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Sean posted:

The republicans just tore apart the Democrat star witness !!!!!

This is  over. The Democrats are screwed  !!!!’

Ha Ha Ha !!!!!

Bai, I don't know what inquiry you were following or which FauxNews program you were watching but it appears that Trump as well as Sondland got into even more trouble with that new piece of information from Taylor. By last night, Congressional Republicans were griping that they probably erred by employing those attorneys since they were grossly ineffective in garnering the sought results. They thought they would have been better off with Jordan although Jordan spent the day making himself look silly.

Even Steve Bannon remarked that Palosi's handling of the impeachment investigation is brilliant.

Try avoiding FauxNews. Unless you are just interested in looking at dem ohman bodies. Don't listen to them though. They talk lots of stupidness and you will be fedup in less than 10 minutes.


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ksazma posted:
Sean posted:

The republicans just tore apart the Democrat star witness !!!!!

This is  over. The Democrats are screwed  !!!!’

Ha Ha Ha !!!!!

Bai, I don't know what inquiry you were following or which FauxNews program you were watching but it appears that Trump as well as Sondland got into even more trouble with that new piece of information from Taylor. By last night, Congressional Republicans were griping that they probably erred by employing those attorneys since they were grossly ineffective in garnering the sought results. They thought they would have been better off with Jordan although Jordan spent the day making himself look silly.

Even Steve Bannon remarked that Palosi's handling of the impeachment investigation is brilliant.

Try avoiding FauxNews. Unless you are just interested in looking at dem ohman bodies. Don't listen to them though. They talk lots of stupidness and you will be fedup in less than 10 minutes.

Damn! I missed this one. Well, I just have to use my imagination. Maybe I will print this picture and turn it upside down, sideways, anyways to see if I can ketch anything there.

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

All you tek all you dhall !!! 
Wait until the Republicans get to the other “witnesses” 

This is like the Mueller part two ! 

On hindsight, it’s excellent that this is all now public. 

Ha Ha Ha !!!!

You are right  this is like Mueller part two. Part one got some of Trumps buddies in prison, part two will have him follow his buddies.

cain posted:
Sean posted:

All you tek all you dhall !!! 
Wait until the Republicans get to the other “witnesses” 

This is like the Mueller part two ! 

On hindsight, it’s excellent that this is all now public. 

Ha Ha Ha !!!!

You are right  this is like Mueller part two. Part one got some of Trumps buddies in prison, part two will have him follow his buddies.

Like this Cain ...

ksazma posted:

The Russians just begin occupying the US military base in Syria. If it is up to Trump, the Russians will also occupy Camp LeJeune.

Ayuh talking sheer skont!  The Syrian civil war was raging under Obama and he seh he nah know Wah fuh do. Is too complicated.  Then Russia intervened on the side of Assad!   Then America decided to intervene with no clear goal. Now trump say let the Russians sort it out.  

Now all ayuh blaming him. America has no clear agenda.  What America wants will not happen and Trump knows.  

The Russians have a clear binary objective!  Trump won’t mind Assad remaining as any other option is fill with unknown risks! Just look at Libya!

alena06 posted:

Haven’t had a chance to watch.  Frump is shyting his pants, he is the biggest nightmare that ever happened to the Republican Party. Federal charges hitting his buddies like missiles!

Mitch goan bring every Republican in line. He wants the Supreme Court to be Conservative. Too many liberals around with their ungodly agenda.

Only Trump crazy enough to follow the urgings of Mitch, any other Republican would be 40% Democrat.

Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

The third democrat "Star witness" was gone in 30 seconds !

The Markets are obviously discounting the hearings as somewhat farcical!

Me thinks this will end in a dud just like the Mueller investigation!

You people must live in an alternate world. Because of Mueller's investigation there are men who once worked for Trump,  now sitting behind bars. If that is seen as a dud, then I look forward to a dud when they done with Trump.

cain posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

The third democrat "Star witness" was gone in 30 seconds !

The Markets are obviously discounting the hearings as somewhat farcical!

Me thinks this will end in a dud just like the Mueller investigation!

You people must live in an alternate world. Because of Mueller's investigation there are men who once worked for Trump,  now sitting behind bars. If that is seen as a dud, then I look forward to a dud when they done with Trump.

You need to sober up. That man is there for something that has nothing to do with Trump.  And what alternate world, aren’t the markets and all time highs, isn’t the Chinese markets some 20% off, isn’t there a trade deal coming together? 

Ayuh living in the clouds, Trump is still solidly President and strong at the polls.  This will end in a dud like the Mueller investigation.  It ain’t going anywhere!  Don’t hold your breath, guh tek a pull instead!


The CIA is behind the impeachment of Trump because he is not reading their intelligence analysis of situations.  I don't blame Trump. He is mostly using common sense.  Although he failed badly on Turkey.  If the Pakistan ISI could infiltrate the CIA with a mole who fooled Clinton on India then certainly who knows what other moles are in there.

Last edited by Prashad
kp posted:
Sean posted:

Bai, this is ALL about Democrats and Republicans. 
The Democrats have no regard for fairness and due process. Their obsession with impeachment brought America to this point. 

There is no pure Republican party,  it's all about Trump and his followers named Trumpters. . Taylor stated in his over 50 years public service history he NEVER heard of a president behaving in such crude manner as of Trump Quid Pro Quo. New York Mafia.

Did he ever heard of a president who hustled young interns inserting cigarillos in their thingy in the Oval Office while his wife made cookies a few doors down?

ksazma posted:

Yesterday was another terrible day for Trump and it has nothing to do with yet another of the persons he campaigned for lost an election.

I am seriously asking Trump to campaign for the PNC. 

Why?  PNC got it locked up with 36 seats!  I think though they will come in at 34 to show was not pre-planned. 

Granguh got ayuh coolies weh he want ayuh!

kp posted:

Sicko Trump made an unexpected visit to Walter Reed Hospital, he just can't take the pressure of impeachment along with a heart condition.

 Nancy Poloci has invited Trump to the Impeachment hearing to defend himself, Would he show up???

 The pressure is building, he may FAKE sick then resign out of shame.

Wonder if he is getting heart palpitations? His BP going through the roof? Somebody give him a piece of rope.


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