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Facebook suspends former U.S. President Trump’s account until 2023[80)/ U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida, U.S. February 28, 2021. REUTERS/Octavio Jones/File Photo

Facebook Inc (FB.O) on Friday suspended former U.S. President Donald Trump from its platform until at least January 2023 and announced changes to how it will treat rule-breaking world leaders in the future.

Facebook said the suspension, which will last at least two years from Jan. 7 when he was initially blocked after the Capitol riot, will only be lifted if the risk to public safety has receded. Trump called the Facebook suspension "an insult" to Americans who voted for him.

This new timeline denies Trump a major social media megaphone ahead of the November 2022 national midterm elections, when his party will be competing for Congressional seats. However, it means he may be able to return to Facebook well before the next presidential election in late 2024.

Trump has been permanently banned by Twitter (TWTR.N) and remains suspended by Alphabet’s (GOOGL.O) YouTube after the riot. The former president, who this week shut down his recently-launched blog, has teased plans to launch his own platform but his team has given little detail.

"Given the gravity of the circumstances that led to Mr. Trump's suspension, we believe his actions constituted a severe violation of our rules which merit the highest penalty available under the new enforcement protocols," Facebook's head of global affairs Nick Clegg said in the post.

Facebook's independent oversight board in May upheld the company's unprecedented block on Trump, which was enforced because the company said his posts were inciting violence. However, the board ruled it was wrong to make the ban indefinite and called for a "proportionate response."

Trump said in a statement Friday, "Facebook’s ruling is an insult to the record-setting 75M people, plus many others, who voted for us in the 2020 Rigged Presidential Election. They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this censoring and silencing, and ultimately, we will win. Our Country can’t take this abuse anymore!"

Facebook said it would work with experts to decide when the public safety risk had subsided for Trump to be restored to its platforms. It said it would evaluate factors including instances of violence, restrictions on peaceful assembly and other markers of civil unrest.

It also said there would be a set of escalating sanctions that would be triggered if Trump broke further rules that could lead to his permanent removal.


Social media companies have grappled in recent years with how to handle world leaders and politicians who violate their guidelines. Facebook and Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) have long held that world leaders, politicians and elected officials should be given greater latitude on their platforms than ordinary users.

In a major reversal, Facebook said Friday it would end its policy that shields politicians from some content moderation rules because their content is considered "newsworthy." It will also disclose when it does use this exemption.

However, a Facebook spokesman confirmed that politicians' posts would still be exempt from third-party fact-checking. Some of these policy changes were originally reported by The Verge.

Facebook has come under fire from those who think it should abandon its hands-off approach to political speech. But it has also been criticized by those, including Republican lawmakers and some free-expression advocates, who saw the Trump ban as a disturbing act of censorship.

The announcements came on the same day as Europe and Britain launched formal antitrust investigations into whether Facebook misuses its vast trove of customer data.[80)/ President Donald Trump is seen tapping the screen on a mobile phone at the White House in Washington, U.S., June 18, 2020. REUTERS/Leah Millis/File Photo


Facebook is.part of the Zionist plot for a world run by them! All races will be mixed except.Jews, the real master.race, a people chosen by their alien 'god' Yahweh, the Yahoo! Poor Adolph, a true.patriot who stupidly and sentimentally allowed the BEF.and.others to Dunkirk! It was okay for the Zionists to have others do their fighting for them, millions being killed, now things to.the Palestinians that the Germans are supposed to have done to these fake.Jews! The Jews of Jesus' era were black! So.was Jesus, maybe.not negroid, but definitely Jagde Great deceiver! The Arabs say ", you've.come back.white, huh?

@Former Member posted:

Facebook is.part of the Zionist plot for a world run by them! All races will be mixed except.Jews, the real master.race, a people chosen by their alien 'god' Yahweh, the Yahoo! Poor Adolph, a true.patriot who stupidly and sentimentally allowed the BEF.and.others to Dunkirk! It was okay for the Zionists to have others do their fighting for them, millions being killed, now things to.the Palestinians that the Germans are supposed to have done to these fake.Jews! The Jews of Jesus' era were black! So.was Jesus, maybe.not negroid, but definitely Jagde Great deceiver! The Arabs say ", you've.come back.white, huh?

Why did the Zionist.Jew, a drunken homo, order the.bombing of German cities as soon as he took over the reins.of.the British.goverment, killing.innocent.German civilians?.German.response? Bomb treacherous Britain with pamphlets asking 'Why?! We want peace with you'! Why, indeed! The Germans wanted the UK to join with them in attacking.Commie Russia which was.bent on World Communism! Then this.fat homo had.the.nerve to go to the US after the.war.and say that an Iron.Curtain had descended.over Europe!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Haa haa haaa ... Trump blindly stumbling on his rump in the dark.

@Former Member posted:

Watz inn hit fer yu, DG?

Yu will furevur bee DG wid no plaise tuh go but hay!

Wile e haz gon.plaises yu kan nevur go!

Now, now esteemed, learned and erudite Shallyv ---

Dem_Guy has had the fortunate opportunities to visit numerous countries including those in South America, Europe, Scandinavia, North and Central America, West Indies and the Caribbean plus living in continental Europe for eight years.

Had it not been for the COVID restrictions my trips would be in Japan, Africa, Southern Asia, India, etc., etc., etc.

@Former Member posted:

Now, now esteemed, learned and erudite Shallyv ---

Dem_Guy has had the fortunate opportunities to visit numerous countries including those in South America, Europe, Scandinavia, North and Central America, West Indies and the Caribbean plus living in continental Europe for eight years.

Had it not been for the COVID restrictions my trips would be in Japan, Africa, Southern Asia, India, etc., etc., etc.

And learned nothing important! Just like driftwood! Driftwood? I couldn't find the word I really wanted! But here it is - tumbleweed! You know like in that tumbling along like.the tumbling tumbleweed!

Last edited by Former Member

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