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Former Member

Ok folks,

Most successful presidents stood at centre of the political spectrum. Presidents Reagan and Bill Clinton come to mind. One republican and the other a democrat.


Trump surrounded himself with a few political hawks who are ill advising him on policies relating to trade and immigration. These bad policies on trade and immigration will hurt his chances of re-election.

The stock market's reaction to the trade war is an indication of the implications on investors and the world economy. My father always told me that an eye for an eye will make everyone go blind.

The WTO has warned that this trade war could drive the world into a recession and the stock marked sounded the first warning bell. Hope someone notices in this administration before this trade war goes too far.


Folks, since when is Canada a threat to the US ? When 911 happened Canadians opened up their homes for our US friends stranded here and we felt their pain and anger. As a progressive conservation, I am quite shocked at Trumps treatment of Canada.

Make no mistakes, Canada's retaliation to the unfair tariffs will hurt mainly republican states. An eye for an eye will definitely make everyone go blind.


Trump seemed determined to push ahead in implementing harsh and punishing tariffs on it's largest trading partner and the economic consequences will hit Ontario very hard. Ontario is the engine of Canadian economic growth and just elected a conservative to govern. What message is Trump sending ?

Hopefully cooler heads will prevail.

Congress passed a very harsh immigration law which divides families which put children in cages. This is very sad but Trump seems adamant in punishing children and their families who are fleeing to a safer place. It is time that Democrats and Republicans stop dragging their feet and come up with a better approach.

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If these far right policies continue, Trump will blow his biggest chance at re-election. The fundamentals of the economy were right when he took over and he also implement a few that led to greater growth but he seems to have lost his way and is displaying the signs of a misguided President.


My hope is that he shifts back to the centre, end this escalating trade war and implement a more humane approach towards immigration. Failing to do so will result in losing a second term and a whole lot of supporters at the centre.



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Replies sorted oldest to newest

How can Trump move back to the center. He was never part of the center. All his life, he was a democrat until Obama became President. He just couldn't remain part of a party that had a black man at its helm. So he decided to trick Republicans into believing he actually mean what he says and was elected President. Or maybe the Russians did hack the ballot boxes. Now he is a lunatic.


Trump is doing the right thing on Immigration.  I just saw a family was interviewed from Brazil who came via Mexico due to no wall.  They say they running away from hard life in Brazil and seeking refuge.  Well, I guess they were not coached by a traitor lawyer.  I see a "back to Brazil" passage being granted.

All the refugees in camps came over the Mexican border, and people say we don't need a wall. 

Baseman posted:

Trump is doing the right thing on Immigration.  I just saw a family was interviewed from Brazil who came via Mexico due to no wall.  They say they running away from hard life in Brazil and seeking refuge.  Well, I guess they were not coached by a traitor lawyer.  I see a "back to Brazil" passage being granted.

All the refugees in camps came over the Mexican border, and people say we don't need a wall. 

We don't need to pay 25 billion dollars to Trump or any of his connections for a wall. When Trump talk about the wall, he sounds like his company will build it. He ain't looking out for any secure border. He is doing some selling so that he or his connection can pocket that 25 bil.

Trump is a hypocrite so no matter what he says, it is meaningless. He can promise the world even as he knows he cannot give it.

I asked you earlier if giving Trump the wall justifies these people cutting in front of many other already waiting. If not, then giving Trump the wall is meaningless because he cannot keep his end of the bargain. He never worry about keeping his end of the bargain. He is known for not paying for the goods and services that other render to him.

And he is a hypocrite for crying like a p ussy that Bezos don't pay full price for postage when he has a 40 tax exemption from the city of New York.

But y'all are free to follow the crook all the way to the dungeon. 

Ray posted:

Base should know bout following crooks...he is a PNC supporter disguised as a PPP man...just pay attention to his writings

So you saying the PNC are crooks?   Well they are and so is the PPP.  Does that mean neither did and good or have flaws, they both do.  

You, Cain and others eat Pnc shit daily.  Baseman will speak when I see wrong on either and complement if warranted.  

Im not a Pnc or ppp shit eater.  I leave that to alyuh low thinkers. 

ksazma posted:

Base, he was only ‘willing’ until the moment he would really have to. Then he would have backtracked like he does all the time. There is nothing admirable about Trump. 

No, until the stupid democrats reneged on his wall funding.  This he said piss off. Now you dealing with the consequences!

