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ba$eman posted:
FC posted:
ba$eman posted:
FC posted:

According to you Trump is responsible for the gains in the stock market.  Moron, if you are smart as you claim to be the market has discounted Trump agenda. The market s are paying very little attention to what is going on in Washington. Let me help you out, it is all about earnings. Companies that beat earnings and provide higher guidance have seen their stock prices rise. On the average companies have been beating expectations and thus the rise/gains in the market.

You are too dumb to get into the subject matter!  Stick to halaal financing!!  You are a dummy to believe a PE of 15X is all about today's earnings.  That as deep as I will get with you.  You are too dumb to start educating here!

You are a shallow twerp whose education is reading the newspaper!!

Who is talking about PE?  Your ignorance is on display. Go and Google what is a PE ratio and how it is calculated before spouting nonsense. You know shit.  Just throwing shit out and hoping it sticks and you are the smartest man on the board. Lol

You are a dummy!!  Do you think the Markets are dialing in today's declared earnings, which is based on yesterday's performance?  Banna, I don't throw shit at shit!!

Being the smartest person on the board you do have difficulties reading and understanding what you read. Go back reread what wrote. Stock prices are based on current earnings report and future guidance. I don't think you have a grasp of this basic concept.

Once again Trump agenda has stalled and it appears at this juncture that the house will not pass any of these initiatives. 




Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
ba$eman posted:
cain posted:
ba$eman posted:
FC posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump is playing hard ball.  He will stop many much needed infrastructure funds, then produce a big Trillion dollar infrastructure budget, include all the projects he cut, and include funding for the Great American Wall!!

The wall will be 16 bil out of a 1000+ Billion dollar fund!

This is a smart move by Trump!

What a clown!!! You make me laugh with your nonsense.  

I thought you were laughing at Trump just prior to Nov 6th!!  Keep laughing, and look in the mirror while you at it!  Baseman understand Trump's moves very well!  And bear in mind, Baseman is the smartest person on this board, bar none!

HAHAHAHAHAAAAA. Baseless you and Trump should shake each other's small hands.

Hey, he is president of the greatest country, and you are a nameless poster on an obscure site!!

As a nameless poster I still have much more class than that moron, regardless his position. My hands and feet are are also much larger.

Why stop at hands and feet?

FC posted:
ba$eman posted:
FC posted:
ba$eman posted:

You are too dumb to get into the subject matter!  Stick to halaal financing!!  You are a dummy to believe a PE of 15X is all about today's earnings.  That as deep as I will get with you.  You are too dumb to start educating here!

You are a shallow twerp whose education is reading the newspaper!!

Who is talking about PE?  Your ignorance is on display. Go and Google what is a PE ratio and how it is calculated before spouting nonsense. You know shit.  Just throwing shit out and hoping it sticks and you are the smartest man on the board. Lol

You are a dummy!!  Do you think the Markets are dialing in today's declared earnings, which is based on yesterday's performance?  Banna, I don't throw shit at shit!!

Being the smartest person on the board you do have difficulties reading and understanding what you read. Go back reread what wrote. Stock prices are based on current earnings report and future guidance. I don't think you have a grasp of this basic concept.

Once again Trump agenda has stalled and it appears at this juncture that the house will not pass any of these initiatives.


FC - A short helicopter view:

FC - If earnings is $1.95, why is the stock at $43?

For example, suppose that a company is currently trading at $43 a share and its earnings over the last 12 months were $1.95 per share. The P/E ratio for the stock could then be calculated as 43/1.95, or 22.05.

FC, it's all about expectations, not what's in the bag!

A stock with a high P/E ratio suggests that investors are expecting higher earnings growth in the future compared to the overall market, as investors are paying more for today's earnings in anticipation of future earnings growth.

FC - The very basics of the Markets for Industrials

The relationship between a company's earnings and its stock price can be complicated. High profits don't necessarily mean a high stock price, and big losses don't always lead to a low stock price. Of course, without earnings it is hard for companies to stay in business for long. You could say that two of the major factors that influence stock price are current earnings and promise of future earnings.

FC: there are other more complex measures to gauge a company however, PE under US GAAP (US Listed) is the broadest of measures.  Banks, etc used price-to-book, etc while others use EBITDA, Discounted CF/FCF, etc, and traditional Industrials and analyst also use them to triangulate with PE on earnings quality!

There are also technical indicators which could move the markets in the short term.  Furthermore, interest rates are a big factor.  Higher rates create competition with dividend yields and may pressure the FCF of highly leveraged companies bringing the markets down!

FC: The Trump effect - Lower taxes means higher FCF, as such, richer dividends.  Furthermore, it creates headroom in the operating P&L which makes hiring easier!  Added, Trumps plan on Infrastructure has created a ballooning in the valuation of languishing bricks and mortar companies.  These factor are the underpinnings of the broad rally in the Stock Markets under Trump, especially that inflation remains tempered!


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