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WASHINGTON, April 13 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday he had ordered "precision strikes" on Syrian in retaliation for the suspected poison gas attack that killed at least 60 people on April 7.
"A short time ago, I ordered the United States Armed Forces to launch precision strikes on targets associated with the chemical weapons capabilities of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad," Trump said in a televised address from the White House.

This is a developing news story. Please check back for updates. 


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Arms attack are unacceptable; whether it is the simple matter between two individuals or escalating to issues between countries.

While chemical weapons were banned in 1899 and 1907, the United States never accepted this approach but proceeded independently to actively develop its chemical weapons basically from 1917 to about 1990 when the convention provided for the cessation on the production of such weapons.

There are still chemical weapons which the United States have, ( about 90% destroyed ) and it is estimated that, hopefully, the weapons will be destroyed/decommissioned by 2023.

Prince posted:

WASHINGTON, April 13 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday he had ordered "precision strikes" on Syrian in retaliation for the suspected poison gas attack that killed at least 60 people on April 7.
"A short time ago, I ordered the United States Armed Forces to launch precision strikes on targets associated with the chemical weapons capabilities of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad," Trump said in a televised address from the White House.

This is a developing news story. Please check back for updates. 

Of note ... suspected, suspected, suspected.

There is a profound difference between ... suspected and definite.

One needs to remember the issues of Iraq when the United States ( under George W. Bush ) and Britain ( under Tony Blair ) falsely stated that the country has weapons of mass destruction and thus invaded the country.


I have to stand on the side of those poor children who were attacked by suspected chemical weapons. I cannot understand how anyone can do things like that to others, much less children. Whoever was responsible for the attack or even if the images are part of any fake news, this conflict has been going on for too long now. While I am no fan of Trump (I truly think he is a big buffoon), I am perfectly okay with last night's air strikes as it may generate some changes in the direction of that conflict. The time for relief for the suffering citizens of Syria is way overdue.

ksazma posted:

I have to stand on the side of those poor children who were attacked by suspected chemical weapons. I cannot understand how anyone can do things like that to others, much less children. Whoever was responsible for the attack or even if the images are part of any fake news, this conflict has been going on for too long now. While I am no fan of Trump (I truly think he is a big buffoon), I am perfectly okay with last night's air strikes as it may generate some changes in the direction of that conflict. The time for relief for the suffering citizens of Syria is way overdue.

Totally agree. Bai Ksaz, It's not ok to kill your citizens with poisonous gas. Is it ok to mass kill your citizens for no reason with other weapons like bombs. Where are the voices of "reason" when innocent children, men, and women are bombed to pieces for the simple reason of a different political or religious philosophy?


There is still doubt who actually did it, if done at all.  The Syrians have won the war, why would the revert to such means knowing the consequences.  They had already secured a surrender of Douma.  

I believe this is the work of vengeful ISISians angry over their defeat!

The West is conflicted thus the very limited response.

But I believe dem ISISians guh regroup and do hit and run action. 

Baseman posted:

There is still doubt who actually did it, if done at all.  The Syrians have won the war, why would the revert to such means knowing the consequences.  They had already secured a surrender of Douma.  

I believe this is the work of vengeful ISISians angry over their defeat!

The West is conflicted thus the very limited response.

But I believe dem ISISians guh regroup and do hit and run action. 

Does ISIS have the airborne hardware to disperse such weapons? I doubt it was ISIS. Hey, Assad can say Israel did it too. 


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