Baseman posted:

Trump is doing the right thing on Immigration.  I just saw a family was interviewed from Brazil who came via Mexico due to no wall.  They say they running away from hard life in Brazil and seeking refuge.  Well, I guess they were not coached by a traitor lawyer.  I see a "back to Brazil" passage being granted.

All the refugees in camps came over the Mexican border, and people say we don't need a wall. 

Those who despise Trump and living in America has only one motive, destroy the great american way of life. If alein religions cannot do it then let immigration destroy the american fabric under the guise of humanitarianism.

Impoverished ppl who immigrated to America, many doan know what it is to build a nation. Maybe, only users. Perhaps, that is why they support things that could make america like the country Guyana. 

Empty out the world to america and make the place poor. Who really benefits, only those who wishes america destruction.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Base, he was only ‘willing’ until the moment he would really have to. Then he would have backtracked like he does all the time. There is nothing admirable about Trump. 

No, until the stupid democrats reneged on his wall funding.  This he said piss off. Now you dealing with the consequences!

Dude, you you know how many times the Republicans stood in Obama’s way. Yet he never behaved like an ass hole like how Trump does. Actually Trump behaves like an antiman.

seignet posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump is doing the right thing on Immigration.  I just saw a family was interviewed from Brazil who came via Mexico due to no wall.  They say they running away from hard life in Brazil and seeking refuge.  Well, I guess they were not coached by a traitor lawyer.  I see a "back to Brazil" passage being granted.

All the refugees in camps came over the Mexican border, and people say we don't need a wall. 

Those who despise Trump and living in America has only one motive, destroy the great american way of life. If alein religions cannot do it then let immigration destroy the american fabric under the guise of humanitarianism.

Impoverished ppl who immigrated to America, many doan know what it is to build a nation. Maybe, only users. Perhaps, that is why they support things that could make america like the country Guyana. 

Empty out the world to america and make the place poor. Who really benefits, only those who wishes america destruction.

Bai Siggy, it is not people who are coming to America who are making it poor. America is not poor. It’s economy has grown some 8 times since I came in the late 80s. What America is lacking is middle class jobs and that is because greedy folks have shipped those jobs overseas to get bigger profits.

The bile brewing in America is that white racists are uncomfortable with the browning of America. Brown bais like you and Base are tagging along in their racism not realizing that they don’t want you either. Don’t take comfort because you are a Christian. Blacks have been Christians for hundreds of years and those white racists still don’t accept them or want them here.

seignet posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump is doing the right thing on Immigration.  I just saw a family was interviewed from Brazil who came via Mexico due to no wall.  They say they running away from hard life in Brazil and seeking refuge.  Well, I guess they were not coached by a traitor lawyer.  I see a "back to Brazil" passage being granted.

All the refugees in camps came over the Mexican border, and people say we don't need a wall. 

Those who despise Trump and living in America has only one motive, destroy the great american way of life. If alein religions cannot do it then let immigration destroy the american fabric under the guise of humanitarianism.

Impoverished ppl who immigrated to America, many doan know what it is to build a nation. Maybe, only users. Perhaps, that is why they support things that could make america like the country Guyana. 

Empty out the world to america and make the place poor. Who really benefits, only those who wishes america destruction.

You living in the great USA.

Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

Base should know bout following crooks...he is a PNC supporter disguised as a PPP man...just pay attention to his writings

So you saying the PNC are crooks?   Well they are and so is the PPP.  Does that mean neither did and good or have flaws, they both do.  

You, Cain and others eat Pnc shit daily.  Baseman will speak when I see wrong on either and complement if warranted.  

Im not a Pnc or ppp shit eater.  I leave that to alyuh low thinkers. 

PNC and PPP are crooks...but I like your style, where there is soup, you join the line


Cages or no cages, the fact remains that illegal immigration is a huge problem in the US.  Every US President has looked the other way while ghettos of poor people expand and become a burden on the American taxpayer.  Trump is tackling the problem but not in the right way.  It's sad that people are treated in this inhumane manner, but America is already taking care of over 3 million illegals.  At what point do you stop taking in people illegally at the border?

Go and check those overcrowded basement apartments in Richmond Hill and Crown Heights and you will know what I mean.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Base, he was only ‘willing’ until the moment he would really have to. Then he would have backtracked like he does all the time. There is nothing admirable about Trump. 

No, until the stupid democrats reneged on his wall funding.  This he said piss off. Now you dealing with the consequences!

Dude, you you know how many times the Republicans stood in Obama’s way. Yet he never behaved like an ass hole like how Trump does. Actually Trump behaves like an antiman.

