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Former Member

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's company has threatened to withhold up to $1 billion of investment if the U.K. government decides to ban his entry into the country.
Thousands of U.K. citizens signed a petition in December calling on the government to block Trump from entering the country. On Thursday, more than 570,000 had signed the petition, legally forcing the U.K. government to debate the petition on January 18.

According to the statement, The Trump Organisation claims to be planning to invest ÂĢ700 million ($1.02 billion) in two golf resorts in Scotland and promises millions more in the future. At the moment, ÂĢ200 million is earmarked for the Trump Turnberry resort, while ÂĢ500 million will go towards developing the 1,400 acre Trump International Golf Links in Aberdeen.

"Any action to restrict travel would force The Trump Organization to immediately end these and all future investments we are currently contemplating in the United Kingdom," the statement reads.

"Westminster would create a dangerous precedent and send a terrible message to the World that the United Kingdom opposes free speech and has no interest in attracting inward investment."

This is the latest event in the spat between Trump and the U.K. In December, Trump claimed areas of London were so "radicalized" there were "no-go areas" which the police would not enter.

Later, the Scottish government dropped the magnate as its business ambassador, stripping him of his "GlobalScot" status. Trump branded the Scottish politicians as "ungrateful."
Despite the debate, the U.K. government is highly unlikely to ban Trump from the country. Prime Minister David Cameron stated in December that Trump's remarks about Muslims "divisive, stupid and wrong," but he did not support a ban.

Source: CNBC International 


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baseman posted:

Strange bunch the Liberal Brits.  They want to ban Trump but they accept terror mullahs to come and preach their sermon of death in the UK.

Actually they do NOT accept these "terror mullahs". They have been cracking down on them since 9/11.

You and Trump can hold hands and play ring a ring a roses, as you are both bigots who stereotype entire communities with your bigotry.

Still waiting for your list of blacks and Hispanics in top positions in the Trump Organization.  This because you scream that him being president will be good for us.

Trump peddles, among his various lies, that black men benefit unfairly from affirmative action, this of course being news to most of us.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:


Look at the people who love Trump.

Listen banna, every candidate have all sorts of people backing them for specific reasons.  Obama get 95% Afro votes and the Black situation in the US is arguable worse than in 2008!

How exactly is the USA in worse shape than it was in 2008.  134 million had jobs then and 142 have jobs now.  Unemployment was 5% now and it was almost 10% then.  700k jibs were being lost MONTHY then, and more then 200k jobs are being added NOW.

And yes these are the Trump supporters.

caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Listen banna, every candidate have all sorts of people backing them for specific reasons.  Obama get 95% Afro votes and the Black situation in the US is arguable worse than in 2008!

How exactly is the USA in worse shape than it was in 2008.  134 million had jobs then and 142 have jobs now.  Unemployment was 5% now and it was almost 10% then.  700k jibs were being lost MONTHY then, and more then 200k jobs are being added NOW.

And yes these are the Trump supporters.

Banna, I said the Black situation in America.  What is the unemployment rate for Blacks, what is the incarceration rate for Blacks, what is the poverty rate for Blacks, what is the violent death rate for Blacks???

This frustration is what fueled Black Lives Matter....under Obama!

baseman posted:

Banna, I said the Black situation in America.  What is the unemployment rate for Blacks, what is the incarceration rate for Blacks, what is the poverty rate for Blacks, what is the violent death rate for Blacks???

This frustration is what fueled Black Lives Matter....under Obama!

The unemployment rates for blacks is currently 10% vs. 15% when Bush left office.

Blacks were better off under Bill Clinton, so clearly Hillary is better than Trump.  Incomes, and home ownership rates peaked, and poverty was the lowest then.

I can only wonder what a man who tells blacks to go back to Africa, if they don't think that the USA is perfect for them, will do to improve the situation.  This is the same character who claims that black men have more opportunities now than do white men.

baseman posted:

This frustration is what fueled Black Lives Matter....under Obama!

Obama is scared that racists like you would scream if he put in place programs to assist blacks to recover from the mess of the Bush era. 

Even though he does little to specifically help blacks KKK folks like you all scream that blacks are taking over and that Obama hates whites.

So no wonder the man has done little to help blacks.

Additional fact about Hillary.  As a white woman who isn't the first black president she will be judged by how well blacks do or don't do under her administration. 

While Obama took blacks for granted, because he knew that they wouldn't move against him, fearing that racists like you would use that against him, Hillary doesn't enjoy this privilege

Last edited by Former Member

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