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Originally Posted by Kari:

You gotta hand it to Axelrod and Plouffe. This pair will make Carville and Begala retire. Karl Rove looks like a choir boy.


Chicago politics......ruthless.


They mapped out all the precincts they need and it's paying off.


Look for 2 or 3 Supreme Court appointments in a 2nd Obama term.

three is a stretch. One definitely, and two possibly. Brown lost in Ma simply because he voted against Elena Kagan.


Plouffe et al strategy makes for winning but not for good democracy. The democrat has to expand their base to the south. Georgia, Louisiana can be gotten if one look to them


Rove lost on account of inherent Republican ideologues with narrow interest dominating the messaging. He also lost by slivers and since they will support immigration they can recapture some of the Hispanic votes. Many of these voters are ultra conservative on account of their catholic faith.


There is no time for gloating but a need for both sides to evaluate their options carefully or we will have a fractious country. Note voter suppression tactics did not work as it made people mad and they turned out in huge numbers. Similarly cherry picking down to the block level to gerrymander districts did not help either. Those are things that worked against Rove.

Last edited by Former Member

The Democratic party has to be very careful.


1.  the GOP will definitely target the Hispanic vote going forward.  Hispanic support is soft, as we know from Bush's 44% in 2004.  Look to see more Hispanics getting visibility. 


Blacks will be ignored, unless they also move away from this automatic support for the Democrats who take them for granted. The Democrats need to learn that blacks do not live on their plantation, and our votes cant always be taken for granted.  The GOP also needs to learn this and attempt to get 30% of this bloc.


Whether the GOP learns that they must hand over leadership to the center right, instead of the extreme right we will see.  If they do the black and Hispanic middle class and immigrants will give them a second look.


Let us face facts.  Obama won because the GOP are horrible, and waged a campaign based on the vilification of issues of importance to single women, young voters, minorities and immigrants.  If the GOP fixes their mess the next Democrat running for president will have a tough time.


2.  The Democratic party risks a black back lash if they are seen to be promoting Hispanics over blacks.  25% of Obama's votes came from blacks, and given the narrow margin of victory in both the popular vote, and in many states, this will hurt the Democratic party.  15% came from Hispanics.  While the latter are important out West, the former are important in the MidWest and South East.  Take out black votes and there goes OH, PA,VA, and FL.


3.  There have been reports of voter suppression in black precicts since 2000.  Why is it that the Democratic partyy hasnt seen it fit to AGGRESSIVELY deal with this issue, aside from during presidential election years.


In order to assure victory in 2014 (mid terms) and 2016 the Democratioc party must not only scream diversity, but they must also practise what they preach.  I expect to see more diversity in this second term cabinet and a greater emphasis on economic development in urban areas, affordable housing, job training for REAL jobs, etc.


If 2016 shows unemployment rates at the same level as we have now the Democratics are toast.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 He also lost by slivers and since they will support immigration they can recapture some of the Hispanic votes. Many of these voters are ultra conservative on account of their catholic faith.

  Note voter suppression tactics did not work as it made people mad and they turned out in huge numbers.

Yes. The high black turn out was motivated by huge rage at the vulgar tactics used by the GOP, which reminded many of the old Jim Crow days, especially in states like FL, and VA, where they have distinct memories.


Another issue is the fact that the GOP has become a home for bigots (against women, immigrants and non whites).  While it will not be accurate to suggest that the leadership endorses such behavior, what is disturbing is that they do NOTHING about it.  We had our own example with Rev Al.  he obtained his vulgarity from some where...and is no doubt back their threatening to wage a civil war, as are some right wing extremists.


Thanks to this behavior the GOP lost VA and will lose FL, once they get over the current voter suppression inspired mess.

Originally Posted by Chief:



I saw on CNN they had a breakdown of Jewish, Christian and Evangical voters. Do you have any information or can you reserch  how Muslims voted.

Thank you

The Muslims and Hindus do not contribute large sums of cash to the campaigns. So I doubt that an exit interview included the Muslims and Hindus. Besides, they think that all muslims want to declare jihad on the US.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Just a reminder to Kari, Carville and Begala were the axis on which this victory pivoted. They are behind American Crossroads that initially defined Romney

Where this premise will fail is that its based on using various groups to turn out on election day and ignoring them after that.


How did these guys get votes.


1. Playing on the fears of women (especially single ones_ based on silliness by Murdouk and Akin.


2.  Playing on the fears of  Latins based upon silly GOP governors who are willing to harrass any one who they think is illegal (being brown skinned is enough).


3.  Playing on the fears of blacks who fear disenfranchisement and a loss of civil rights gains which becomes a reality when an agreessive voter suppression strategy is used by the GOP.


Nothing positive.



Aggressive Chicago politics will only go so far.