Obama deported more people than any other US President, but that didn't make the news.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Base, he was only ‘willing’ until the moment he would really have to. Then he would have backtracked like he does all the time. There is nothing admirable about Trump. 

No, until the stupid democrats reneged on his wall funding.  This he said piss off. Now you dealing with the consequences!

Dude, you you know how many times the Republicans stood in Obama’s way. Yet he never behaved like an ass hole like how Trump does. Actually Trump behaves like an antiman.

Obama deported more people than any other US President, but that didn't make the news.

But Obama is not known to grab Pu$$y.

ksazma posted:
seignet posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump is doing the right thing on Immigration.  I just saw a family was interviewed from Brazil who came via Mexico due to no wall.  They say they running away from hard life in Brazil and seeking refuge.  Well, I guess they were not coached by a traitor lawyer.  I see a "back to Brazil" passage being granted.

All the refugees in camps came over the Mexican border, and people say we don't need a wall. 

Those who despise Trump and living in America has only one motive, destroy the great american way of life. If alein religions cannot do it then let immigration destroy the american fabric under the guise of humanitarianism.

Impoverished ppl who immigrated to America, many doan know what it is to build a nation. Maybe, only users. Perhaps, that is why they support things that could make america like the country Guyana. 

Empty out the world to america and make the place poor. Who really benefits, only those who wishes america destruction.

Bai Siggy, it is not people who are coming to America who are making it poor. America is not poor. It’s economy has grown some 8 times since I came in the late 80s. What America is lacking is middle class jobs and that is because greedy folks have shipped those jobs overseas to get bigger profits.

The bile brewing in America is that white racists are uncomfortable with the browning of America. Brown bais like you and Base are tagging along in their racism not realizing that they don’t want you either. Don’t take comfort because you are a Christian. Blacks have been Christians for hundreds of years and those white racists still don’t accept them or want them here.

In the perspective of history I comment. We all will die and those left behind will contend with the choices made by this generation. These are trying times for the world, many nations can be ripped apart because of migrants.

Being a Christian guarantees me nothing. Believing in God does.

Dave posted:
seignet posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump is doing the right thing on Immigration.  I just saw a family was interviewed from Brazil who came via Mexico due to no wall.  They say they running away from hard life in Brazil and seeking refuge.  Well, I guess they were not coached by a traitor lawyer.  I see a "back to Brazil" passage being granted.

All the refugees in camps came over the Mexican border, and people say we don't need a wall. 

Those who despise Trump and living in America has only one motive, destroy the great american way of life. If alein religions cannot do it then let immigration destroy the american fabric under the guise of humanitarianism.

Impoverished ppl who immigrated to America, many doan know what it is to build a nation. Maybe, only users. Perhaps, that is why they support things that could make america like the country Guyana. 

Empty out the world to america and make the place poor. Who really benefits, only those who wishes america destruction.

You living in the great USA.

I only make my money from American Business.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Base, he was only ‘willing’ until the moment he would really have to. Then he would have backtracked like he does all the time. There is nothing admirable about Trump. 

No, until the stupid democrats reneged on his wall funding.  This he said piss off. Now you dealing with the consequences!

Dude, you you know how many times the Republicans stood in Obama’s way. Yet he never behaved like an ass hole like how Trump does. Actually Trump behaves like an antiman.

Obama deported more people than any other US President, but that didn't make the news.

But Obama is not known to grab Pu$$y.

His skeletons aint start walking out of the closet as yet. I think all men grap pussies. Yuh doan tink he touches Michele. 


It’s interesting that immigrants who was choose the greener pasture for their families would trash talk illegal immigrants, who wants to provide a better life for their families. 

Some went so far to asked , what are their countries doing for them... why did you run away from your country you hypocrites.

the white born Americans, has a heart and compassion is critizing Trump administration... not you the immigrant .

The kids are crying

The parents are crying

Rachel Maddow is crying

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Base, he was only ‘willing’ until the moment he would really have to. Then he would have backtracked like he does all the time. There is nothing admirable about Trump. 

No, until the stupid democrats reneged on his wall funding.  This he said piss off. Now you dealing with the consequences!

Dude, you you know how many times the Republicans stood in Obama’s way. Yet he never behaved like an ass hole like how Trump does. Actually Trump behaves like an antiman.

Obama deported more people than any other US President, but that didn't make the news.

