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Charles Blow of the N Y Times in today's Op-Ed

Donald Trump is the candidate who is so rigid in his perverted self-righteousness that he doesn’t “like to have to ask for forgiveness.” He says he has never even sought forgiveness from God, the divine author and inspiration of his favorite book, from which he struggled to name a favorite verse.

But Donald Trump actually expressed some “regret” last week, saying:

“Sometimes, in the heat of debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that. And believe it or not, I regret it. And I do regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain.”

Precisely what does Trump regret?

Does he regret his comments on Megyn Kelly and the issue of blood coming out of her “wherever”? Does he regret retweeting messages calling her a bimbo?

Does he regret attacking a Gold Star family?

Does he regret making fun of one of my colleagues with a disability?

Does he regret comparing Ben Carson’s temper to the incurable pathology of a child molester?

Does he regret suggesting that Ted Cruz’s father associated with John F. Kennedy’s assassin?

What, exactly, does he regret? There are so many things from which to choose.

I don’t believe, even for a nanosecond, that he regrets the personal impact of what he has said on anyone besides himself.

I believe that he only regrets that what he has said has not worked well for him in the general election portion of the campaign. That is the difference between regret as an act of public contrition and regret as an expression of personal disappointment in one’s own flagging fortunes.



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continued from above..................

I believe that Trump regrets that, as Lindsey Graham put it last week, “People are getting pretty nervous about our candidates because he’s in a death spiral here and nobody knows where the bottom is at.” Trump’s “regret” is just a cynical ploy to set a bottom and bounce back.

But it will take more than the 75-plus remaining days of this campaign to disassemble what it took 70 years of his life to build.

He is who he is.

This fragile narcissist, who is a sort of bottomless pit of emotional need and affirmation, is easily injured by even the slightest confrontation.

He is a man who has said of himself, “I have no friends, as far as I’m concerned,” as he joked that it would be easy to get big money out of politics. But that claim is worrisome, a thing that only a bully would say.

Yes, he can work a crowd, work a screen and work a Twitter account. He can channel anger, hatred and bigotry and give it a voice and face and standing. He can make bombast feel like bravado. He can lower discourse and raise the rabble.

He has the gifts of a grifter.

The problem is that, at the moment, those gifts are proving to be woefully insufficient as he continues to face horrible polling results and other Republican officials begin to reek of fear, panic and impending peril.

Furthermore, his team is being remade in the fourth quarter, as reports of corruption begin to swirl. Last week his campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, resigned after The Associated Press reported:

“A firm run by Donald Trump’s campaign chairman directly orchestrated a covert Washington lobbying operation on behalf of Ukraine’s ruling political party, attempting to sway American public opinion in favor of the country’s pro-Russian government, emails obtained by The Associated Press show. Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, never disclosed their work as foreign agents as required under federal law.”

The report continued:

“The lobbying included attempts to gain positive press coverage of Ukrainian officials in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Associated Press. Another goal: undercutting American public sympathy for the imprisoned rival of Ukraine’s then-president. At the time, European and American leaders were pressuring Ukraine to free her.”

This email controversy, coming from the same campaign trying to make hay of Hillary Clinton’s email controversy. Oh, the irony.

Trump thinks of himself as a great man — that is the premise of his entire sales pitch, that America has faltered and can only be made great again by the Midas touch of his tiny hands — but if current trends continue and he suffers a staggering loss on Election Day, his ego will be forever injured as he is assigned to history not as a great man but as a great disaster, a cautionary tale of what comes of a party that picks a con man as its frontman.

Trump’s recitation of regret wasn’t so much a ruthless Saul to Apostle Paul transformation as an inverted Jekyll and Hyde monstrous illusion.

There is something rotten at the core of this man that no length of script or turn of phrase can ameliorate.


"Furthermore, his team is being remade in the fourth quarter, as reports of corruption begin to swirl. Last week his campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, resigned after The Associated Press reported:

A firm run by Donald Trump’s campaign chairman directly orchestrated a covert Washington lobbying operation on behalf of Ukraine’s ruling political party, attempting to sway American public opinion in favor of the country’s pro-Russian government, emails obtained by The Associated Press show. Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, never disclosed their work as foreign agents as required under federal law.”

The report continued:

“The lobbying included attempts to gain positive press coverage of Ukrainian officials in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Associated Press. Another goal: undercutting American public sympathy for the imprisoned rival of Ukraine’s then-president. At the time, European and American leaders were pressuring Ukraine to free her.”

This email controversy, coming from the same campaign trying to make hay of Hillary Clinton’s email controversy. Oh, the irony."


Poor/Rich Trump.


Now, how about Hillary's regrets:

Brushing off the calls for help from Benghazi resulting in American deaths.

Voting for the Iraq war resulting in almost 1 mil Iraqi deaths and over 4k US

Pushing the intervention in Libya creating sheer Chaos

Sit back and allow Syria to descend into anarchy and allow the creation of ISIS.  Then abandoning Iraq to ISIS.

And the list goes on....

Are these deep or hallow regrets, But then again "What difference does it make", as long as I'm president!!

ba$eman posted:

Now, how about Hillary's regrets:

Brushing off the calls for help from Benghazi resulting in American deaths.

Voting for the Iraq war resulting in almost 1 mil Iraqi deaths and over 4k US

Pushing the intervention in Libya creating sheer Chaos

Sit back and allow Syria to descend into anarchy and allow the creation of ISIS.  Then abandoning Iraq to ISIS.