At some point people will get fed up and this will happen the first time the GOP moves to the center, and so stops being seen as a scary monster.  This might well happen once the GOP gets over theire shock, look at how trashed the Tea Party was and the more moderate element begin to make themselves heard.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Just a reminder to Kari, Carville and Begala were the axis on which this victory pivoted. They are behind American Crossroads that initially defined Romney

Where this premise will fail is that its based on using various groups to turn out on election day and ignoring them after that.


How did these guys get votes.


1. Playing on the fears of women (especially single ones_ based on silliness by Murdouk and Akin.


2.  Playing on the fears of  Latins based upon silly GOP governors who are willing to harrass any one who they think is illegal (being brown skinned is enough).


3.  Playing on the fears of blacks who fear disenfranchisement and a loss of civil rights gains which becomes a reality when an agreessive voter suppression strategy is used by the GOP.


Nothing positive.



Aggressive Chicago politics will only go so far.



At some point people will get fed up and this will happen the first time the GOP moves to the center, and so stops being seen as a scary monster.  This might well happen once the GOP gets over theire shock, look at how trashed the Tea Party was and the more moderate element begin to make themselves heard.

I have no desire to analyze the path to victory since victory was not only a desirable end but a needed end. I am not an admirer of President Obama ( policy wise vs the man) even though my wife was active in both his election and re election. My reasons was stated on Chiefs monstrous thread last time where you and I argued ceaselessly. To summarize it here; he takes an idealistic race neutral stance when racism stares him down. He has no history in the movement to understand the implication of his stance and it is on that account he leaves a bad taste in establishment black and brown advocacy.


The idea of playing on the fears of woman has little foundation. Women's rights were on jeopardy on many front. Ryan voted against equal pay, sought to legislate person-hood as inclusive of a fetus and Romney said he will seek to overturn Roe V Wade. Then there was the reality that the next president will chance the tenor of the court for our lifetime.


Oppressive stop and search laws and Immigration reform disproportionately act against Latin peoples. It is no less than the stop and search coupled with Rockefeller rules that has disproportionately and discriminatory have so many of young black men in jail. Reminding them of what they face is not fear mongering but prudence as it is a rights issue.


Blacks do not need to be told they will be selected for suppression. It is routine. I know that because I have seen it and I am sure you know of the many ways it occur. It is so much part of the psyche of black culture that they have a hair trigger response when it happens and alas for Romney, it took them to the polls in numbers that surprised even me.


I do not care for the Chicago strategy and not on account of its aggressiveness. I would not reference it in those terms. I would reference it in terms of its narrow cherry picking to get to the required number. That was ruthlessly prosecuted.


Given Romney was already at 243 deficit on account of the blue wall their strategy was almost incapable of loosing. That is why I laughed at the Rev and his stupid comments about knowing numbers. He simply did not know how numbers were used and none of those polls meant much if these internal measures were on target.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:



I have no desire to analyze the path to victory since victory was not only a desirable end but a needed end. I am not an admirer of President Obama ( policy wise vs the man) even though my wife was active in both his election and re election. My reasons was stated on Chiefs monstrous thread last time where you and I argued ceaselessly. To summarize it here; he takes an idealistic race neutral stance when racism stares him down. He has no history in the movement to understand the implication of his stance and it is on that account he leaves a bad taste in establishment black and brown advocacy.


The idea of playing on the fears of woman has little foundation. Women's rights were on jeopardy on many front. Ryan voted against equal pay, sought to legislate person-hood as inclusive of a fetus and Romney said he will seek to overturn Roe V Wade. Then there was the reality that the next president will chance the tenor of the court for our lifetime.


Oppressive stop and search laws and Immigration reform disproportionately act against Latin peoples. It is no less than the stop and search coupled with Rockefeller rules that has disproportionately and discriminatory have so many of young black men in jail. Reminding them of what they face is not fear mongering but prudence as it is a rights issue.


Blacks do not need to be told they will be selected for suppression. It is routine. I know that because I have seen it and I am sure you know of the many ways it occur. It is so much part of the psyche of black culture that they have a hair trigger response when it happens and alas for Romney, it took them to the polls in numbers that surprised even me.


I do not care for the Chicago strategy and not on account of its aggressiveness. I would not reference it in those terms. I would reference it in terms of its narrow cherry picking to get to the required number. That was ruthlessly prosecuted.


Given Romney was already at 243 deficit on account of the blue wall their strategy was almost incapable of loosing. That is why I laughed at the Rev and his stupid comments about knowing numbers. He simply did not know how numbers were used and none of those polls meant much if these internal measures were on target.

Unless one thinks that the GOP will reform (based on their post defeat wails I dont think so) then one must be concerned about 2014 and 2016.


I agree with you that black/women/Hispanics s do not need to be told and in fcat this is why I said that they PLAYED ON THE FEARS.  The same fears that Al Gore used in 2000 in fact (yes 12 years later no change).


