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yuji22 posted:

Bloody Saudis. Criminals and murderers.

Keffer’s Towel Head Heroes.

They scare the shit out of you, eh ! That is perfectly normal with loud-mouth bigots like you ! You seem to like my name; there is a legal process by which you can adopt it, however, there is an intelligence test that you will need to pass and, unfortunately, it is entirely unlikely that anyone of your severely limited intelligence will satisfy that requirement !  The Saudis do not brazenly invade other peoples' countries and slaughter them like your masters have done time and again, you ignorant K-K-Hole !!   

Last edited by Keffer
Gilbakka posted:
Leonora posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bloody Saudis. Criminals and murderers.

Keffer’s Towel Head Heroes.

Keffer gonna whup you !!!

  He's a glutton for punishment. 

You think so? I think not so. By the looks of his responses, yuji enjoys riling up Keffer and I wonder why Keffer biting the bait and bothering to compose time-consuming admonitions. Keffer should ignore yuji's mischievous provocations.

That's cowardly. Keffer hice he and knack he dunk!


The US need the Saudi Oil and the Saudis need American security to stay in power.  Let's watch this thing play out.  Trump is all talk on this one. He needs the Saudis to pump more oil to offset the loss of Iranian oil on the world market.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Gilbakka posted:
Leonora posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bloody Saudis. Criminals and murderers.

Keffer’s Towel Head Heroes.

Keffer gonna whup you !!!

  He's a glutton for punishment. 

You think so? I think not so. By the looks of his responses, yuji enjoys riling up Keffer and I wonder why Keffer biting the bait and bothering to compose time-consuming admonitions. Keffer should ignore yuji's mischievous provocations.

I am not biting any bait; it is readily evident, if one is to go back and read the writings and comments of Yuji and a few others, that they are really bigoted and hateful of some others. Here is an individual who hollered and screamed as loudly as his lungs permitted about what I wrote about atrocities committed by the US army in Vietnam; despite being completely ignorant of the historical truth of Vietnam. I believe we should all feel obliged to take a stand against such people because, like it or not, this facility really is an indicator of the education, knowledge and perception of its participants; almost 100% of whom I believe are from Guyana. A quick review of the comments posted by folks like Yuji and his 'sidekick'  Skeldon-man will confirm my assessment as their writings are laced with hateful and bigoted statements about people of certain countries, religions and communities. Free speech is a phenomenon that we should all treasure but it is evident that some people clearly have no appreciation of this. Should blatant and deliberately ugly/derogatory characterizations of the language, dress, lifestyles, etc of other people be acceptable ?  

I appreciate the fact that as individual participants, there is only so much that each of us can do/say and that the controllers of GNI therefore have the responsibility of taking corrective action as and when they deem it necessary. A while ago, I suggested to Amral that participants in this forum out to be screened via an intelligence/knowledge/education test so that 'undesirables', instead of being allowed to contaminate this facility with hate, bigotry and lack of decorum, should be removed from GNI. I hope he will at some time give serious consideration to that because the ideas and opinions of some participants could be a seriously misleading indicator of the knowledge and intelligence of Guyanese.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The US need the Saudi Oil and the Saudis need American security to stay in power.  Let's watch this thing play out.  Trump is all talk on this one. He needs the Saudis to pump more oil to offset the loss of Iranian oil on the world market.

Trump's talk, talk and more useless talk with lots of his farts.

Image result for Trump farting, cartoons

Demerara_Guy posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The US need the Saudi Oil and the Saudis need American security to stay in power.  Let's watch this thing play out.  Trump is all talk on this one. He needs the Saudis to pump more oil to offset the loss of Iranian oil on the world market.

Trump's talk, talk and more useless talk with lots of his farts.

Image result for Trump farting, cartoons

He's President of the greatest country on earth. Your job is finding dirt to post on GNI. 

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Trump's talk, talk and more useless talk with lots of his farts.

Image result for Trump farting, cartoons

He's President of the greatest country on earth. Your job is finding dirt to post on GNI. 

Eee is dee puzzzident of ah kuntry.

Leonora posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Eee is dee puzzzident of ah kuntry.

Mr. Harrison Ford, please be nice. 

Okay gracious, beautiful and enchanting Leonora.

