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This dude tapped into angry Americans who were more enthused at the polls than sane America. Obama talked about a red America and a blue America but it's sane/angry America.

His main legislative enemy will be House and Senate Republicans. Chris Christie and Rudolph Giuliani are his two main backers as is his campaign manager KellyAnne. that's not a conservative bunch in the mold of Congressional Republicans. Mike Pence will have an interesting relationship with Trump.

The Donald is a gambler, womanizer and those qualities amke fo a liberal, pragmatic leader. He cannot influence events, like Obama, that will lead to Black Lives matter for instance and he will engage only on the big issues - like conflict with China, having Japan and So. Korea become nuclear powers.


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Kari posted:

This dude tapped into angry Americans who were more enthused at the polls than sane America. Obama talked about a red America and a blue America but it's sane/angry America.

His main legislative enemy will be House and Senate Republicans. Chris Christie and Rudolph Giuliani are his two main backers as is his campaign manager KellyAnne. that's not a conservative bunch in the mold of Congressional Republicans. Mike Pence will have an interesting relationship with Trump.

The Donald is a gambler, womanizer and those qualities amke fo a liberal, pragmatic leader. He cannot influence events, like Obama, that will lead to Black Lives matter for instance and he will engage only on the big issues - like conflict with China, having Japan and So. Korea become nuclear powers.


I do not know I would give him the label liberal given he has as his advisors the alt right lot. KellyAnne made a career of as long as Hillary just reviling her everyday she can. Bannon on Breihtbart news made a living on conspiracy theories and demeaning immigrants and ranting against globalism.

You also know well we cannot be anti china. The two societies are supplying for cheap that the other consumes. Japan will not care since they are coming out of their own 30 year depression. S. Korea is scared.

He is not a liberal and there is nothing liberal in being nasty to immigrants or proposing trickle down, a zombie economic theory, as policy.

Kari posted:

This dude tapped into angry Americans who were more enthused at the polls than sane America. Obama talked about a red America and a blue America but it's sane/angry America.

His main legislative enemy will be House and Senate Republicans. Chris Christie and Rudolph Giuliani are his two main backers as is his campaign manager KellyAnne. that's not a conservative bunch in the mold of Congressional Republicans. Mike Pence will have an interesting relationship with Trump.

The Donald is a gambler, womanizer and those qualities amke fo a liberal, pragmatic leader. He cannot influence events, like Obama, that will lead to Black Lives matter for instance and he will engage only on the big issues - like conflict with China, having Japan and So. Korea become nuclear powers.


You were dead wrong all around.  Go under a rock, shut up for a while and start listening!!

Kari posted:

and Rudolph Giuliani are his two main backers as is his campaign manager KellyAnne. that's not a conservative bunch in the mold of Congressional Republicans. Mike Pence will have an interesting relationship with Trump.



You must be kidding. Apparently you haven't seen GHOULiani recently. Even his friends think that he is having a nervous breakdown. This man will turn the USA into the KGB. He is very angry. People want to know why.

Prashad posted:
The man will be more liberal than Hillary

Yes liberal with the abuse that he will heap on any one who considers to be an enemy. That will be any one who doesn't kiss his ring, and bow down and kiss his toes.

Look at Paul Ryan. Quaking and quivering has he begs Trump for forgiveness.  Trump will single out every single GOP official who didn't rush to his side. 

Last edited by Former Member

"As of 2015, it is estimated that Trump's real estate holdings were worth about US$3.5 billion with a value of commercial properties totaled at US$1.3 billion, his residential properties at US$410 million, and his club facilities at US$866 million, and an additional US$940 million for properties he has less than 100 percent stake in.[25] Trump's real estate holdings form the core of his assets and provide much of his income, with a wide array of real estate licensing, branding and marketing deals and royalties that provide millions in annual cash flow.[26][27][28] In 2015, Trump earned $71 million from condo sales and collects $41.9 million in rental income on his buildings annually.[29]"

That is quite impressive compared to a community organizer who left 45 Million Americans on foodstamps and the African Americans in a state of hopelessness.

Kari posted:

, the Ghoulman

Yes GHOULiani is worse. The Southerners will call you on Sunday morning and demand that you go to church.

GHOULIANI will arrest you with no due process and lose the key if you sneeze in a way that he doesn't like.

I prefer the Southerners because I will treat him as I treated the Jehovahs Witnesses. I will invite them in to clean my house as that will be the only way that would be able to join them in church. They will think me mad and quickly stop bothering me.

GHOULIANI. Hmmm.  Mussolini, Putin.  Not nice men!

Reza R. Rahaman posted:

An inexperience politician and a bankrupt businessman will now head up a superpower. 

Not a good choice.

How about an inexperience politician and a man who never held a real job but being a community agitator, Obama.  Well, at least he did half a job, I have to admit!!

Now, go to Guyana where we/they how to do things!!

caribny posted:
Kari posted:

, the Ghoulman

Yes GHOULiani is worse. The Southerners will call you on Sunday morning and demand that you go to church.

GHOULIANI will arrest you with no due process and lose the key if you sneeze in a way that he doesn't like.

I prefer the Southerners because I will treat him as I treated the Jehovahs Witnesses. I will invite them in to clean my house as that will be the only way that would be able to join them in church. They will think me mad and quickly stop bothering me.

GHOULIANI. Hmmm.  Mussolini, Putin.  Not nice men!

Shut up you damn clown!  Go under a rock!!  Do you think this is your PNC Guyana?

Kari posted:

Ba$ement, shut yuh poke yuh lil ant1man.

Cribman Trumpster, the Ghoulman and the ChristieGate man are different from your Southern conservatives. These guys live off of the north-east liberal elites too.

Trump will have the Republican House as uneasy allies.

Sh1tty mouth Kari, you catching flies again?  You are a dunce, a clown and talk too frigging much.  The horse sh1t which flows incessantly from your gaping hole [mouth] has backed up into your ears.  You are fill of shit, you are deaf and a dunce!!  Try some Imodium!

Mars pegged you right, always wanting to be noticed, wanting to be "man" of the moment.  You run your sorrowful ass out of Guyana from the PNC, then you cuss out the PPP and want back the PNC.  You washed up here [this great White nation] seeking refuge and now you cuss out the White folks, all in the name of grabbing some attention.  You are a clown, an ingrate magga-daagg.  Run under a rock you shameless joker!

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:
The man will be more liberal than Hillary

We peg people too simply.  There are aspects of his policy some will deem "Liberal" and aspects deemed "Conservative".  In the end, these two must be balanced in the greatest interest of the people.  Not all Liberal policies are bad, not all Conservative policies are bad.

He is President by the people, for the people, and his policies will reflect that.  He is a billionaire businessman who can related to his welder, mason, plumber, project manager, finance and other execs, etc!

Finally, America has returned to it roots being led by a broad spectrum individual who knows how to create something out of nothing!!

The Clinton dynasty is over, the Bush dynasty is over, the era of Donald Trump is here.  This is America, we don't care for monarchies and dynasties!

Everyone, GET OVER IT!!

The only caution I would put out there, his Aids have to ensure Melania is always around him on his travels so he grabs only "authorized territory"!  The banna is good looking, rich and lil hanky-panky, a combustible combination!

Last edited by Former Member

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