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Former Member

Trump says he, Kim Jong Un ‘fell in love’ after North Korean leader wrote him ‘beautiful letters’

September 30, 2018 8:57 am,

While speaking at a rally in West Virginia for Republican Senate candidate and state attorney general Patrick Morrisey, Trump told the roaring crowd that he and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un “fell in love.”

“We are doing great. That was a big, big problem,” Trump told the crowd. “I was really being tough and so was he, and we would go back and forth. And then we fell in love. No, really. He wrote me beautiful letters.”

READ MORE: Trump uses Kavanaugh as a rallying cry for midterm elections in West Virginia

Trump reiterated to the crowd that Obama told him a year and a half ago when he took office that North Korea was the single biggest threat to the United States. The current president added that he had addressed the issue.

Trump also joked about the criticism he would get from the news media for making a comment some would consider “unpresidential” and for being so positive about the North Korean leader.

“Why has President Trump given up so much?” Trump said in a mock “news anchor” voice. “I didn’t give up anything.”

Trump has openly lauded the North Korean leader since the two hosted a summit in June to discuss North Korea’s nuclear arsenal. This past Tuesday, Trump thanked Kim for his “courage” at the UN General Assembly.

“I would like to thank Chairman Kim for his courage and for the steps he has taken, though much work remains to be done,” he said.

More than three months after the June summit in Singapore, North Korea’s top diplomat, Ri Yong Ho, told world leaders at the UN General Assembly on Saturday that his country hasn’t seen a “corresponding response” from the U.S. to North Korea’s early disarmament moves. Instead, he noted, the U.S. is continuing sanctions aimed at keeping up pressure on North Korea.

READ MORE: North Korea says it won’t disarm nuclear weapons if it can’t trust Washington

Trump took a much more optimistic view in his rally speech.

“We’re doing great with North Korea,” he said. “We were going to war with North Korea. Millions of people would have been killed. Now we have this great relationship.”

—With files from the Associated Press

Replies sorted oldest to newest

“I was really being tough and so was he, and we would go back and forth. And then we fell in love. No, really. He wrote me beautiful letters.”

Image result for Trump and Kim Jong Un fell in love, caricatures

Eh eh, he fell in love with the letters.


Diaper_Guy, are you jealous he did not fall in love with you?

How come you miss the new USMCA announcement this morning?   That is BIG news for all parties, not in the least, Canada.  

Imagine paying lil less for milk?  I was surprised, do you know Canada 🇨🇦 milk is more expensive than Swiss milk?

Baseman posted:

Diaper_Guy, are you jealous he did not fall in love with you?

How come you miss the new USMCA announcement this morning?   That is BIG news for all parties, not in the least, Canada.  

Imagine paying lil less for milk?  I was surprised, do you know Canada 🇨🇦 milk is more expensive than Swiss milk?

Baseman, perhaps your most important monikers are ...

- Rasshoman

- Busshoman

- Wastelesshoman

- Classlesshoman

- Panteehoman

- Gasfulhoman

- Etc., etc., etc..


Alyuh don’t make fun of the man. Look how he sealed the deal with Canada nice boy.  He will get the deal done with NK.  Had it not been for China meddling in NK, we would have been further along.  

Second summit soon.  Look for some deal signing.  NK major military concession and US, a peace treaty and major economic incentives.


It is obvious that Trump loves strong men.  I think that Justin needs to "man up" to get respect.  He seems to have compromised Canada's argument over the former NAFTA. The same goes for Macron who is another pretty boy.

Pity that the UK and Germany are led by ageing women too old to have anything that Trump will want to grab.

So that leave Kim, Putin and other strong men. Trump was also in love with Qaddafi and Saddam.

Baseman posted:

Alyuh don’t make fun of the man. Look how he sealed the deal with Canada nice boy.  

Poor Justin discovered that he needs the USA (responsible for 25% of Canada's economy) but Trump doesn't need him.

Justin needs to go and shoot down some dissidents and arrest others and then next time he will get a better deal.

Before you celebrate just understand that this dairy business benefits few.  Please note that it will not be Chinese companies which will pay tariffs but US. And just in time for Xmas when the higher tariffs will be passed on to the US consumer.  China is such a large exporter that they control much of the industrial supply chain.

And as to NK, now that Kim has a wife in the White House he no longer needs to engage in theatrics.  In any case it was SK which did most of the work.  They calmed down NK before Trump fell in love.  Now Trump awaits with baited breath the next love letter from NK.  Another love tryst is being arranged.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Alyuh don’t make fun of the man. Look how he sealed the deal with Canada nice boy.  

Poor Justin discovered that he needs the USA (responsible for 25% of Canada's economy) but Trump doesn't need him.

Justin needs to go and shoot down some dissidents and arrest others and then next time he will get a better deal.

