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Former Member

The guessing, nailbiting and excitement of who Trump will chose as his vice president will be know to the America public this Friday. Yes, you heard it right. As of Friday the Clinton’s panic begins. The political war begins.                      

The American voters who wants a president to take back control of a nation that gave santuary to terrorists and traitors will have to make a bitter choice to chose a man that will rule with an iron fist, or a woman who will paint her nails in the Oval Office where Monica Lewinsky was blowing Bill's trumpet.

Let the game begins.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cobra posted:

It's time to say to he'll with minority who suckered up Obama food stamp and section 8 welfare. I hate to see young people muching off the government. You look like one of them mucher who love freemesss  and curse the working-class.

I suggest you look more to your community in RH who are on food stamp. In any event, trump older uneducated whites and high school drop outs are  welfare ready. Most of the welfare recipients are from deep south red states. He will not be helping these folks since these are the fly over people his class of rich patricians never see. They will be voting against their interest since trickle down economics will not help them off the dole.

Stormborn posted:
Cobra posted:

It's time to say to he'll with minority who suckered up Obama food stamp and section 8 welfare. I hate to see young people muching off the government. You look like one of them mucher who love freemesss  and curse the working-class.

I suggest you look more to your community in RH who are on food stamp. In any event, trump older uneducated whites and high school drop outs are  welfare ready. Most of the welfare recipients are from deep south red states. He will not be helping these folks since these are the fly over people his class of rich patricians never see. They will be voting against their interest since tryoung ickle down economics will not help them off the dole.

The people in RH are qualified recipients for public assistance. They worked and payed their dues to the government. It's time for them to reap the benefit of their sweat. Not like the young punks who sells food stamp to buy liquor and dope. When you want to talk sh1t about RH seniors speak with a civil tongue. Vishnu, come in and read what this Buckman is saying.

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
Stormborn posted:
Cobra posted:

It's time to say to he'll with minority who suckered up Obama food stamp and section 8 welfare. I hate to see young people muching off the government. You look like one of them mucher who love freemesss  and curse the working-class.

I suggest you look more to your community in RH who are on food stamp. In any event, trump older uneducated whites and high school drop outs are  welfare ready. Most of the welfare recipients are from deep south red states. He will not be helping these folks since these are the fly over people his class of rich patricians never see. They will be voting against their interest since tryoung ickle down economics will not help them off the dole.

The people in RH are qualified recipients for public assistance. They worked and payed their dues to the government. It's time for them to reap the benefit of their sweat. Not like the young punks who sells food stamp to buy liquor and dope. When you want to talk sh1t about RH seniors speak with a civil tongue. Vishnu, come in and read what this Buckman is saying.

If someone is on welfare do you think they are not a qualified recipient? Do you think they get on the rolls by bribing someone as in Guyana? You are a bloody immigrant who came here as a refugee so what give you the right to call anyone punk?  If there are people selling welfare checks to buy alcohol that is their disease. Most people on welfare need the money to put food on their table. And what would Vishnu tell me that I do not know? Do you think my ancestry makes me less credible than you? What pedigree do you have  fool?

Cobra posted:

The guessing, nailbiting and excitement of who Trump will chose as his vice president will be know to the America public this Friday. Yes, you heard it right. As of Friday the Clinton’s panic begins. The political war begins.                      

The American voters who wants a president to take back control of a nation that gave santuary to terrorists and traitors will have to make a bitter choice to chose a man that will rule with an iron fist, or a woman who will paint her nails in the Oval Office where Monica Lewinsky was blowing Bill's trumpet.

Let the game begins.

Please favor me with a reply to this question - who gave sanctuary to terrorists in this country, and who are these traitors you speak about? I want to applaud you for making these "patriotic" statements, but something seems remiss, so I hope you can help me be a pal of yours.

Cobra posted:

It's time to say to he'll with minority who suckered up Obama food stamp and section 8 welfare. I hate to see young people muching off the government. You look like one of them mucher who love freemesss  and curse the working-class.

You do realize that food stamps are what is known as the SNAP or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - a Federal nutritional program for the poor, which existed long before President Obama. You do realize that there is no such thing as Obama food stamps, unless there is some racial dog-whistling going on here.

Stormborn posted:
Prince posted:
Stormborn posted:
Cobra posted:

It's time to say to he'll with minority who suckered up Obama food stamp and section 8 welfare. I hate to see young people muching off the government. You look like one of them mucher who love freemesss  and curse the working-class.

I suggest you look more to your community in RH who are on food stamp. In any event, trump older uneducated whites and high school drop outs are  welfare ready. Most of the welfare recipients are from deep south red states. He will not be helping these folks since these are the fly over people his class of rich patricians never see. They will be voting against their interest since tryoung ickle down economics will not help them off the dole.

