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Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Poor planning here on behalf of the Saudis.  The location made it too obvious.

How do you know that wasn't their intent? Let me elaborate.

There is a new leader, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS), son of the King. MBS is a moderate, into modernizing SA by removing lots of social restrictions, allowing women to drive, opening up SA to more freedoms for foreigners etc. All to the chagrin of the Wahabbi clerics  who run things behind the scenes and constantly need to be appeased (their terrorists plots funded by the royal family etc). Otherwise they call for holy war and topple the kingdom.

Furthermore there are over 30K in the Royal family, the older ones who may not be so open to the changes MBS wants (like taking aramco public etc).

Might it be, and I'm just suggesting this, that the wahabs and some in the Royal family hatched this plot against the journalist to topple MBS and his social reforms? Just a thought.

It was their intent.  It’s a message from the new head of state. Those guys think through deep and long.

Ok, but who is "their"????? I am suggesting it is not Prince MBS...he has nothing to gain from this. He will only lose the support of western nations who see him as a much needed reformer and are inclined to be very accommodating to him. If he did this he is patently stupid, and I don't think that's the case.

After I wrote my initial post Trump appeared on TV mouthing off about "rogue" elements. I think this may be the work of the wahabs or others in the royal clan who do not agree with MBS reforms and have placed him in this position. Purely speculation on my part and no proof other than the lack of motive on MBS part.

Nehru posted:
kp posted:

Why would a woman admire and respect Trump after he stated. He grab them by their p___y????

Dont you think women gets pleasure when that is done

That attracts a lower class of women, the ones that are for Sale.

kp posted:
Nehru posted:
kp posted:

Why would a woman admire and respect Trump after he stated. He grab them by their p___y????

Dont you think women gets pleasure when that is done

That attracts a lower class of women, the ones that are for Sale.

The ones that Prince buys ?

yuji22 posted:

Bloody Saudis. Criminals and murderers.

Keffer’s Towel Head Heroes.

As noted previously, all you can do is talk shyte; a direct consequence of your being an ass-born baby .... your gadha mammy plopping you out of her rectum directly on to the concrete floor of the stable that she lived in ... so sorry that there is no hope of rehabilitation for you !

Last edited by Keffer
yuji22 posted:

Oi Keff, you better wipe your mouth with that towel to reduce the stench emanating from it.  Towels are cheap. Talk is cheap. Buy a heap.

Are you trying to tell us that YOU know about towels ? Since when does one find towels in stables, Gadha ka baccha ?

kp posted:

Some are force to show their loyalty because  they work for the State. Respect the Title or Leader is the same Damn thingy , you respect the man in my book he is sexual pervert. As a cult leader he must have followers. Trump the greatest  Fraudster on earth.

How come you Canadians don't talk about Canada but are busy in US matters? Is Canada so boring?

Leonora posted:

How come you Canadians don't talk about Canada but are busy in US matters? Is Canada so boring?

Excitement starting next 2 days. We can buy RECREATIONAL marijuana legally like cigarettes. If y'all think Mitwah, KP & yuji crazy, watch wha gon happen by next week. Gilly won't change from his prescribed dose of MEDICINAL marijuana. I cool.

Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Nothing happens in SA without the approval of the CROWN PRINCE. How the hell can a Rogue Group return without any harm?? Al YUh too naive or plain stupid.

Impossible for a Rogue Group to conduct such reported activities without being known and apprehended by security authorities in the Embassy.

Gilbakka posted:
Leonora posted:

How come you Canadians don't talk about Canada but are busy in US matters? Is Canada so boring?

Excitement starting next 2 days. We can buy RECREATIONAL marijuana legally like cigarettes. If y'all think Mitwah, KP & yuji crazy, watch wha gon happen by next week. Gilly won't change from his prescribed dose of MEDICINAL marijuana. I cool.

Wow, thanks for reminding me. GNI will have some high folks. I'll keep away and find other things to do. 

Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Nothing happens in SA without the approval of the CROWN PRINCE. How the hell can a Rogue Group return without any harm?? Al YUh too naive or plain stupid.

I agree with you.  It's BS.  Something of this nature will not occur without top approval.  They chopped his body up and took it out in bags.

These people are ruthless bastards.  It's not like this guy was that strong a critic!

Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Nothing happens in SA without the approval of the CROWN PRINCE. How the hell can a Rogue Group return without any harm?? Al YUh too naive or plain stupid.

I agree with you.  It's BS.  Something of this nature will not occur without top approval.  They chopped his body up and took it out in bags.

These people are ruthless bastards.  It's not like this guy was that strong a critic!

Those Towel Heads are a ruthless bunch. Keff, considers them his heroes. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Nothing happens in SA without the approval of the CROWN PRINCE. How the hell can a Rogue Group return without any harm?? Al YUh too naive or plain stupid.

I agree with you.  It's BS.  Something of this nature will not occur without top approval.  They chopped his body up and took it out in bags.

These people are ruthless bastards.  It's not like this guy was that strong a critic!

Those Towel Heads are a ruthless bunch. Keff, considers them his heroes. 

@Former Member

The term "towel heads" is a deliberate derogatory American/Western coinage to describe Middle Eastern & South Asian Muslims chiefly. Perhaps, you can use an alternative term. Friendly advice.

yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Nothing happens in SA without the approval of the CROWN PRINCE. How the hell can a Rogue Group return without any harm?? Al YUh too naive or plain stupid.

I agree with you.  It's BS.  Something of this nature will not occur without top approval.  They chopped his body up and took it out in bags.

These people are ruthless bastards.  It's not like this guy was that strong a critic!

Those Towel Heads are a ruthless bunch. Keff, considers them his heroes. 

How many head towels do you think were used to clean up the man's blood?


Many. The Saudis (no longer using towel heads to describe them) are a Barbaric, ruthless and murderous bunch who behave like animals. 

They also do not allow others to practice their faiths in their country and will slaughter if they attempt to do so.

They should be hanged for this crime. Saudis are a bunch of tribal bastards. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Nothing happens in SA without the approval of the CROWN PRINCE. How the hell can a Rogue Group return without any harm?? Al YUh too naive or plain stupid.

I agree with you.  It's BS.  Something of this nature will not occur without top approval.  They chopped his body up and took it out in bags.

These people are ruthless bastards.  It's not like this guy was that strong a critic!

Those Towel Heads are a ruthless bunch. Keff, considers them his heroes. 

I will gladly take you along with me when next I go there .... it will certainly be great fun to see you, GNI's resident loudmouth bigot, shit yourself the moment you arrive there and one of those guys look in your direction ! 

Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Bullshit!! Nothing happens in SA without the approval of the CROWN PRINCE. How the hell can a Rogue Group return without any harm?? Al YUh too naive or plain stupid.

I agree with you.  It's BS.  Something of this nature will not occur without top approval.  They chopped his body up and took it out in bags.

These people are ruthless bastards.  It's not like this guy was that strong a critic!

Those Bastards in the Ruling Family do not know what is Religion and Humanity. All they know is Power and money but use Religion to keep the masses ignorant and illiterate!!!


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