out of his bragging in North Carolina is that millions upon millions of dollars are finding their way to Trump owned and related businesses.

Trump supporters are so dumb that they are cheering for Donald Trump while he is picking their pockets clean.

"Trump said, “We have just gotten some reports, and we are getting these phenomenal poll numbers, and they’re saying that our expenditures on advertising, our expenditures on people, our expenditures on everything, are a tiny fraction, and yet we’re minimum tied, and might probably actually be winning, spending a tiny fraction, spending a tiny fraction.”"


Yeh Trumpski, you received how much? Let's read on


The fact is that Trump has raised $127.6 million. If he isn’t spending the cash on building his campaign, where is the money going?

Donald Trump is making a profit off of his campaign by funneling donor money into Trump owned businesses that he is paying for “campaign work.”


This part hilarious tarassss.

Trump supporters are so dumb that they are cheering for Donald Trump while he is picking their pockets clean.



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