The people in RH are qualified recipients for public assistance. They worked and payed their dues to the government. It's time for them to reap the benefit of their sweat. Not like the young punks who sells food stamp to buy liquor and dope. When you want to talk sh1t about RH seniors speak with a civil tongue. Vishnu, come in and read what this Buckman is saying.

If someone is on welfare do you think they are not a qualified recipient? Do you think they get on the rolls by bribing someone as in Guyana? You are a bloody immigrant who came here as a refugee so what give you the right to call anyone punk?  If there are people selling welfare checks to buy alcohol that is their disease. Most people on welfare need the money to put food on their table. And what would Vishnu tell me that I do not know? Do you think my ancestry makes me less credible than you? What pedigree do you have  fool?

Yeah dummy! You tell that to the people here about the Somalis. They came here as refugees. You shelter them, feed them and educate them and they send their money to support ISIS and Al Shabab. On top of all of this they want to kill you just in your own backyard.
They live on welfare because they claim that they cannot understand or speak english. Yet they carry 2-3 phones all around their ears(stuck in their hijabs) and wherever else. They are smart enough to program all these cell phones but cannot work.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
Prince posted:
Stormborn posted:
Cobra posted:

It's time to say to he'll with minority who suckered up Obama food stamp and section 8 welfare. I hate to see young people muching off the government. You look like one of them mucher who love freemesss  and curse the working-class.

I suggest you look more to your community in RH who are on food stamp. In any event, trump older uneducated whites and high school drop outs are  welfare ready. Most of the welfare recipients are from deep south red states. He will not be helping these folks since these are the fly over people his class of rich patricians never see. They will be voting against their interest since tryoung ickle down economics will not help them off the dole.

The people in RH are qualified recipients for public assistance. They worked and payed their dues to the government. It's time for them to reap the benefit of their sweat. Not like the young punks who sells food stamp to buy liquor and dope. When you want to talk sh1t about RH seniors speak with a civil tongue. Vishnu, come in and read what this Buckman is saying.

If someone is on welfare do you think they are not a qualified recipient? Do you think they get on the rolls by bribing someone as in Guyana? You are a bloody immigrant who came here as a refugee so what give you the right to call anyone punk?  If there are people selling welfare checks to buy alcohol that is their disease. Most people on welfare need the money to put food on their table. And what would Vishnu tell me that I do not know? Do you think my ancestry makes me less credible than you? What pedigree do you have  fool?

Yeah dummy! You tell that to the people here about the Somalis. They came here as refugees. You shelter them, feed them and educate them and they send their money to support ISIS and Al Shabab. On top of all of this they want to kill you just in your own backyard.
They live on welfare because they claim that they cannot understand or speak english. Yet they carry 2-3 phones all around their ears(stuck in their hijabs) and wherever else. They are smart enough to program all these cell phones but cannot work.

I do not know that Somalis are welfare cheats. Inferentially I know they do not need to send welfare checks to ISIS since those fellows are awash in cash. Al Shabab  maybe but jihadism on welfare checks is indeed a laugh! I however, caution your inclination to tar and feather every group members on the failing of a few. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I don't think this will happen,but if Trump really wants to win the election, he should pick Marco Rubio.

Something tells me both of these candidates will make disappointing choices.

Everyone will come with their baggage.  Rubio is unpopular in Florida.  Christie is unpopular in NJ, Pense not that popular in Indiana.  Let's not pre-judge and see how they hit the campaign trail.  The real issue, Hillary would be a disaster!

Nehru posted:

Monika is a Neemakaram???  So much Bill did for dat Gal and she cant endorse?? She swallowed though.

She is a Jewish neemakaram. BTW, Monica soiled, blue dress is on display in William Clinton library. I get Inside info that Obama will visit Hillary in the Oral office. That's why he wanted to stay in Washington DC.

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

Monika is a Neemakaram???  So much Bill did for dat Gal and she cant endorse?? She swallowed though.

She is a Jewish neemakaram. BTW, Monica soiled, blue dress is on display in William Clinton library. I get Inside info that Obama will visit Hillary in the Oral office. That's why he wanted to stay in Washington DC.

A man is as shallow as his jokes.


(CNN) As Hillary nears a decision on her own running mate, Hillary Clinton and her campaign are watching Donald Trump's search with astonishment.

It's a moment that highlights the stark differences between how the two presumptive nominees make decisions, with Trump's unfolding like a reality show and Clinton's taking place almost entirely in secret before her expected announcement late next week.

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