Bibi, if it didn’t make the news how you know about it. No doubt Obama deportation level was high. The difference is he didn’t behave like an ass the way Trump does. Trump is very tenement.

seignet posted:
Dave posted:
seignet posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump is doing the right thing on Immigration.  I just saw a family was interviewed from Brazil who came via Mexico due to no wall.  They say they running away from hard life in Brazil and seeking refuge.  Well, I guess they were not coached by a traitor lawyer.  I see a "back to Brazil" passage being granted.

All the refugees in camps came over the Mexican border, and people say we don't need a wall. 

Those who despise Trump and living in America has only one motive, destroy the great american way of life. If alein religions cannot do it then let immigration destroy the american fabric under the guise of humanitarianism.

Impoverished ppl who immigrated to America, many doan know what it is to build a nation. Maybe, only users. Perhaps, that is why they support things that could make america like the country Guyana. 

Empty out the world to america and make the place poor. Who really benefits, only those who wishes america destruction.

You living in the great USA.

I only make my money from American Business.

Is that your christian believe!!

ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Base, he was only ‘willing’ until the moment he would really have to. Then he would have backtracked like he does all the time. There is nothing admirable about Trump. 

No, until the stupid democrats reneged on his wall funding.  This he said piss off. Now you dealing with the consequences!

Dude, you you know how many times the Republicans stood in Obama’s way. Yet he never behaved like an ass hole like how Trump does. Actually Trump behaves like an antiman.

Obama deported more people than any other US President, but that didn't make the news.

Bibi, if it didn’t make the news how you know about it. No doubt Obama deportation level was high. The difference is he didn’t behave like an ass the way Trump does. Trump is very tenement.

Because I don't get my information from the news.

Bibi Haniffa
Dave posted:

It’s interesting that immigrants who was choose the greener pasture for their families would trash talk illegal immigrants, who wants to provide a better life for their families. 

Some went so far to asked , what are their countries doing for them... why did you run away from your country you hypocrites.

the white born Americans, has a heart and compassion is critizing Trump administration... not you the immigrant .

The kids are crying

The parents are crying

Rachel Maddow is crying

Why is it America's responsibility to take care of over 3 million illegals?  The Dems are scoring political mileage out of the poor way Trump is handling this, but let's focus on the immigration issue for a moment.  There are many legal ways to enter the US.  America has been very kind to millions of immigrants.  Why do people still want to go there even if it means putting their children in harm's way?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:

It’s interesting that immigrants who was choose the greener pasture for their families would trash talk illegal immigrants, who wants to provide a better life for their families. 

Some went so far to asked , what are their countries doing for them... why did you run away from your country you hypocrites.

the white born Americans, has a heart and compassion is critizing Trump administration... not you the immigrant .

The kids are crying

The parents are crying

Rachel Maddow is crying

Why is it America's responsibility to take care of over 3 million illegals?  The Dems are scoring political mileage out of the poor way Trump is handling this, but let's focus on the immigration issue for a moment.  There are many legal ways to enter the US.  America has been very kind to millions of immigrants.  Why do people still want to go there even if it means putting their children in harm's way?


You don’t know the circumstances why they choose the illegal way. There are thousands who lives in USA and pay taxes until they get their citizenship.

you are not in position to judge anyone. All I am saying is, you as a immigrant has better things to do than trash talk your fellow MIGRANT.


I see that my friend Base is being hit with 2x4's this morning.

Base always came to my defence so I will try my best to part this onslaught of 2x4's.

First, Base always dished it out to both the PPP and PNC. He is a strong Trump supporter and does what every strong supporter does and defend his President.

On my party, I was guilty of being silent when a few of our PPP boys in Guyana started to behave as if they were gods, some of them treated state assets as if it was their personal bank accounts and a couple of them insulted an ambassador in his own residence.

The consequences: PPP lost the election or close enough to lose the last election and the consequences are worse. We are now headed to a dictatorship and rigging which we all know what happened to Guyana as a result of PNC dictatorship and rigging. It will get worse.

Base, you originally stated that the consequences of a trade war were not good in the early moments when talk of a trade war emerged. We are starting to see the consequences of a trade war. I am sure that you still maintain that position.

On this issue of immigration, Kaz, in one of his posts admitted that the issue is not simple but highlighted the injustices against children in all of this. Many of us are immigrants and you have also worked with Children and Charities so you should show some compassion here and join everyone who are fair in condemning these injustices against children. I know that deep down you know that this is wrong. I am not Christian but I have read the Bible and if Jesus was on earth today, he would have spoken out.

I know that you want a wall but don't you think that the $ 2 Billion number or whatever that number is, that someone close to Trump will benefit ? This is no different what the PPP did. East and West Germany had a wall and it came down.