And the list goes on....

Are these deep or hallow regrets, But then again "What difference does it make", as long as I'm president!!

 Ba$eman, you make statements without substantiating them.

The Libyan intervention was called for on a bipartisan basis when there was an imminent threat of genocide of thousands if America did not intervene and stop it. It was not about regime change. That came later and by the rebels themselves.

I already addressed in another thread about the security regimen in a CONSULATE (as opposed to an EMBASSY which is much more fortified).

Yes, she voted for the Iraq war - like so many Democrats who laid supine, and Hillary paid for that in 2008.

You have failed to understand how ISIS was formed and how to send US troops to win and to stay on as Administrators - Iraq 2.0

I do blame Obama for not doing other things though Kerry is trying with the Russians and Iranians on a settlement with Assad. But America is between a rock and a hard place.

Last edited by Kari
ba$eman posted:


Voting for the Iraq war resulting in almost 1 mil Iraqi deaths and over 4k US

Pushing the intervention in Libya creating sheer Chaos


These don't matter as this was what the GOP wanted, and in fact did do or demand to be done. 

The anti war Dems aren't voting for Trump, and will in fact vote Hillary just because she isn't Trump.

Benghazi has been done to death.  Those who think its important were never Hillary people, so again of no significance.

Its a fact that Trump will get at least 45% of the votes in key states, for no reason other than the fact that he is the GOP nominee.

Its the 5% swing vote group who are the ones who decide.  Most are now quite alarmed by The Donald, and unless he does very well in the debates, will vote Hillary.  And the vulgarity or dismissive attitude that Trump brought to the primary debates isn't going to work against a seasoned debater like Hillary.

Kari posted:

continued from above..................

I believe that Trump regrets that, as Lindsey Graham put it last week, “People are getting pretty nervous about our candidates because he’s in a death spiral here and nobody knows where the bottom is at.” Trump’s “regret” is just a cynical ploy to set a bottom and bounce back.

But it will take more than the 75-plus remaining days of this campaign to disassemble what it took 70 years of his life to build.

He is who he is.

This fragile narcissist, who is a sort of bottomless pit of emotional need and affirmation, is easily injured by even the slightest confrontation.

He is a man who has said of himself, “I have no friends, as far as I’m concerned,” as he joked that it would be easy to get big money out of politics. But that claim is worrisome, a thing that only a bully would say.

Yes, he can work a crowd, work a screen and work a Twitter account. He can channel anger, hatred and bigotry and give it a voice and face and standing. He can make bombast feel like bravado. He can lower discourse and raise the rabble.

He has the gifts of a grifter.

The problem is that, at the moment, those gifts are proving to be woefully insufficient as he continues to face horrible polling results and other Republican officials begin to reek of fear, panic and impending peril.

Furthermore, his team is being remade in the fourth quarter, as reports of corruption begin to swirl. Last week his campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, resigned after The Associated Press reported:

“A firm run by Donald Trump’s campaign chairman directly orchestrated a covert Washington lobbying operation on behalf of Ukraine’s ruling political party, attempting to sway American public opinion in favor of the country’s pro-Russian government, emails obtained by The Associated Press show. Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, never disclosed their work as foreign agents as required under federal law.”

The report continued:

“The lobbying included attempts to gain positive press coverage of Ukrainian officials in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Associated Press. Another goal: undercutting American public sympathy for the imprisoned rival of Ukraine’s then-president. At the time, European and American leaders were pressuring Ukraine to free her.”

This email controversy, coming from the same campaign trying to make hay of Hillary Clinton’s email controversy. Oh, the irony.

Trump thinks of himself as a great man — that is the premise of his entire sales pitch, that America has faltered and can only be made great again by the Midas touch of his tiny hands — but if current trends continue and he suffers a staggering loss on Election Day, his ego will be forever injured as he is assigned to history not as a great man but as a great disaster, a cautionary tale of what comes of a party that picks a con man as its frontman.

Trump’s recitation of regret wasn’t so much a ruthless Saul to Apostle Paul transformation as an inverted Jekyll and Hyde monstrous illusion.

There is something rotten at the core of this man that no length of script or turn of phrase can ameliorate.

u gonna certainly shyte urself when Trump becomes THE PRESIDENT. The man has alot of charm u ain't seen yet.

seignet posted:

u gonna certainly shyte urself when Trump becomes THE PRESIDENT. The man has alot of charm u ain't seen yet.

I know that you long for the return of slavery so that white bigots can lash your brown behind, but that isn't happening.

This is Hillary's race to lose. I am not saying that she isn't capable of losing, but all this media attention on Trump has made an indelible impact on the voters, and beyond a 40%, it isn't good.  I have never seen an election when so many of a party are blatantly, and vocally hostile to their candidate.


Any Black/Indian or other nationality backing someone like a Trump is a moron, period. They deserve whatever is meted out to them by that sleazy white man.

Last edited by cain
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:


Voting for the Iraq war resulting in almost 1 mil Iraqi deaths and over 4k US

Pushing the intervention in Libya creating sheer Chaos


These don't matter as this was what the GOP wanted,

So Hillary did what the GOP Establishment wanted, wow.  Isn't this a golden nugget quote for Trump!  This is proof that Hillary votes on political convenience!


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