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Here is what is most likely to happen. Bernie is surging and will be given a raw deal by the Democrats again. Bernie supporters will stay home like they did the last election and Trump wins another term.

Dems are a pack of dunces. 

Sean posted:

Here is what is most likely to happen. Bernie is surging and will be given a raw deal by the Democrats again. Bernie supporters will stay home like they did the last election and Trump wins another term.

Dems are a pack of dunces. 

Trump brashness and the US economy giving the Democrats a spasm.  They throwing the entire kitchen sink to see what sticks. They are basically conceding 2020 before the race starts.  This is for trump to lose.  

Now with the Fed says the deficit is not at issue as they can monetize the Balance Sheet, he will accelerate the infrastructure bill. 

Sean posted:

Ha ha ha ha ha 

Cheat to win ?

ha ha ha ha 

It's ok to cheat if it's Donald Trump and the cheating will benefit him. Anybody else it's jail. Everything is a hoax for him. The reason Trump is so popular is because he has all those southern rednecks who live off of public assistance, sitting down watching FOUKX news, eating macaroni and cheese, chewing away pork rinds soaked in pig's fat.

cain posted:

Trump is gonna do everything he could to win because he s scared knowing they are waiting for him to do his time in the Presidency and then hopefully do his time in jail.

Trump will pardon himself and the Supreme Court will uphold.  Then Bharrat will invite him to build a Trump hotel in Guyana.  All ayuh guh steeewps!

Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Here is what is most likely to happen. Bernie is surging and will be given a raw deal by the Democrats again. Bernie supporters will stay home like they did the last election and Trump wins another term.

Dems are a pack of dunces. 

Trump brashness and the US economy giving the Democrats a spasm.  They throwing the entire kitchen sink to see what sticks. They are basically conceding 2020 before the race starts.  This is for trump to lose.  

Now with the Fed says the deficit is not at issue as they can monetize the Balance Sheet, he will accelerate the infrastructure bill. 

It’s funny to listen to Democrat Socialist Leftists whine and complain about cheating when they tried the Muller Thing and it failed to prove anything. Now the impeachment hoax fell flat. Bam ! 

Trump’s New Jersey rally had 115,000 people asking  for seats. These crooked Hillary supporters are in for another Trump electric shock. D2 might end up in a mental asylum as socialism dies a slow death. 

Looks like the impeachment hoax made Trump even stronger as it backfires in Nancy and shifty Schiff faces.

Karma is a bytch as Democrats pay for overthrowing the PPP twice ! Dem rass Running around with buss balls. 

As Bill Clinton would tell these leftist/socialist jackasses, it’s all about the economy stupid. 

This feels sooooo gooood.

Hey hey hey

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Here is what is most likely to happen. Bernie is surging and will be given a raw deal by the Democrats again. Bernie supporters will stay home like they did the last election and Trump wins another term.

Dems are a pack of dunces. 

Trump brashness and the US economy giving the Democrats a spasm.  They throwing the entire kitchen sink to see what sticks. They are basically conceding 2020 before the race starts.  This is for trump to lose.  

Now with the Fed says the deficit is not at issue as they can monetize the Balance Sheet, he will accelerate the infrastructure bill. 

It’s funny to listen to Democrat Socialist Leftists whine and complain about cheating when they tried the Muller Thing and it failed to prove anything. Now the impeachment hoax fell flat. Bam ! 

Trump’s New Jersey rally had 115,000 people asking  for seats. These crooked Hillary supporters are in for another Trump electric shock. D2 might end up in a mental asylum as socialism dies a slow death. 

Looks like the impeachment hoax made Trump even stronger as it backfires in Nancy and shifty Schiff faces.

Karma is a bytch as Democrats pay for overthrowing the PPP twice ! Dem rass Running around with buss balls. 

As Bill Clinton would tell these leftist/socialist jackasses, it’s all about the economy stupid. 

This feels sooooo gooood.

Hey hey hey

Bhai Ooojj, looks like you are been paid by the Repubs and FOUK news to repeat "Democrat Socialist Leftists". Look, give us something else to make the conversation more stimulating. Don't worry about Trump and his rally with 115,000 people. That's a page from PNC rent a crowd.