Base, you need to do the honourable thing and join any fair minded person and admit that Trump is wrong on these two policies. It will not make you any less of smart person that you already are. I will understand if you get angry at me for stating this but sometimes friends have to tell another friend that they are on the wrong side of an issue.



Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Base, he was only ‘willing’ until the moment he would really have to. Then he would have backtracked like he does all the time. There is nothing admirable about Trump. 

No, until the stupid democrats reneged on his wall funding.  This he said piss off. Now you dealing with the consequences!

Dude, you you know how many times the Republicans stood in Obama’s way. Yet he never behaved like an ass hole like how Trump does. Actually Trump behaves like an antiman.

Obama deported more people than any other US President, but that didn't make the news.

Bibi, if it didn’t make the news how you know about it. No doubt Obama deportation level was high. The difference is he didn’t behave like an ass the way Trump does. Trump is very tenement.

Because I don't get my information from the news.

Therefore you don’t know if it made the news or not 

Dave posted:
seignet posted:
Dave posted:
seignet posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump is doing the right thing on Immigration.  I just saw a family was interviewed from Brazil who came via Mexico due to no wall.  They say they running away from hard life in Brazil and seeking refuge.  Well, I guess they were not coached by a traitor lawyer.  I see a "back to Brazil" passage being granted.

All the refugees in camps came over the Mexican border, and people say we don't need a wall. 

Those who despise Trump and living in America has only one motive, destroy the great american way of life. If alein religions cannot do it then let immigration destroy the american fabric under the guise of humanitarianism.

Impoverished ppl who immigrated to America, many doan know what it is to build a nation. Maybe, only users. Perhaps, that is why they support things that could make america like the country Guyana. 

Empty out the world to america and make the place poor. Who really benefits, only those who wishes america destruction.

You living in the great USA.

I only make my money from American Business.

Is that your christian believe!!

Towards the jewish side.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Cages or no cages, the fact remains that illegal immigration is a huge problem in the US.  Every US President has looked the other way while ghettos of poor people expand and become a burden on the American taxpayer.  Trump is tackling the problem but not in the right way.  It's sad that people are treated in this inhumane manner, but America is already taking care of over 3 million illegals.  At what point do you stop taking in people illegally at the border?

Go and check those overcrowded basement apartments in Richmond Hill and Crown Heights and you will know what I mean.

How is America taking care of illegals?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:

It’s interesting that immigrants who was choose the greener pasture for their families would trash talk illegal immigrants, who wants to provide a better life for their families. 

Some went so far to asked , what are their countries doing for them... why did you run away from your country you hypocrites.

the white born Americans, has a heart and compassion is critizing Trump administration... not you the immigrant .

The kids are crying

The parents are crying

Rachel Maddow is crying

Why is it America's responsibility to take care of over 3 million illegals?  

The Dems are scoring political mileage out of the poor way Trump is handling this, but let's focus on the immigration issue for a moment.  There are many legal ways to enter the US.  America has been very kind to millions of immigrants.  Why do people still want to go there even if it means putting their children in harm's way?

One needs to follow the issues world-wide to learn what other countries are doing in a compassionate manner to address unfortunate situation.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Base, he was only ‘willing’ until the moment he would really have to. Then he would have backtracked like he does all the time. There is nothing admirable about Trump. 

No, until the stupid democrats reneged on his wall funding.  This he said piss off. Now you dealing with the consequences!

Dude, you you know how many times the Republicans stood in Obama’s way. Yet he never behaved like an ass hole like how Trump does. Actually Trump behaves like an antiman.

Obama deported more people than any other US President, but that didn't make the news.

That’s true.  The so-called cages were built by Obama and it housed kids. The only reason he eased up is to win the Hispanic vote for Hillary.  But black magic didn’t work.

Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:

It’s interesting that immigrants who was choose the greener pasture for their families would trash talk illegal immigrants, who wants to provide a better life for their families. 

Some went so far to asked , what are their countries doing for them... why did you run away from your country you hypocrites.

the white born Americans, has a heart and compassion is critizing Trump administration... not you the immigrant .

The kids are crying

The parents are crying

Rachel Maddow is crying

Why is it America's responsibility to take care of over 3 million illegals?  The Dems are scoring political mileage out of the poor way Trump is handling this, but let's focus on the immigration issue for a moment.  There are many legal ways to enter the US.  America has been very kind to millions of immigrants.  Why do people still want to go there even if it means putting their children in harm's way?


