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Canada's Trudeau arrives in Washington to meet with Trump

Feb. 13, 2017: President Donald Trump welcomes Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau outside the West Wing of the White House in Washington.

Feb. 13, 2017: President Donald Trump welcomes Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau outside the West Wing of the White House in Washington.  (AP)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a polar opposite to Donald Trump in almost every way, joined the new U.S. president at the White House Monday keen to build a relationship that doesn't threaten trade.

Trudeau arrived on a blustery morning, and Trump greeted him with a firm handshake. The neighboring leaders are expected to talk about free trade in their first face-to-face meeting.

Trudeau and Trump will also participate in a roundtable discussion about women in the workplace.

The prime minister's plane landed at Dulles airport after heavy winds forced a change from Andrews Air Force Base.

Trudeau, age 45, and Trump, age 70, have vastly different outlooks of the world.

Trudeau is a liberal who champions free trade and has welcomed 40,000 Syrian refugees. He calls himself a feminist and his Cabinet is 50 percent women. Trump has few women in his Cabinet. He has taken a protectionist stance on trade and wants to crack down on the inflow of migrants and refugees.

Trump's order to temporarily halt entry into the U.S. by people from seven predominantly Muslim nations, which is tied up in court, might come up during his bilateral meeting with Trudeau. But Trudeau is expected to focus on common economic interests.

Relations with the U.S. are crucial as more than 75 percent of Canada's exports go to the U.S., while 18 percent of U.S. exports go to Canada. There are fears among Canadians that they could be hurt as Trump targets Mexico in a re-negotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

A White House official and a senior Canadian government official said the two countries plan to launch a new task force called the United States Canada Council for the Advancement of Women Business Leaders-Female Entrepreneurs. The officials agreed to confirm the move only if they were not quoted by name because they were not authorized to make the information public.

Ivanka Trump, the president's daughter who has been an advocate for policies benefiting working women, was involved in recruiting participants and setting the agenda for the roundtable. Female executives from the United States and Canada are expected to participate.

Trudeau's close cooperation with Trump and the first daughter could ease some worries among Canadians that the U.S. president will enact protectionist measures that could hurt the Canadian economy. It could also alleviate some fears that Trump will be as combative with Trudeau as he has been with the leaders of Mexico and Australia.

The Canadian official said Trudeau's administration had suggested the task force, because the prime minister considers the issue of working women an important part of his agenda and economic growth plan.

"It's a smart thing if Canada proposed this," said Nelson Wiseman, a professor at the University of Toronto. "It takes attention off of NAFTA. And from Trump's point of view, it contributes to softening Trump's image, and he's got a problem with women."

Roland Paris, a former senior foreign policy to Trudeau, said the prime minister needs to build a relationship with Trump to ensure Canada is not shut out economically.

"The overriding priority will be for Canada to maintain secure and reliable access to the U.S. market and the supply chains that crisscross the border," Paris said.

Trudeau, whose father was the late Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, has been preparing for the Trump meeting for months. He will also meet with legislative leaders on Capitol Hill.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

From the news briefings on TV, it appears that Donald John Trump is extremely quiet and quite intent on heeding the words and thoughts of Justin Pierre Trudeau.

The difference between a well rounded statesman -- Justin Trudeau -- and a person grasping to be in the position -- Donald Trump.

From the briefings, it was extremely clear that Donald Trump was focused on the exact speech prepared by staff rather that with his wild ramblings.


There shows the difference of a true statesman,experienced politician and an inexperienced  President learning on the job.Cat eat Trump and Abe dinner on Saturday night, when North Korea dropped the BOMB, they had to use cell phone light to read messages, how unprofessional ,talking on the phone about matters of National Security at the dining table with golfing Buddies, Trump the Clown.


"Relations with the U.S. are crucial as more than 75 percent of Canada's exports go to the U.S., while 18 percent of U.S. exports go to Canada. There are fears among Canadians that they could be hurt as Trump targets Mexico in a re-negotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement."

This is why NAFTA has to be re-negotiated.  The US gets the short end of the stick again while Canadians get free healthcare and much better old age benefits than Americans. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"Relations with the U.S. are crucial as more than 75 percent of Canada's exports go to the U.S., while 18 percent of U.S. exports go to Canada. There are fears among Canadians that they could be hurt as Trump targets Mexico in a re-negotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement."

This is why NAFTA has to be re-negotiated.  The US gets the short end of the stick again while Canadians get free healthcare and much better old age benefits than Americans. 

same shit if you have nothing to post go find some work

Demerara_Guy posted:

NAFTA has nothing to do with healthcare, old age, etc., in Canada.

Tell them there DG. It is all about spending wisely and making excellent health care choices.

Our American friends spend more on health care than us yet millions are without proper care. Go figure.

Americans will get better health care when they break the shackles from the health care insurance companies which are ripping them off. Cost of prescription are also an embarrassment. Some medications cost ten times more in the USA than it does in Canada.

It is good to see our PM in action in the USA. 


Last edited by Former Member

Trump and American politicians have to realize that putting a Red maple leaf on their American company logo and calling it Mcdonalds Canada, KFC Canada, Caterpillar Canada, Lafarge Canada and other examples does not make it a true Canadian company. So any trade protection measures will only be hurting themselves in the long run because the profits always goes back to the headoffice.

Last edited by Prashad
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

NAFTA has nothing to do with healthcare, old age, etc., in Canada.

Go easy on Know it All.

If America wasn't selling itself short on these shitty trade agreements they would be able to afford the same healthcare and old age pension like Canada.

US_of_A Independence Date --- July 04, 1776

Canada Independence Date ---- July 01, 1867

Last edited by Former Member

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