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An extended and confrontational debate could reopen doubts about Mr. Trump’s candidacy and cast a shadow over what is supposed to be a triumphant moment of party unity.


The prospect of multiple delegate votes with unknown outcomes and unforeseeable consequences is something Mr. Trump’s campaign and Mr. Priebus are intent on preventing. What is ordinarily a carefully choreographed event — planned to conform neatly to the prime-time schedules of the television networks — could slip into chaos.

Still, the chance that Mr. Trump’s opponents could muster enough support to deny him the nomination is remote. The biggest hazard that Mr. Trump and the leaders of the Republican National Committee are trying to contain is how messy the process could become — and how much damage Mr. Trump’s campaign could sustain.

Starting on Thursday morning, delegates will begin to debate a series of proposals to change the party’s rules. Those proposed changes could include a provision that would allow delegates to vote their consciences in selecting the Republican presidential nominee, instead of voting in accordance with the outcomes of the primaries and caucuses in their states, as most state party rules require.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

So let's see

Night 1:


Senator Cotton, Mr. Giuliani, Melania Trump, Ms. Ernst and others.

Night 2:

The economy

Mr. White, president of the U.F.C.

Asa Hutchinson, the governor of Arkansas

Michael Mukasey, the former United States attorney general

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a vice-presidential possibility

Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader

Tiffany Trump

Donald Trump Jr.

Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin.


Night 3:

Ms. Bondi

Ms. Collins

Newt Gingrich, a former House speaker

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas

Eric Trump

Ms. Gulbis

The nominee for vice president.


Night 4:

Mr. Tebow

Representative Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee

Gov. Mary Fallin of Oklahoma

Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman

Gov. Rick Scott of Florida

Mr. Thiel; Mr. Barrack

Ivanka Trump

Donald J. Trump.


Absent from the list are these three, one of whom will be Trump's running mate:

Gov Chris Christie of New Kersey

Gov Mike Pence of Indiana

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich


As reported earlier Mike Pence's name has been leaked as the VP nominee.


RiffRaff posted:

sounds like a snoozefest

Slated to be one of the most watched events in American history, Trump and the GOP has to play this right.  The VP has to make a smash like Sara Palin did but build on it thereafter!

Pense needs to come out swinging and on fire and Trump throttle back and get somewhat substantive.  Switch roles for a little give [crooked] Hilary a bit of shock therapy!

With the polls holding up, Trump needs to maintain his appeal and let Pense and the GOP broaden the message. Trump has provided the GOP with a solid launch pad, they need to embrace him and build out!  It's a workable model!

ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

sounds like a snoozefest

Slated to be one of the most watched events in American history, Trump and the GOP has to play this right.  The VP has to make a smash like Sara Palin did but build on it thereafter!

Pense needs to come out swinging and on fire and Trump throttle back and get somewhat substantive.  Switch roles for a little give [crooked] Hilary a bit of shock therapy!

With the polls holding up, Trump needs to maintain his appeal and let Pense and the GOP broaden the message. Trump has provided the GOP with a solid launch pad, they need to embrace him and build out!  It's a workable model!

Regarding Sarah Palin ....

From the article

The Republican Party wants America to forget that Sarah Palin was once their vice presidential nominee.

Palin has been dumped by Trump. The GOP can try to erase Sarah Palin, but the seeds she sowed in 2008 have grown into the nomination of Donald Trump.

Republicans are trying to forget, but the American people will always remember that living monument to Republican incompetence that is Sarah Palin.


Trump Dumps Sarah Palin By Not Giving Her Speaking Slot At The Republican Convention

Donald Trump released his list of speakers for the Republican convention, and one name was notably missing. Despite the fact that she has been campaigning for him as a surrogate, Sarah Palin will not be speaking at the Republican convention.

Trump Dumps Sarah Palin By Not Giving Her Speaking Slot At The Republican Convention

Donald Trump released his list of speakers for the Republican convention, and one name was notably missing. Despite the fact that she has been campaigning for him as a surrogate, Sarah Palin will not be speaking at the Republican convention.

Here is the list of speakers at Trump’s convention via a Trump press release:

Pastor Mark Burns
Phil Ruffin
Congressman Ryan Zinke
Pat Smith
Mark Geist
John Tiegen
Congressman Michael McCaul
Sheriff David Clarke
Congressman Sean Duffy
Darryl Glenn
Senator Tom Cotton
Karen Vaughn
Governor Mike Huckabee
Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Melania Trump
Senator Joni Ernst
Kathryn Gates-Skipper
Marcus Luttrell
Dana White
Governor Asa Hutchinson
Attorney General Leslie Rutledge
Michael Mukasey
Andy Wist
Senator Jeff Sessions
Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
Alex Smith
Speaker Paul Ryan
Congressman Kevin McCarthy
Kerry Woolard .
Senator Shelley Moore Capito
Dr. Ben Carson
Co-Chair Sharon Day
Natalie Gulbis
Kimberlin Brown
Antonio Sabato, Jr.
Peter Thiel
Eileen Collins
Senator Ted Cruz
Newt Gingrich
Michelle Van Etten
Lynne Patton
Eric Trump
Harold Hamm
Congressman Chris Collins
Brock Mealer
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn
Governor Mary Fallin
Darrell Scott
Lisa Shin
Governor Rick Scott
Chairman Reince Priebus
Tom Barrack
Ivanka Trump
Attorney General Pam Bondi
Jerry Falwell Jr.
Rabbi Haskel Lookstein
Chris Cox
Senator Mitch McConnell
Tiffany Trump
Governor Chris Christie
Donald J. Trump Jr.
Governor Scott Walker

The Trump convention contains the usual rogues gallery of the far right Republican Party, the congressional leadership of the party (McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy), no big sports stars (a.k.a. sports winners as Trump demanded), the failed tea party governors (Christie, Walker, Scott), and lots of Trump family.

However, the one name that is missing is Sarah Palin. The former half-term quitter governor of Alaska was expected to make her return to the Republican convention after her loud support throughout the primary of Trump. Plus, being that Trump was desperate for name figures to speak at his convention, Palin looked like a lock.

The fact that she remains left out of the convention demonstrates how the Republican Party is still exerting a degree of control over Trump. There was no Sarah Palin, Mike Tyson, or any of Trump’s other zany ideas were on the list released by the RNC.

The Republican Party wants America to forget that Sarah Palin was once their vice presidential nominee.

Palin has been dumped by Trump. The GOP can try to erase Sarah Palin, but the seeds she sowed in 2008 have grown into the nomination of Donald Trump.

Republicans are trying to forget, but the American people will always remember that living monument to Republican incompetence that is Sarah Palin.

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:

WTR Kari.....Absent three, I see Newt on on night 3!

My it's down to the leaked name of Pence and lapdog fatboy

Its Pence.  Fatboy will shortly be damaged goods as the Bridgegate scandal is growing wings.

Funny that most often the VP is seen as some one who can broaden the base.  Fatboy cannot as NJ hates him.  Pence is from IN, which will never go Dem.

So what will the VP candidate do?


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