You don’t know the circumstances why they choose the illegal way. There are thousands who lives in USA and pay taxes until they get their citizenship.

you are not in position to judge anyone. All I am saying is, you as a immigrant has better things to do than trash talk your fellow MIGRANT.

We came legal.  The fact that your clan cheated and came illegally and flouting the law don’t mean everyone have to accept.   

There is a process for asylum seekers.  If you. If you cane illegally, you cheated those who wait their turn.  So they are judged cheaters.  End of story.  Trump should expel all illegals and let them apply and come the proper way.   

Baseman posted:

That’s true.  The so-called cages were built by Obama and it housed kids. The only reason he eased up is to win the Hispanic vote for Hillary.  But black magic didn’t work.

Bai, how come he didn't kill this Obama practice like he did so many others? Trump never hold himself responsible for his actions. Worse is when his supporters volunteer to shelter him from holding himself responsible for his stupid actions.

antabanta posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Cages or no cages, the fact remains that illegal immigration is a huge problem in the US.  Every US President has looked the other way while ghettos of poor people expand and become a burden on the American taxpayer.  Trump is tackling the problem but not in the right way.  It's sad that people are treated in this inhumane manner, but America is already taking care of over 3 million illegals.  At what point do you stop taking in people illegally at the border?

Go and check those overcrowded basement apartments in Richmond Hill and Crown Heights and you will know what I mean.

How is America taking care of illegals?

They do. If the get sick or injured the ER is obligated to take care and bill the state.   This was includes surgeries, etc.  If they have kids, the state mandates schooling and free lunch.  If they get pregnant, the state takes the bill and WIC kicks in. 

The taxpayers fund the cost.  But the taxpayers have no rights to any such programs. 

Illegal unaccompanied minors are farmed out to various not for  profit orgs and pay 125k per year per head.  This is all tax payers money.  


Sick and Afraid, Some Immigrants Forgo Medical Care

By Jan Hoffman
June 26, 2017
Elizabeth, who is in the country illegally, said she has no one to care for her children if she is deported.
DURHAM, N.C. — Dr. Luke Smith drove slowly through the unlit streets of a neighborhood filled with immigrants, searching for an address among small houses with windows ribbed by iron bars. Pharmacy bags lay at his feet.

His mission: to deliver medication to patients too frightened to pick up their prescriptions.

On this evening, Dr. Smith, a psychiatrist, was looking for the family of a 12-year-old boy with attention deficit disorder. Like most people who have sneaked into the United States illegally, the boy’s parents, from Puebla, Mexico, do not have drivers’ licenses.

Now, when they drive, being stopped at one of the frequent traffic checkpoints here can have consequences far more costly than a fine. Shaken by the Trump administration’s broad deportation orders, they and many others like them are retreating into the shadows, forgoing screenings, medications and other essential medical care.

Several times a week, Dr. Smith picks up prescriptions at pharmacies, then meets patients at their homes to hand them the medications they required.

“I can’t have my patients taking risks to get medicine I prescribe for them,” he said.

JosÃĐ and Irma’s two children, who are U.S. citizens.
Across the country, from Venice, Calif., to Brooklyn, clinics that serve an immigrant population report a downturn in appointments since the administration’s crackdown. In a recent national poll of providers by Migrant Clinicians Network, which is based in Austin, Tex., two-thirds of respondents said they had seen a reluctance among patients to seek health care.

Some parents have been withdrawing children from federal nutrition programs to avoid scrutiny. In Baltimore, health care workers who have for years visited Latino neighborhoods to test people for sexually transmitted infections now wait in vans outside 7-Elevens and Home Depots.

“It’s been like a ghost town,” said Dr. Kathleen R. Page, co-director of Centro SOL, a health center for Latinos at Johns Hopkins.

Experts say the toll for avoiding the health care system is far-reaching. Poorer Latinos, in particular, suffer from high rates of obesity, diabetes, liver disease and high blood pressure. “Patients who are already sick will have a much harder time getting better,” Dr. Page said. Those who don’t get care for infectious diseases, she said, “are much more likely to transmit infections to others.”

Yet as medical costs present a burden for millions of Americans, many people question why citizens who can scarcely afford their own health care should support through taxes the care of those living here illegally.

One provider surveyed in the Migrant Clinicians Network poll wrote: “There has been a fair amount of animosity towards me for helping the workers. Locals think that the workers are receiving grand benefits.”


