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Italy referendum: Exit poll results suggest clear victory for 'No'

Polls called the vote for the No camp by a margin of at least 54 per cent to 46 per cent for the Yes camp

Early results from the first exit polls of the Italian referendum suggest that voters have overwhelmingly rejected constitutional reform proposals on which Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has staked his political future. 

Polls for national broadcaster Rai and the La7 television channel both called the vote for the No camp by a margin of at least 54 per cent to 46 per cent for the Yes camp, and by an average of between 56.7and  43.3 per cent.

Two other polls gave No a similar lead of at least 10 points. 

As the polling booths shut at 11pm, the Interior Ministry's website put the voter turnout at 68.33 per cent, indicating that the final turn out could be more than 70 per cent.

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ba$eman posted:

Italy referendum: Exit poll results suggest clear victory for 'No'


What the hell does trumpeters have to do with voting down a referendum that would change the constitution and consolidate power to the central authority? There are no parallels here. The opposition united against this referendum but they are not united to support the five star group that would want to exit the Eurozone.

In any event, some of the proposals were spound. Italy need economic reforms since the status quo which won ( contrary to Trumpeters parallel) would like the same policies that has Italy in stagnation to remain.

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