The fears were already there and the Chicago boys planted their "get out the vote" mechanism on top of them.  What hurts is that in the past 4 years little has been done to resolve these problems (Obama deported way more than did Bush, and Hispanics know this) and at some point people will just give up..especially if the GOP puts on a "wolf in sheeps clothing" face so appears less dangerous.


So I suggest that BOTH parties have some serious homework to do, unless the sole purpose of this exercise was to elect Obama and be damned about what happens in 2014/16. 


What is hypocritical is that at its top levels the Democratic party is almost as Non Hispanic white as the GOP (look at the Senate and the ranks of the governors) so all their boasts about diveristy ring hollow.  These mainly white men feel that they "own" the minority vote, who they think they can manipulate, based on pre-existing fears.  This politics is very like that of the PPP (towards its Indian base) and the PNC (towards its African/mixed base) so you ought to recognize its long term flaws.


At some point it will fail.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Unless one thinks that the GOP will reform (based on their post defeat wails I dont think so) then one must be concerned about 2014 and 2016.


I agree with you that black/women/Hispanics s do not need to be told and in fcat this is why I said that they PLAYED ON THE FEARS.  The same fears that Al Gore used in 2000 in fact (yes 12 years later no change).


The fears were already there and the Chicago boys planted their "get out the vote" mechanism on top of them.  What hurts is that in the past 4 years little has been done to resolve these problems (Obama deported way more than did Bush, and Hispanics know this) and at some point people will just give up..especially if the GOP puts on a "wolf in sheeps clothing" face so appears less dangerous.


So I suggest that BOTH parties have some serious homework to do, unless the sole purpose of this exercise was to elect Obama and be damned about what happens in 2014/16. 


What is hypocritical is that at its top levels the Democratic party is almost as Non Hispanic white as the GOP (look at the Senate and the ranks of the governors) so all their boasts about diveristy ring hollow.  These mainly white men feel that they "own" the minority vote, who they think they can manipulate, based on pre-existing fears.  This politics is very like that of the PPP (towards its Indian base) and the PNC (towards its African/mixed base) so you ought to recognize its long term flaws.


At some point it will fail.

There should be a tax of some sort for posting on blog sites with useless information and opinions.....

Originally Posted by Kari:

There should be a tax of some sort for posting on blog sites with useless information and opinions.....

Kari its clear that you have a personal obsession with me.  If you didnt you would deconstruct my arguments by offering a counter opinion with evidence to support your points.


Kari at this point you have become a less vulgar version of Nehru and I expected more of you.




Just understand that while you behave like Nehru the GOP is assessing why they lost...and I mean the serious elements, not the clowns like those on FOX, the Tea Party and the Bible Thumpers.


And while the GOP is doing this assessment serious elements within the Democratic party.  Not people like you.  But the serious elements are anticipating what the GOP will do, assessing their vulnerabilities, and trying to look towards 2014 and 2016.   Note that while Romney lost the GOP still control the House and so will seek to further that control, and make another attempt to seize the Senate come 2014. 


Kari this was a very close election.  Roughly 50:50 with a 2% here and a 2% there.  Neither side have any bragging rights.  And to give them credit I have yet to hear any serious Democrat claim that this was a landslide, notwithstanding the electoral vote. 


They know that a slight difference in turnout and fewer mistakes on the GOP side (the dishonest Jeep ad, attempts to suppress the black vote and insensitive comments about rape) and the results might have been very different.  Had Murdouk and Akin shut their mouths the GOP would have maintained their numbers in the Senate.


So continue with your one liners. 


What is close about 332 Electoral College votes to 208?


How many times do President win by more than 2 percentage points of the popular votes?


The voters rejected Romney/Ryan plans to dismantle ObamaCare. They rejected their plan to not have the rich pay a fair share. they rejected the Congress that takes us to the point of credit default.


You got a hard-on for Blacks not owning house like the Hamptons or driving Lincolns.

Originally Posted by Kari:

What is close about 332 Electoral College votes to 208?


How many times do President win by more than 2 percentage points of the popular votes?


The voters rejected Romney/Ryan plans to dismantle ObamaCare. They rejected their plan to not have the rich pay a fair share. they rejected the Congress that takes us to the point of credit default.


You got a hard-on for Blacks not owning house like the Hamptons or driving Lincolns.

Let us look at the FACTS.  Obama got 50% in OH, 51% in CO, 51% in VA and 50% in FL.  Is this what you call  a sweeping victory. In 2008 Obama got almost 70 million votes.  4 years later only 61 million.  Romney at 58 million wqas down only 1 million from McCain...and he was a weak candidate and suffered from the likes of Aiken and Murdouk.




You know any number of factors could have led to Romney winning.  Like Murdouk not babbling causing suburban females in VA to vote Obama.  Rove not leading a charge to suppress the black vote leading blacks to rush out enraged at this in OH and FL. 