Here in central North Carolina, where immigrants work in tobacco fields and chicken-processing factories, and wash dishes and clean bathrooms in booming downtown restaurants and hotels, some health care providers are going to unusual lengths for patients.

Dr. Luke Smith delivering medication to a woman in the country illegally in Greensboro, N.C.
Dr. Smith walked onto a dark porch and knocked on a door. “EstÃĄ Jorgito?” he called out.

Eyes peered out through slats of a lowered blind. Jorgito, a taco truck owner, flung open the door and rushed forward, beaming.

In the crowded front room, Jorgito, who, like other illegal immigrants interviewed for this article, asked that his last name be withheld to prevent officials from identifying him and his family, introduced the doctor to his friends, relatives and pastor.

Only after the family had urged him to sample some homemade, thick Central American-style tortillas, did Dr. Smith discreetly hand Jorgito the medication for his son, a bashful sixth grader lolling on a couch.


This fall, when Dr. Smith met the boy’s parents at school and told them that medication could help their distracted, failing son, the father was standoffish and suspicious. But since then, the boy’s diligence, grades and self-esteem have improved — and so has Jorgito’s confidence in Dr. Smith.

Despite the family’s entreaties to stay, Dr. Smith begged off. It was nearly 10 o’clock. Another family was waiting for medicine.

Shattered Trust

Except for absolute necessities, Rodolfo, an itinerant construction worker who entered the United States illegally from Puebla six years ago, does not leave his house these days.

But for a month now, his 8-year-old daughter, Leslie, has been doubling over in pain after meals. So, uneasily, on buses and on foot, Rodolfo took her to the community health clinic in Carrboro, a liberal, well-heeled town just west of Chapel Hill.


In the exam room, the child shrank into herself, stiff and uncomfortable. Lisanna Gonzalez, a family nurse practitioner, could find no physical cause for her discomfort.

Eventually Leslie admitted she was terrified that she would come home from school one day and find her parents gone. Kids were always talking about it, she said, even teasing her. Her brother, 13, kept showing her social media updates about raids.

Fear is making people sick, said Dr. Evan Ashkin, a professor of family medicine at the University of North Carolina who directs a residency program for doctors who work with poor patients.

Providers, he explained, have seen an increase in common physical manifestations of depression and anxiety: stomach aches, blurred vision, dizziness, insomnia, headaches, spikes in blood pressure, shortness of breath.


“I understand why you’re worried, and I hope nothing like that will happen,” Ms. Gonzalez told Leslie and her father, in Spanish. “We can’t take away the stress, but we can give you some ways to to manage the anxiety.”

A dishwasher in Durham who has been in the country illegally for six months.
She handed Rodolfo a checklist, assembled by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, on how to prepare for a possible deportation: Decide who can care for your children. Write down their medications and important phone numbers. Tell your family whom to call if you are detained.

Providers at these federally qualified health centers, which receive some government funds to serve the uninsured and underinsured, do not ask patients about their citizenship status. Instead, the patients, who are required to pay a modest clinic fee, must show proof of residence and income.

Dave posted:

Sick and Afraid, Some Immigrants Forgo Medical Care

By Jan Hoffman
June 26, 2017
Elizabeth, who is in the country illegally, said she has no one to care for her children if she is deported.
DURHAM, N.C. — Dr. Luke Smith drove slowly through the unlit streets of a neighborhood filled with immigrants, searching for an address among small houses with windows ribbed by iron bars. Pharmacy bags lay at his feet.

His mission: to deliver medication to patients too frightened to pick up their prescriptions.

On this evening, Dr. Smith, a psychiatrist, was looking for the family of a 12-year-old boy with attention deficit disorder. Like most people who have sneaked into the United States illegally, the boy’s parents, from Puebla, Mexico, do not have drivers’ licenses.

Now, when they drive, being stopped at one of the frequent traffic checkpoints here can have consequences far more costly than a fine. Shaken by the Trump administration’s broad deportation orders, they and many others like them are retreating into the shadows, forgoing screenings, medications and other essential medical care.

Several times a week, Dr. Smith picks up prescriptions at pharmacies, then meets patients at their homes to hand them the medications they required.

“I can’t have my patients taking risks to get medicine I prescribe for them,” he said.

JosÃĐ and Irma’s two children, who are U.S. citizens.
Across the country, from Venice, Calif., to Brooklyn, clinics that serve an immigrant population report a downturn in appointments since the administration’s crackdown. In a recent national poll of providers by Migrant Clinicians Network, which is based in Austin, Tex., two-thirds of respondents said they had seen a reluctance among patients to seek health care.

