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Donald Trump likens immigrants to a poisonous snake that bites the person who lets it in

Donald Trump - fighting for a clean sweep on Tuesday in primaries that could secure him the Republican nomination - likened immigrants to the US to a deadly snake that bites the person who shows it kindness.

Speaking in a private hangar at Youngstown airport, the Republican frontrunner underscored his staunch position on immigration, vowing to build one wall along the US border with Mexico to keep Central Americans out, and one in Syria to keep Isis in.


β€œWe have to make sure who we’re letting in,” he said, to cheers from his supporters.

Towards the end of a 35 minute speech delivered in front of perhaps 2,000 people, Mr Trump recited a poem that told the story of all snake who is taken into her home by a kindly woman. The snake is nursed back to health but then delivers a poisonous bite to its host.

The dying woman asks the snake why it has acted like this given that she has helped it. Mr Trump - delivering the snake’s response - concluded: β€œYou knew I was a snake before you took me in.”

Mr Trump is looking for big wins in Illinois, Florida, North Carolina, Missouri, and Ohio, all of which are holding primaries on Tuesday.

Yet it may be here in Ohio that becomes the most important battleground. If the state’s governor, John Kasich, wins the state and its haul of delegates, it would be impossible for Mr Trump to secure the Republican nomination before the party’s convention in July.

Given the billionaire’s unpopularity among the Republican establishment, it is likely that unless he has a clear majority of delegates going into the convention, he could face a challenge for the nomination from another candidate.

baseman posted:

True, some immigrants come, do well and loyalties lie somewhere else.  I have no issue with one being Democrat or Rep or Independent.  But when you are rooting for terrorists and external forces, dancing in the streets at destruction in the US, cuss out Whites, Afro-Americans, etc, then you are a poisonous snake!!

Trump is right.......again!!


Them poor Mexicans are now terrorists I see

baseman posted:
RiffRaff posted:
baseman posted:

True, some immigrants come, do well and loyalties lie somewhere else.  I have no issue with one being Democrat or Rep or Independent.  But when you are rooting for terrorists and external forces, dancing in the streets at destruction in the US, cuss out Whites, Afro-Americans, etc, then you are a poisonous snake!!

Trump is right.......again!!


Them poor Mexicans are now terrorists I see

Illegal immigrants are breaking the law!!

They are also good for the economy...

Anyway, I think Drump full of poop...he is all talk and would not do anything he said he is going to do....

Just a fat ,orange, big mouth, bad comb over idiot....but you are free to support the ignorant and stupid...after all, it's America


There are over 11 million of illegals here...most of them are doing 100% better than they were in their country...they support families back home...they are not rapists and thieves like YOU TRUMP supporters claim!

US has always been home for the downtrodden, maybe you need to read the quote at the Statue of Liberty....they come here for an opportunity, some of them succeed, some of them don't...just like how citizens succeed and fail...

They are not thieves, rapists and snakes like how you racist Drumph supporters believe....


Last edited by Former Member

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  • #LoveTrumpsHate at Good Morning America
    Good Morning America @ ABC Studios
    New York, NY 10036
    Wednesday, March 16, 6:30 AM
    Description: After the votes from Tuesday's presidential primaries are counted, the news media Wednesday will be non-stop election coverage--likely focused on Donald Trump, whether he wins big as predicted in Tuesday's primaries or not. If we gather in beautiful, diverse, loving, and peaceful numbers--100 strong or more--in Times Square at 6:30 a.m. Wednesday morning, we'll be seen by the cameras on Good Morning America and we, not Donald Trump, will be the indelible image greeting millions of Americans starting their day. Trump is peddling hate, racism, and violence. We're standing up peacefully for our dignity, for love, and against racism and violence. Will you join us Wednesday morning at 6:30 a.m. in Times Square? We'll gather at 6:30 a.m. outside the Good Morning American studios in Times Square, at Broadway and W. 44th St., on the SE corner, and stay until taping ends at 8:00 a.m. By RSVPing for this event, you are committing to act non-violently and in accordance with the law.
      Not Ray Mohamed? Click here.
      baseman posted:
      RiffRaff posted:

      There are over 11 million of illegals here...most of them are doing 100% better than they were in their country...they support families back home...they are not rapists and thieves like YOU TRUMP supporters claim!

      US has always been home for the downtrodden, maybe you need to read the quote at the Statue of Liberty....they come here for an opportunity, some of them succeed, some of them don't...just like how citizens succeed and fail...

      They are not thieves, rapists and snakes like how you racist Drumph supporters believe....


      You are warped in your logic.  It's not a matter where they came from, but how they live here.  This is America, not Mexico or Guatemala!

      The fact they support their families, again is not the litmus test!

      The fact that the US is home for the downtrodden, again is not the test.  Most downtrodden do come legal!!  Illegal means you will be downtrodden.  You come legal and take the opportunities, not illegal and end up exploited!!

      I don't know what they are or are not as many are illegal and do get snared into a life of crime, drugs and prostitution, not of their choosing!!

      But then again, maybe that's how you like it!!

      WHy Did Reagan give amnesty?


