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Trump trumps Republicans
March 6, 2016 By GuyanaTimes
The Republican Party’s worse nightmare came to life last Tuesday night: Donald Trump emerged out of the “Super Tuesday” with such emphatic wins over his mainstream rivals that barring some catastrophic meltdown, he appears to be a shoo in forthat party’s presidential candidacy in the November general elections. In doing so, he has vindicated the ancient philosophers’ scepticism about democracy being a legitimate method for a state to chose its leaders.
Their scepticism centred on the empirically observed tendency of demagogues to sway the ordinary citizen, who has no interest in educating him/herself about the fine print on policy. And even back then they knew, “the devil was in the details”. In America and most mature democracies, the democratic system worked because of the formation of political parties. The leaders of these took time to craft policies for confronting challenges to their societies based on overarching coherent ideologies that attempted to ground their premises on empirical data.
In the American system for choosing the “party’s standard bearer” to compete for the Presidency, members of the two parties vote directly in “Primaries or Caucuses” for individuals placed on the ballots. While there was always the possibility for an “outsider”, that is, a “non-professional politician” to enter and win these contests, (and this was the touted “virtue” of the system) their chances were remote. The politicians therefore had the benefit of both worlds: they could boast about their “democratic and open” system while running processes that generally self-selected from a small poll of professional politicians stressing issues drawn from the party’s playbook – which are never called “manifestos”.
Sometimes “wild cards” can be thrown up by the process: Ronald Reagan from the Republicans and Barrack Obama from the Democrats come to mind. But up to now these outsiders by and large hoed to their party’s general policy prescriptions. It has to be a symptom of a deep crisis in the American political system that this year, both the Republicans and Democrats have produced two outsiders – Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders – who have both veered sharply from their party’s orthodoxies.
After Super Tuesday, it would appear that Bernie Sanders will not be able to deliver a knockout punch to Hillary Clinton, who even though a woman, is a consummate “insider” and Democratic team player. She will carry the Democratic flag. Donald Trump, on the other hand has utilised the Primaries to go directly to grass root Republicans with a demagogic series of outlandish proposals that are anathema to the traditional leadership of the Republican Party, but playing to the gallery.
Trump has been able to garner the support of average Republicans and if he turns up at the Republican Convention with the requisite majority of delegates, he will be contesting the elections as a Republican and place enormous pressure on the regular politicians in Congress and the Senate to support his programs. Some of the latter have already indicated they will refuse to do so and this will obviously precipitate a further crisis in American governance if Trump were to go all the way.
On his stance against Mexican immigration (build an “impenetrable” 1000+mile wall between Mexico and the USA”) he proposes to fund the wall through tariffs on Mexican imports. Tariffs will also be applied on Chinese goods and taxes on US companies that moved to offshore production. The problem is the US has signed numerous regular trade and Free Trade Area agreements into law that would be violated by these tariffs. There is also the small matter of American consumers being willing to absorb the costs of all the tariffs on imported goods they have become used to buying on the cheap.
For Guyana, there would be the challenge – if Trump were to keep his promise to deport 11 million illegal immigrants – of hosting at least 100,000 of them who are from Guyana.

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This article is now outdated because Trump has begun the trumping of himself. He is on a path that destroys himself. The vast majority are beginning to see him as narcissistic and they don't care for it. One has to be concerned when a Presidential candidate decides to say to his supporters "btw, did you see how Melania did on tv the other night". His obsession with himself is showing more than ever before. Guyana Times is writing in the past.

ksazma posted:

This article is now outdated because Trump has begun the trumping of himself. He is on a path that destroys himself. The vast majority are beginning to see him as narcissistic and they don't care for it. One has to be concerned when a Presidential candidate decides to say to his supporters "btw, did you see how Melania did on tv the other night". His obsession with himself is showing more than ever before. Guyana Times is writing in the past.

Exactly.  All we know is that Rubio is done.  Cruz did well yesterday and with each debate, Trump shows the voters that he is a clown. 

And his crowds assaulting black women, and spitting on Muslims doesn't help. While Trump can argue that he isn't responsibe for their behavior, when he uses language like punching people in their faces, and boasting that he can shoot some one and still get votes, he encourages this.

And has Trump at any time told his goons to behave? Did he intervene to protect that black woman who was being shoved by big burly white men? NO!

Trump's enemies (both in the GOP and the Democratic party) is ensuring that the public sees this.  And this will lead to a bleeding away of Trump's support.

Cruz is a lright wing extremist, so is capped at who he can get to support him.  Little Rubio is a frat boy, so has no credibility, and might even lose FL.  The GOP don't like Kasich, so he isn't going to survive to campaign to the national electorate, who view him favorably.