Some parents have been withdrawing children from federal nutrition programs to avoid scrutiny. In Baltimore, health care workers who have for years visited Latino neighborhoods to test people for sexually transmitted infections now wait in vans outside 7-Elevens and Home Depots.

“It’s been like a ghost town,” said Dr. Kathleen R. Page, co-director of Centro SOL, a health center for Latinos at Johns Hopkins.

Experts say the toll for avoiding the health care system is far-reaching. Poorer Latinos, in particular, suffer from high rates of obesity, diabetes, liver disease and high blood pressure. “Patients who are already sick will have a much harder time getting better,” Dr. Page said. Those who don’t get care for infectious diseases, she said, “are much more likely to transmit infections to others.”

Yet as medical costs present a burden for millions of Americans, many people question why citizens who can scarcely afford their own health care should support through taxes the care of those living here illegally.

One provider surveyed in the Migrant Clinicians Network poll wrote: “There has been a fair amount of animosity towards me for helping the workers. Locals think that the workers are receiving grand benefits.”


Here in central North Carolina, where immigrants work in tobacco fields and chicken-processing factories, and wash dishes and clean bathrooms in booming downtown restaurants and hotels, some health care providers are going to unusual lengths for patients.

Dr. Luke Smith delivering medication to a woman in the country illegally in Greensboro, N.C.
Dr. Smith walked onto a dark porch and knocked on a door. “EstÃĄ Jorgito?” he called out.

Eyes peered out through slats of a lowered blind. Jorgito, a taco truck owner, flung open the door and rushed forward, beaming.

In the crowded front room, Jorgito, who, like other illegal immigrants interviewed for this article, asked that his last name be withheld to prevent officials from identifying him and his family, introduced the doctor to his friends, relatives and pastor.

Only after the family had urged him to sample some homemade, thick Central American-style tortillas, did Dr. Smith discreetly hand Jorgito the medication for his son, a bashful sixth grader lolling on a couch.


This fall, when Dr. Smith met the boy’s parents at school and told them that medication could help their distracted, failing son, the father was standoffish and suspicious. But since then, the boy’s diligence, grades and self-esteem have improved — and so has Jorgito’s confidence in Dr. Smith.

Despite the family’s entreaties to stay, Dr. Smith begged off. It was nearly 10 o’clock. Another family was waiting for medicine.

Shattered Trust

Except for absolute necessities, Rodolfo, an itinerant construction worker who entered the United States illegally from Puebla six years ago, does not leave his house these days.

But for a month now, his 8-year-old daughter, Leslie, has been doubling over in pain after meals. So, uneasily, on buses and on foot, Rodolfo took her to the community health clinic in Carrboro, a liberal, well-heeled town just west of Chapel Hill.


In the exam room, the child shrank into herself, stiff and uncomfortable. Lisanna Gonzalez, a family nurse practitioner, could find no physical cause for her discomfort.

Eventually Leslie admitted she was terrified that she would come home from school one day and find her parents gone. Kids were always talking about it, she said, even teasing her. Her brother, 13, kept showing her social media updates about raids.

Fear is making people sick, said Dr. Evan Ashkin, a professor of family medicine at the University of North Carolina who directs a residency program for doctors who work with poor patients.

Providers, he explained, have seen an increase in common physical manifestations of depression and anxiety: stomach aches, blurred vision, dizziness, insomnia, headaches, spikes in blood pressure, shortness of breath.


“I understand why you’re worried, and I hope nothing like that will happen,” Ms. Gonzalez told Leslie and her father, in Spanish. “We can’t take away the stress, but we can give you some ways to to manage the anxiety.”

A dishwasher in Durham who has been in the country illegally for six months.
She handed Rodolfo a checklist, assembled by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, on how to prepare for a possible deportation: Decide who can care for your children. Write down their medications and important phone numbers. Tell your family whom to call if you are detained.

Providers at these federally qualified health centers, which receive some government funds to serve the uninsured and underinsured, do not ask patients about their citizenship status. Instead, the patients, who are required to pay a modest clinic fee, must show proof of residence and income.

This is nonsense.  All 3 million illegal immigrants in the US get free medical care as stipulated by the Patient Bill of Rights.  Many of them cross the border and check themselves into hospitals to get surgeries and then return home.

Many are on Medicaid.  They don’t speak English, but they know how to fill out that welfare form and get Section 8 housing and food stamps with fake Social Security numbers.  While American citizens have to pay for their own because their income is over $12,000 per year.

Bibi Haniffa

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