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Prince..i have no problem deporting illegals who commit crimes,from the get go it's criminal in the US, entering backtrack,overstaying on visitors visa,working without permit ,full the planes and send them back,also round up and jail all the forgers who make false document for the illegals.

I guess richman hill will be clean when ICE start rapping at doors.

Last edited by Django

When did these people become criminals, in their home countries or in America. The lure of the American dream has made many to become CRIMINALS along the way. Lets take for example, a man left Guyana twenty years ago on a holiday visa and decided to hide and stay, did jobs such as washing dishes to make ends meet, he then went to collage and graduated, eventually got a decent job. One day he got caught smoking a joint, he is now branded as a criminal. Question ,should someone like him be deported back to Guyana? Guyana is ill equiped to treat druggies.


The wall will be built however, parts will consist of a see through fence and other parts a solid wall!!  Some promises Trump will keep, in large form and other initiatives taken:

The wall will be built with modifications

Obamacare will be repealed, some aspects retained in the new proposal

Illegal criminals will be deported.

Islamic Immigration will b slowed

Definition of treason will be enhanced to strip citizenship

Snowden and Assange will be pardoned

Incentives to domestic manufacturing will be enhanced

Corporate taxes will be lowered and so would taxes on overseas cash repatriation

Major spending on infrastructure will be sought

Major military upgrade will be done

Major spending in inner city

Criminal justice reform

Skills training for Black youths initiated

Black-Lives will actually matter, at long last

Cooperate with Russia to resolve ISIS

Push [with Russia] for movement on the Palestinian issue in exchange for recognizing the Crimea annexation

Keystone will be built, domestic oil drilled

Foreign trade tightened

FACTA will be restructured

Thanks to The Donald, America is on the path to renewed greatness!


By Baseman "Definition of treason will be enhanced to strip citizenship"

Trump should be the first to feel the full brunt of this. Never in history has there been an incident where one running for the presidency calls on another country (Russia) to hack into other Americans computers and this perp did so in front of the world.


There is already a wall in some parts of the border.  The undocumenteds either climb over and dig under the wall.  If folks really want to come you cannot stop them.

Maybe if they dealt with the situation in Central America that would reduce the flow. Undocumented Mexicans are moving BACK to Mexico!

If the "Deporter in Chief" Obama already sent back 2.5 million and that hasn't change the perception of many illegals in the USA Trump isn't going to succeed.  There are NOT 3 million criminals who are illegally in the USA.  Try a few hundred thousand.  Certainly way less than one million.


Trump has until January 20th to swear in while he make preparation to fulfill his campaign promises. I don't believe Trump would be tough on hard working immigrants and Muslims. He is after the bad guys first and foremost. We have to give him the benefit of the doubt to access his performance in his first 100 days in office.


If Trump is a racist for just proposing to deport illegals what would you say about Obama under whose administration a record 2 million plus were deported?  Is there a double-standard here?  Guyanese have been traveling into the US illegally for decades now. We have not been highlighted like other nationalities. Our numbers are miniscule in comparison to groups like Mexicans and Philipinos.  

Billy Ram Balgobin

Obama didn't call Mexicans rapists, criminals and bad hombres.  Trump is.

As far as Obama was concerned these people's only act was entering the USA without permission.

Trump screams that 30% of the illegal entrants are criminals, murders, rapists, etc. He further adds that a US born person, with Mexican parents, CANNOT be professional enough to do his job because of his ancestral origins.

Of course Trump has already claimed that blacks have a lazy gene, and boasts that this is why he doesn't hire them into professional slots. Even as 70% of blacks aren't poor and many middle, and even some AFFLUENT black neighborhoods exist Trump prefers to see blacks as a pathetic bunch of people who spend all day trying to kill each other. He even tweeted the lie that 85% of whites who die in homicides are murdered by blacks.

The KKK openly embraces Trump and he rewards them by making one of their core base the Chief Strategist.

Does baseman think that the KKK loves blacks? In fact they threatened to annihilate us had Trump lost.


By Baseman "Definition of treason will be enhanced to strip citizenship"

Trump should be the first to feel the full brunt of this. Never in history has there been an incident where one running for the presidency calls on another country (Russia) to hack into other Americans computers and this perp did so in front of the world.

Trump should pardon Snowden.  The citizenship I was referring to are those attained via naturalization.  If one is born here, where do you deport then if you strip them of citizenship!

In TRUMP we trust!!


Anti-semite, racist Bannon is there to burn down the establishment Republicans, and Reince Pribus is there to counter him - a bone to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Trump playing chess with the GOP.

His three most important positions (State, Defense and Attorney General) are obviously going to be interesting as there will be confirmation hearings in the Senate. Then there is the Supreme Court nomination. We're going to get some idea of Trump's direction after these moves.


Baseman how is it going now that Klansman Bannon is the Chief of Strategy?   I bet that the 8% blacks and the 29% of Hispanics who voted Trump now are the first to see how foolish that Trump made him look.

And then we see Trump busy making the Presidency part of his real estate empire, and that of his in-laws.   They will get security clearance and full access to state policy while still working in their corporations.

Already it starts.  Just now Trump will attempt to change the name from the United States of America to the United States of Trump.  You are one of his slaves so should be overjoyed that massa just bought you.

In the meantime "War Inna Babylon". Transition team in pitched battle.


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