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Washington (CNN) President-elect Donald Trump will begin the process of reshaping America's trade policy on Day 1 of his administration, according to a memo drafted by his transition team obtained by CNN.

The document lays out the skeleton of Trump's trade policy for the first 200 days of his presidency, focusing on a set of principles including renegotiating or withdrawing from the North American Free Trade Agreement -- a frequent promise Trump made on the campaign trail.
The memo itself notes that plenty could change before Trump starts his presidency on January 20, 2017, calling the contents "for discussion purposes only." But the draft memo reveals what the Trump transition team has developed as a blueprint for Trump's administration based on its pre-election work and Trump's own campaign promises.
"The Trump trade plan breaks with the globalist wings of both the Republican and Democratic parties," the document notes. "The Trump administration will reverse decades of conciliatory trade policy. New trade agreements will be negotiated that provide for the interests of US workers and companies first."
The 200-day plan is built around five main principles, plus an extra plank on manufacturing jobs. First is renegotiating or withdrawing from NAFTA, second is stopping the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, third is stopping "unfair imports," fourth is ending "unfair trade practices," and fifth is pursuing bilateral trade deals. The final focus, to "retain and return manufacturing jobs," focuses on lowering the business tax rate and eliminating regulations on businesses and restrictions on domestic energy.
The provisions on TPP are almost certainly moot, as congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle say the deal will not come up for ratification in the lame duck congressional session. Trump would then not need to take any action to kill it, because the deal would be effectively dead.
The plan also gives benchmarks for Days 1, 100 and 200 of the Trump administration.

Day 1: Begin NAFTA reform

On Day 1, Trump would begin reforming NAFTA, including ordering the Commerce Department and International Trade Commission to begin a study on what the ramifications of withdrawing from the treaty would be, and what would be required legislatively to do so. He would also have the US Trade Representative notify Mexico and Canada that the US intends to propose some amendments to the treaty, which could include measures on currency manipulation, lumber, country of origin labeling and environmental and safety standards.
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto [L) and Donald meet on August 31, 2016. Trump has pledged to reform the NAFTA trade deal with Mexico and Canada.
A draft presidential memorandum at the end of the document that could be used to order the review of NAFTA orders the report to pay "extra consideration to the effects such a policy change may have on the middle class, manufacturing and service sector workers, and foreign direct investment into the United States."
Trump would also submit legislation on currency manipulation, review whether our trading partners engage in "harmful" practices, and would order the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US to review food security in trade and reciprocity in international corporate takeovers (i.e. whether a US company would be able to buy a Chinese company like a Chinese company would be able to be buy a US company).

Day 100: Target China

By Day 100, the plan says, Trump would continue NAFTA renegotiations, would pursue cracking down on China by seeing if they could be labeled a currency manipulator and through bilateral trade negotiations. He would also bring the intelligence community into the trade world.

Day 200: Consider formal withdrawal

By Day 200, Trump would be considering formally withdrawing from NAFTA and continuing to pursue bilateral trade agreements. The document notes that Congress has granted the President Trade Promotion Authority -- power for the President to get trade deals through Congress more swiftly -- until 2018 and it could be extended until 2021.
The memo notes caveats, including that there could be negative consequences of withdrawing from NAFTA. But the document also notes those impacts could be mitigated if the US were to pursue bilateral trade agreements with Canada and Mexico.
The Trump transition didn't respond to a request for comment about if Trump had reviewed the document and what his thoughts were.

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Bull about withdrawing from the Chinese supply given he relied on the Walmart crowd to get in and they will not be pleased to see their cost of living jump hundreds of percent.

NAFTA benefits the US as well so there again there is problem. AS for TTIP, if Europe and the US cannot find common ground that benefits both, how can we preserve western traditions? TTIP should be re addressed 


China has begin talks with Airbus and will cancel orders from Boeing. Sure that they plan to do the same with other US suppliers of heavy equipment.

No one in NYC will lose their jobs. Loads will in the various Trump areas as that is where the industrial jobs are.

Mexico is part of the supply chain for US companies. Almost every thing is either subcontracted, or outsourced.   I suggest that Trump speak to US companies, starting with the Trump Organization.  Decisions on this topic are made in the USA, and not in Mexico.

The loudest squeals when the US cost of living jumps 20% will be from the Walmart crowd. Walmart is your consummate Trump country enterprise. The Hillary types don't shop there, nor do they want those stores located where they live.


TTIP is about containing China's influence in the rest of Asia, and ensuring that the USA remains the dominant Pacific nation.

Let Trump end TTIP and Beijing will be in every Asian capital ensuring that they attain dominance in that fastest growing region of the world.