Who ever they chose will have a tough time in Nov.  I can already tell you that VA will stay Democratic, as will OH, FL, NM, CO, and NV, with their large black and Latino populations, if Trump is the candidate. The optics of blacks being assaulted for exercising their right to protest is chilling to many.

yuji22 posted:

– of hosting at least 100,000 of them who are from Guyana.

It might shock you to know that not that many are Guyanese.

1. In the 70s when it was easier to get visas, many also figured out how to get green cards, once they arrived in the USA.  Before Canada required visas of Guyanese, many went there and then sneaked in over the border at 3AM.

2. Since that era getting visas was hard, and Guyana is too far to allow more than a few back track people to get in.


Not only did Trump not ask his supporters to behave but he began to sound like a cult leader with his "get them out of here" chant. He even went as far as telling his supporters to "not hurt them too much". Very unbecoming of someone aspiring to the greatest office in the world. He is done by his own doing.

ksazma posted:

Not only did Trump not ask his supporters to behave but he began to sound like a cult leader with his "get them out of here" chant. He even went as far as telling his supporters to "not hurt them too much". Very unbecoming of someone aspiring to the greatest office in the world. He is done by his own doing.

Baseman, yuji, and the rest of the Indo supremacist crowd scream that this is how blacks should be treated.  They love Trump for this.


As the number of candidates reduces, it is becoming clearer that Trump is on his way out as the Republican presidential candidate.

While they pledged that they each will support the person who emerges as the candidate, it is possible that Trump may be a candidate of his own group.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Not only did Trump not ask his supporters to behave but he began to sound like a cult leader with his "get them out of here" chant. He even went as far as telling his supporters to "not hurt them too much". Very unbecoming of someone aspiring to the greatest office in the world. He is done by his own doing.

Baseman, yuji, and the rest of the Indo supremacist crowd scream that this is how blacks should be treated.  They love Trump for this.

No one should be treated like that. To that woman's credit, she took the shoving without retaliating thereby denying that group the opportunity to claim self defense. It is one thing to make hateful remarks. It is a totally other thing to put your hand on another person.

Kari posted:

A brokered convention with no one getting the 1,237 Delegates to win the nomination outright seems likely. Then the fun starts. So Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Kasich are still in it.

Kasich is trying to appear honorable. Yet he doesn't appear honorable enough to refuse a nomination that another has earned more than him. Romney the coward is hoping to get the nomination without making any contribution to the campaign even though he got the last nomination and failed miserably. Rubio should change his name to either Castro or Kim something something since he feels that he is the natural heir to the party leadership. In essence, the Republican party is in total disarray. But the Democratic is not necessarily on solid ground. Hillary can end up getting indicted and suddenly they have a problem that will take more than the rock star Bernie to fix. Interesting times ahead.


Democratic voters are generally not as motivated as Republican ones. The Democrats have to have a sexy reason to go out and vote. Like the first black president, a rock star or the first female president. Republican voters to hook up their oxygen tanks and trek over to the polling place.

Kari posted:

A brokered convention with no one getting the 1,237 Delegates to win the nomination outright seems likely. Then the fun starts. So Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Kasich are still in it.

That will be my prediction.Trump is damaged, and Cruz will not amass enough delegates to win the nomination

Trump will bring his goons to beat up Cruz' people.


Chris Wallace asked Romney if he would accept the nomination if it is given to him. His response, he is not running for President. Romney is a ***** salivating for the nomination although he hasn't done any of the work to earn it. Incidentally the guy filling in for Rush just said it as if he was reading my mind. Romney is a big *****. Trump is crass but you have to give him credit that he is not a ***** like Romney. He even joked Saturday night about Cruz winning Maine since it was close to Canada. That is after losing the first two campaigns Saturday night. Romney would have been crying like a little *****. Shame on him. 


I only wish that the GOP will select Romney as its nominee. The backlash from the Trump and Cruz supporters would be so severe that even GA would go to Hillary.

Turns out that the "47%", who Romney so despises, are now determining which candidates get votes.


caribny posted:

I only wish that the GOP will select Romney as its nominee. The backlash from the Trump and Cruz supporters would be so severe that even GA would go to Hillary.

Turns out that the "47%", who Romney so despises, are now determining which candidates get votes.


Romney told Chris Wallace that no one told him what to say. It was all his observation of Trump. Incidentally all the failures he spoke about so closely resembles his. Only difference is that Trump is not a ***** like Romney. Talking about inheritance, failed businesses and workers loosing their jobs is what Romney is.


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