Ah gon try fuh find wan wan ting fun post 'bout him.  

kp posted:

Why would a woman admire and respect Trump after he stated. He grab them by their p___y????

It's the evangelical women who admire and respect our Prezzy. Tells you something about the evangelicals heh!

kp posted:

Why would a woman admire and respect Trump after he stated. He grab them by their p___y????

I respect his TITLE as Leader of the Greatest Country on Earth, not him personally. Try to figure that out. Cheers.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Leonora posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Trump's talk, talk and more useless talk with lots of his farts.

Image result for Trump farting, cartoons

He's President of the greatest country on earth. Your job is finding dirt to post on GNI. 

Eee is dee puzzzident of ah kuntry.





Some are force to show their loyalty because  they work for the State. Respect the Title or Leader is the same Damn thingy , you respect the man in my book he is sexual pervert. As a cult leader he must have followers. Trump the greatest  Fraudster on earth.

Leonora posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The US need the Saudi Oil and the Saudis need American security to stay in power.  Let's watch this thing play out.  Trump is all talk on this one. He needs the Saudis to pump more oil to offset the loss of Iranian oil on the world market.

Trump's talk, talk and more useless talk with lots of his farts.


He's President of the greatest country on earth. Your job is finding dirt to post on GNI. 

I get he's against Trump, but this guy is like a 3 year old. He posts sheer shit. tons of it. And then yabbers like a baby.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Poor planning here on behalf of the Saudis.  The location made it too obvious.

How do you know that wasn't their intent? Let me elaborate.

There is a new leader, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS), son of the King. MBS is a moderate, into modernizing SA by removing lots of social restrictions, allowing women to drive, opening up SA to more freedoms for foreigners etc. All to the chagrin of the Wahabbi clerics  who run things behind the scenes and constantly need to be appeased (their terrorists plots funded by the royal family etc). Otherwise they call for holy war and topple the kingdom.

Furthermore there are over 30K in the Royal family, the older ones who may not be so open to the changes MBS wants (like taking aramco public etc).

Might it be, and I'm just suggesting this, that the wahabs and some in the Royal family hatched this plot against the journalist to topple MBS and his social reforms? Just a thought.

Iguana posted:

How do you know that wasn't their intent? Let me elaborate.

There is a new leader, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS), son of the King. MBS is a moderate, into modernizing SA by removing lots of social restrictions, allowing women to drive, opening up SA to more freedoms for foreigners etc. All to the chagrin of the Wahabbi clerics  who run things behind the scenes and constantly need to be appeased (their terrorists plots funded by the royal family etc). Otherwise they call for holy war and topple the kingdom.

Furthermore there are over 30K in the Royal family, the older ones who may not be so open to the changes MBS wants (like taking aramco public etc).

Might it be, and I'm just suggesting this, that the wahabs and some in the Royal family hatched this plot against the journalist to topple MBS and his social reforms? Just a thought.

These were my thoughts too.

Iguana posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Poor planning here on behalf of the Saudis.  The location made it too obvious.

How do you know that wasn't their intent? Let me elaborate.

There is a new leader, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS), son of the King. MBS is a moderate, into modernizing SA by removing lots of social restrictions, allowing women to drive, opening up SA to more freedoms for foreigners etc. All to the chagrin of the Wahabbi clerics  who run things behind the scenes and constantly need to be appeased (their terrorists plots funded by the royal family etc). Otherwise they call for holy war and topple the kingdom.

Furthermore there are over 30K in the Royal family, the older ones who may not be so open to the changes MBS wants (like taking aramco public etc).

Might it be, and I'm just suggesting this, that the wahabs and some in the Royal family hatched this plot against the journalist to topple MBS and his social reforms? Just a thought.

It was their intent.  It’s a message from the new head of state. Those guys think through deep and long.

Iguana posted:
Leonora posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The US need the Saudi Oil and the Saudis need American security to stay in power.  Let's watch this thing play out.  Trump is all talk on this one. He needs the Saudis to pump more oil to offset the loss of Iranian oil on the world market.

Trump's talk, talk and more useless talk with lots of his farts.


He's President of the greatest country on earth. Your job is finding dirt to post on GNI. 

I get he's against Trump, but this guy is like a 3 year old. He posts sheer shit. tons of it. And then yabbers like a baby.

Once a man, twice a child.  He does other stuff babies  👶 do!!


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