As a man of God, how can you sit there and watch this goon tell over 16,000 lies? How can you praise a rapist and sexual assaulter, a pedophile who had thoughts of dating his teen daughter? A father who grabs his daughter's ass in public? Is there no morality in Trump's world? Maybe the evangelicals do practice these vile, rotten and immoral deeds. Is time to call on Jimmy Swaggart and wake up the dead Swami who had a concubine in WA?


One straight answer: I don’t listen to fake news and CNN antimen peddling lies. 
Republicans are god loving people and pro life. Two things that Are dear to me. 

Democrats overthrow governments and many are atheists. It doesn’t fit into my profile. They need to reform. Watch them cheat Bernie again. Dem rass wicked.

I respect the fact that they hold the teachings of Christ and the Bible close to their hearts as much As I hold my Bhagavad-gita close to my heart. Perfect fit for me. 

God bless. 

Last edited by Former Member

President Grab Dem By THe P@##y is what Americans needed for a long time now. For too long they sat quietly while Guyana, Nicaragua, Colombia and their Countries suffer with their Interventionist policies NOW those same policies are coming home!!  I say let them have a taste of Dictatorship and totalitarianism.


Last edited by Nehru
skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

One straight answer: I don’t listen to fake news and CNN antimen peddling lies. 


That's Trump molesting his daughter, today he is screwing the entire country.

skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Here is what is most likely to happen. Bernie is surging and will be given a raw deal by the Democrats again. Bernie supporters will stay home like they did the last election and Trump wins another term.

Dems are a pack of dunces. 

Trump brashness and the US economy giving the Democrats a spasm.  They throwing the entire kitchen sink to see what sticks. They are basically conceding 2020 before the race starts.  This is for trump to lose.  

Now with the Fed says the deficit is not at issue as they can monetize the Balance Sheet, he will accelerate the infrastructure bill. 

It’s funny to listen to Democrat Socialist Leftists whine and complain about cheating when they tried the Muller Thing and it failed to prove anything. Now the impeachment hoax fell flat. Bam ! 

Trump’s New Jersey rally had 115,000 people asking  for seats. These crooked Hillary supporters are in for another Trump electric shock. D2 might end up in a mental asylum as socialism dies a slow death. 

Looks like the impeachment hoax made Trump even stronger as it backfires in Nancy and shifty Schiff faces.

Karma is a bytch as Democrats pay for overthrowing the PPP twice ! Dem rass Running around with buss balls. 

As Bill Clinton would tell these leftist/socialist jackasses, it’s all about the economy stupid. 

This feels sooooo gooood.

Hey hey hey

Bhai Ooojj, looks like you are been paid by the Repubs and FOUK news to repeat "Democrat Socialist Leftists". Look, give us something else to make the conversation more stimulating. Don't worry about Trump and his rally with 115,000 people. That's a page from PNC rent a crowd.

As a man of God, how can you sit there and watch this goon tell over 16,000 lies? How can you praise a rapist and sexual assaulter, a pedophile who had thoughts of dating his teen daughter? A father who grabs his daughter's ass in public? Is there no morality in Trump's world? Maybe the evangelicals do practice these vile, rotten and immoral deeds. Is time to call on Jimmy Swaggart and wake up the dead Swami who had a concubine in WA?

That fisherman can vote in Canada and America, just maybe in Guyana. He is an ECHO for Faux News, whatever he post today he saw on TV last night. One of the deplorables that Hillary spoke about.

kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

One straight answer: I don’t listen to fake news and CNN antimen peddling lies. 


That's Trump molesting his daughter, today he is screwing the entire country.

When did he molest his daughter?

Bibi Haniffa
Nehru posted:

For too long they sat quietly while Guyana, Nicaragua, Colombia and their Countries suffer with their Interventionist policies NOW those same policies are coming home!!  I say let them have a taste of Dictatorship and totalitarianism.

Karma bai. 
The Democrats overthrew the PPP twice !!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

One straight answer: I don’t listen to fake news and CNN antimen peddling lies. 


She nice bad bad man!

Looks like Trump thinks suh tuh. See how he pressing sheh bubby? 😀


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