Trump's people are anti education (that's for smarty pants liberals) and prefer snake worshipping to science. Trump wants to ensure that they remain dumb and stupid (Trump U).

 Then they wonder why by the end of this century most of the world's patents will be owned by Asians!


Trump is destined to be one of the greatest presidents of modern times. He is shaking things up in Washingtion. There will be no more free lunch for Canada and Mexico. Trump will bring them back on the bargaining table and renegotiate with them on NAFTA. Trump will deal with them like the mafia with a gun to their heads.



Why doesn't Trump tell us why HE buys goods from overseas.

Trump will NOT disclose where he buys his supplies from because there isn't a "Made in the USA" on the label.

So continue to buy his nonsense that it is Mexico and China which are to blame. 

How many Chinese products do we buy from China which aren't part of the US supply chain?   Only cheap goods in dollar stores, which aren't costing any one jobs.

US corporations made a decision to reduce costs by locating where they have labor intensive aspects of their production performed.

1. They relocated to the South in the 60s when Trump's people in the Midwest demanded higher wages and better working conditions.

2. When Japan was pounding the USA in the 70s they accelerated their move to the South and also began to relocate aspects of their production elsewhere.  Mexico and Asia.

3. NAFTA came and there was greater movement to Mexico. But then Mexico also suffered when US farm products destroyed much of their agriculture (causing more Mexicans to illegally enter the USA). In addition  the US service sector (banks, retail, airlines) began to dominate Mexico.

4. China moved to a market based economy in the 90s, allowing more US companies to outsource there. Aspects of production that was located in Mexico was shifted to China.

This is NOT the "evil" Mexico and China playing games with the USA. And even as we speak the more labor intensive functions are leaving China. Either for Asian countries with lower wages, or back to the USA where robots are used.

Trump will do NOTHING, because if he starts a trade war the USA will face retaliatory measures and we enter into a major recession!



Trump is destined to be one of the greatest presidents of modern times. He is shaking things up in Washingtion. There will be no more free lunch for Canada and Mexico. Trump will bring them back on the bargaining table and renegotiate with them on NAFTA. Trump will deal with them like the mafia with a gun to their heads..

.He is draining the swamp to fill it wit your kinfolks, snakes! Trump will not mess with NAFTA. He will back track because he want to save his behind as usual.


Baseman cannot even tell us what free lunch Canada is enjoying. He repeats like a parrot what his massa tells him.

US companies locate their operations in Canada because it suits them to do so.

Baseman! Why does Trump source his supplies from Asia. Clothing from China. Furniture from Turkey. NC is only good for votes, not textiles nor furniture.

Ivanka will be sitting down right next to the Trade reps telling them how much it will cost the Trump Org is they are forced to buy "Made in the USA".

Because yes, we now do live in the United States of Trump. There is no different between President Trump, and the Trump Org.  Free flows of personnel and information and resources between them.

And baseman why are you all allowing Canada to ship their dirty oil into the USA, across our water tables, in water scarce regions. If one of the pipes burst, much of the aquifer will be destroyed, and this is where 90% of the people voted Trump!


Trump is destined to be one of the greatest presidents of modern times. He is shaking things up in Washingtion. There will be no more free lunch for Canada and Mexico. Trump will bring them back on the bargaining table and renegotiate with them on NAFTA.

Trump will deal with them like the mafia with a gun to their heads.


Interesting indeed.

Last edited by Former Member

Canada and Mexico are two spoil brats for trading partners. They got the sweetness from Obama eight years and supported Hillary to keep them fatten for the next four years. They both get caught with their pants down, because Trump is in charge now. Anyway, they showed willingness to listen to Trump and do as he say. Har, har, har, de har, har. eh, DG? 


Trump told his supporters he will drain the swamp in Washington. Well he told Sixty Minutes that he has to hire lobbyists because they'e the only ones who's there to run his transition.

Trump told his supporters he will get a special prosecutor and go after Hillary's use of a private email server. Then he told Leslie Stahl of Sixty minutes  that the Clintons are good people.

Trump told his supporters he will build a wall. He agreed with Paul Ryan on Sixty Minutes that he will accept a fence. No mention of costs.

Trump told he will bring back jobs, but if he can do so, he did not tell  them it will be because of robots who will be doing the work.

I really feel for the Trump bais on this Forum. hehehe


Canada and Mexico are two spoil brats for trading partners. They got the sweetness from Obama eight years and supported Hillary to keep them fatten for the next four years. They both get caught with their pants down, because Trump is in charge now. Anyway, they showed willingness to listen to Trump and do as he say. Har, har, har, de har, har. eh, DG?


Really Prince ???

Perhaps, you believe that Donald Trump is "Lord and Master" sent from above for all to bow down and obey him.


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