      Donald Trump is a businessman. Businessmen think profits NOT people. They would do and say anything to meet their goals. At least you have to give Donald credit for single handedly destroying  the Republican Party, and some in the TEA PARTY..If Donald wins the election, he would not olny OWN AND CONTROL AMERICANS but add AMERICA as one of this new assets at least for the next 5 years. PRAY FOR AMERICA MY FRIENDS - PRAY. 

      Last edited by Former Member

      America went and bomb Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya  and destabilize the entire region, leaving millions without homes, no food, no clean water no life, YET they refuse to accept any refugees. Canada has accepted 50,000 refugees and in process to bring another 50,000.  Trump uses foreign workers at his hotels, his brand name shirts and tie are manufactured in China, he was bankrupt 4 times, he was using the mafia to supply cement when building the Trump tower. So tell me that's the kind of heartless Hitler you want to lead you. You better be blue eyed, white person to live in Trump's World, so Baseman and Cobra and others you don't fit those requirements ,you are in the same group as the Mexicans.

      RiffRaff posted:

      There are over 11 million of illegals here...most of them are doing 100% better than they were in their country...they support families back home...they are not rapists and thieves like YOU TRUMP supporters claim!

      US has always been home for the downtrodden, maybe you need to read the quote at the Statue of Liberty....they come here for an opportunity, some of them succeed, some of them don't...just like how citizens succeed and fail...

      They are not thieves, rapists and snakes like how you racist Drumph supporters believe....


      Ronald Reagan granted amnesty. Illegal immigrants were cleared. Now 11 million illegals got into the states since the last amnesty. If it keeps up, America will not be a safe place for no one. Not because there are illegals, but instead the whole governing of the country would collapse. Ofcourse yuh might not be around to witness it. However, I am certain we all will be leaving behind relatives to live in that chaos. Disasters begets more disasters. 

      baseman posted:

      . Afro-Americans, .

      Trump is right.......again!!


      Trump cusses out blacks, telling his KKK white supremacist goons to attack them and insult even those blacks who support the GOP.

      You cuss out blacks as well, screaming their violence, and welfare dependency and pretending as if those who don't like Carson (over 95% of them) are wrong.

      kp posted:

      America went and bomb Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya  and destabilize the entire region, leaving millions without homes, no food, no clean water no life, YET they refuse to accept any refugees. Canada has accepted 50,000 refugees and in process to bring another 50,000.  Trump uses foreign workers at his hotels, his brand name shirts and tie are manufactured in China, he was bankrupt 4 times, he was using the mafia to supply cement when building the Trump tower. So tell me that's the kind of heartless Hitler you want to lead you. You better be blue eyed, white person to live in Trump's World, so Baseman and Cobra and others you don't fit those requirements ,you are in the same group as the Mexicans.

      It is wise to keep ur enemy in the foresight. It is better Trump than a White Mob with high powered guns. And dem white people is on their last tolerance limit. They lost their jobs, their religion is compromised. Yuh think if dem shoot up the people that doan look like them, they wrong.

      They might even shoot their leaders as well. I take it yuh know of Lincoln, Kennedy, Bobby and John, King and so on and so on. Them are crazy people who killed out the whole nation of Native people.

      Yuh try deh, dem ain too civilized as yet. Killing is a quick solution.

      baseman posted:
      RiffRaff posted:
      baseman posted:

      True, some immigrants come, do well and loyalties lie somewhere else.  I have no issue with one being Democrat or Rep or Independent.  But when you are rooting for terrorists and external forces, dancing in the streets at destruction in the US, cuss out Whites, Afro-Americans, etc, then you are a poisonous snake!!

      Trump is right.......again!!


      Them poor Mexicans are now terrorists I see

      Illegal immigrants are breaking the law!!

      Trump hired illegals.

      And to show how vile Trump is he says NOTHING about the white illegal immigrants and screams that the Mexican ones are rapist, disease infested, drug dealers, criminals.

      Yes this is the white supremacist who seignet, baseman, yuji, and cobra love.

      seignet posted:
      .. It is better Trump than a White Mob with high powered guns. .

      Its Trump rich WHITE buddies who threw these poor whites out of work.

      Given that Trump gives them permission to attack people, and offers to pay their legal expenses if charged, we can say that with Trump come the white mob.

      They will shoot all of those little brown KKK, who love them so much. Then offer as excuse, that they thought that these brown creatures were either illegal, ISIS, or both.

      But these are the creatures who the brown KKK love!

      Last edited by Former Member
      baseman posted:
      Dondadda posted:

      ..  It was built so by good business brains. .

      How can a man who squandered his daddy's money, being bankrupt numerous times, and doesn't own most of the buildings with the word TRUMP on it.

      The man is a reality TV entertainer.  Lets leave it at that!

      He is from NYC, yet the real estate tycoons claim that the man carries no weight in their circles, and is of minimum importance to NYC.

      baseman posted:
      RiffRaff posted:
      baseman posted:

      True, some immigrants come, do well and loyalties lie somewhere else.  I have no issue with one being Democrat or Rep or Independent.  But when you are rooting for terrorists and external forces, dancing in the streets at destruction in the US, cuss out Whites, Afro-Americans, etc, then you are a poisonous snake!!

      Trump is right.......again!!


      Them poor Mexicans are now terrorists I see

      Illegal immigrants are breaking the law!!

      Would you say the same for all those Guyanese that broke the law when they came illegally and are still in the US illegally? 

      Last edited by Former Member

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