Before you celebrate just understand that this dairy business benefits few.  Please note that it will not be Chinese companies which will pay tariffs but US. And just in time for Xmas when the higher tariffs will be passed on to the US consumer.  China is such a large exporter that they control much of the industrial supply chain.

And as to NK, now that Kim has a wife in the White House he no longer needs to engage in theatrics.  In any case it was SK which did most of the work.  They calmed down NK before Trump fell in love.  Now Trump awaits with baited breath the next love letter from NK.  Another love tryst is being arranged.

You should hold off posting when you are drunk!

caribny posted:

It is obvious that Trump loves strong men.  I think that Justin needs to "man up" to get respect.  He seems to have compromised Canada's argument over the former NAFTA. The same goes for Macron who is another pretty boy.

Pity that the UK and Germany are led by ageing women too old to have anything that Trump will want to grab.

So that leave Kim, Putin and other strong men. Trump was also in love with Qaddafi and Saddam.

Canada got a good deal.  The minimum wage rule dampens the rush to cheap labor, so Canada benefits!  Milk in Canada is more expensive than milk in Switzerland.  Canadian will benefit greatly.


Baseman I saw a summary of this new agreement. Props to Justin who made Trump cave in by forcing him to accept Canada's dispute resolution process.  US dairy farmers now will get 3.75% instead of 3.25% of Canada's dairy markets.

Apparently Justin isnt a mere pretty boy after all.

Amral posted:

I think Trump may want a piece of Kim's wife to seal a deal

Melania has gone solo to Africa for a week, Kim is free to visit the White House and even sleep in Trump's bed. That's a cold bed.

kp posted:
Amral posted:

I think Trump may want a piece of Kim's wife to seal a deal

Melania has gone solo to Africa for a week, Kim is free to visit the White House and even sleep in Trump's bed. That's a cold bed.

Alyuh two think of woman as sex chattel to be tossed around among powerful men.  Woman have a lot more depth than that!

Shame on you!

Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Amral posted:

I think Trump may want a piece of Kim's wife to seal a deal

Melania has gone solo to Africa for a week, Kim is free to visit the White House and even sleep in Trump's bed. That's a cold bed.

Alyuh two think of woman as sex chattel to be tossed around among powerful men.  Woman have a lot more depth than that!

Shame on you!

Look who talking, start by showing some respect to the women on GNI.

kp posted:
Baseman posted:

Alyuh two think of woman as sex chattel to be tossed around among powerful men.  Woman have a lot more depth than that!

Shame on you!

Look who talking, start by showing some respect to the women on GNI.

Which, who?

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

Melania has gone solo to Africa for a week, Kim is free to visit the White House and even sleep in Trump's bed.

More homo erotic fantasies from dis nasty old racist, dribbling over the thought of trump and kim in bed. sheer antiman shit.

Iguana posted:
kp posted:

Melania has gone solo to Africa for a week, Kim is free to visit the White House and even sleep in Trump's bed.

More homo erotic fantasies from dis nasty old racist, dribbling over the thought of trump and kim in bed. sheer antiman shit.

Gay Guana, like I touch a nerve. Tell the truth ,you came on GNI looking for a man, playing alter boy, go in the corner and bend over somebody might show up.

kp posted:
Iguana posted:
kp posted:

Melania has gone solo to Africa for a week, Kim is free to visit the White House and even sleep in Trump's bed.

More homo erotic fantasies from dis nasty old racist, dribbling over the thought of trump and kim in bed. sheer antiman shit.

Gay Guana, like I touch a nerve. Tell the truth ,you came on GNI looking for a man, playing alter boy, go in the corner and bend over somebody might show up.

More gay shit from de King of Posteriors (KP)

Iguana posted:
kp posted:
Iguana posted:
kp posted:

Melania has gone solo to Africa for a week, Kim is free to visit the White House and even sleep in Trump's bed.

More homo erotic fantasies from dis nasty old racist, dribbling over the thought of trump and kim in bed. sheer antiman shit.

Gay Guana, like I touch a nerve. Tell the truth ,you came on GNI looking for a man, playing alter boy, go in the corner and bend over somebody might show up.

More gay shit from de King of Posteriors (KP)

Are you still bending, stick around later someone might show up, GG

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

It is obvious that Trump loves strong men.  I think that Justin needs to "man up" to get respect.  He seems to have compromised Canada's argument over the former NAFTA. The same goes for Macron who is another pretty boy.

Pity that the UK and Germany are led by ageing women too old to have anything that Trump will want to grab.

So that leave Kim, Putin and other strong men. Trump was also in love with Qaddafi and Saddam.

Canada got a good deal.  The minimum wage rule dampens the rush to cheap labor, so Canada benefits!  Milk in Canada is more expensive than milk in Switzerland.  Canadian will benefit greatly.

Canada has stringent laws pertaining to foods,drinks, this in itself is a cost.


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