See it.


Kari if only the problem was blacks not owning luxury villas in the Hamptons was it.


No Kari it is about 40% of the long term unemployed being black....many of them being FORMER members of the black middle class.  Its is about 10% of blacks who owned homes losing them through foreclosure.  It is about black coll;ege graduates earning what a white high school graduate makes.  Its is about the fact that while Obama and the Democratic party have lots to say about women's issues and Hispanic issues because they want their votes both feel ENTITLED to the black vote and so see no need to similarly discuss particular problems faced even by the black middle class.



Yes Obama won thanks to this group and you think that its wrong for this issue to be discussed!!!!


Hmmm.  First black president and the black middle class, which grew under many white presidents, is now threatened.  True not Obama's fault, but why is this topic not as importnat to be discussed as is gay marriage?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

Were it not for redistricting shenanigans by GOP controlled Governorship and State legislators you would have seen some Congressional seats gained by the Democrats as they got more votes.

And how did the GOP have the ability to gerry mander the districts.


Because they ensured that when the census was done in 2010 they would control the House.


Kari you argue like a child.   In politics there is no "right" or "wrong".  It is who has the power to do what they want to do and avoid being punished for doing so.


Kari Obama lost 9 million voters from last time and Romney only lost 1 million of those who voted McCain.  In critical states like OH. VA, and FL Obama won with 50-51% of the vote.  That isnt a mandate.  That is called barely scraping to get in.


So continue to think that the Democrats can celebrate and think that happy times are here again and not plan for what ever mischief the GOP have in mind. 


As you can see the GOP can and did gerry mander.  Next time they will again try to suppress the black vote.  If blacks are no better off then than they are now, given that there is no "brother" to support (even though tmany are disappointed with him), many will stay home. There goes VA and maybe the other states, and CO too if the GOP gets that 40% Latin vote. 


The Democrats can only win with high minority turn out.  Its about time they stop running a plantation and start working seriously to encourage a true meritocracy.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You talking crap again. The Democratic won with a high minority turnout. What is wrong about this? If Romney had this option he would have used it. But the Republicans depended too much on their base and negative campaigning using the millions from the right.

Sugrim you know nothing about US politics.  Your knowledge of politics is limited to defending PPP racism.


Leave those who understand the subtleties of this country to speak.


While you display your ignorance Hispanic leaders have already demanded that they be compensated for delivering this high Hispanic vote, and will threaten the Democratic party if their issues are not discussed.


If they do not get what they want they will listen to what the GOP have to tell them in 2014 and 2016 and as we speak the GOP definitely will target this group.


Now if blacks are foolish enough to deliver 93% of their votes and not demand anything in exchange as are white women, gays and Hispanics, then that is our fault when we get nothing.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What subtlety do you understand? The fact is that Romney lost fair and square. He won the Hispanic handily. Now it is up to Obama to try to fix immigration as he has promised and well as the other things like employment.Deal with the facts rather than ifs and buts.   

Silly man doesnt understand subtleties.


You see sir you live in a dictatorship where the PPP is guaranteed to win.  In the USA we are democratic so no one party can sit on their laurels.  As soon as one election is over the preparations begin for the next which will be in 2014.


It may shock you to know, but as we speak there are those in teh Democratic party who are currently worried about whether the winning coalition, based on very high black and youth turn out, and a swing THIS TIME by Hispanics to the Democrats, will hold next time, in 2014 and in 2016. 


We already know that in 2010 it didnt hold so the GOP made inroads all over the place.  State legislatures, governorships and in the House, and so were able to gerry mander district boundaries.  The USA is a complex country and being President, doesnt in itself guarantee power if one is locked out of those various arms of govt.


But this is too hard for you as in your country "ahbe pan tap" rules, so once Indians remain the largest group the PPP is bound to win. No analysis needed.  I forecasted with great accuracy the results of the last election in your country.


Not so easy in the USA.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Rather Obama won the Hispanic vote handily.

Obama is not running in 2014 and 2016 and the GOP will target Hispanics and Hispanics will extract a big bargain and who ever offers it will get their support.  The party which wins tthe House and the Senate in 2014 will determine what Obama's legacy will be, and every president worries about this.


Bush got 44% in 2004, enough for him to win, qas unpopular as he was.


So what is to prevent Hispanics from swinging again, if teh Democrats do not perform to their taste?  And with only 40% of the white vote Democratic victories depend on high minority turn outs and on the vast majority of their votes.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Kari how did the electorate reject Congress.  The GOP are still in control arent they?



The balance of power remains more or less as before the election.  We in for a rough ride.

On that we can agree.


Neither party gained a mandate.  I give credit to Obama for admitting taht an emphazing ONCE AGAIN, the need fore compromise.


Pity Boehner doesnt understand this.  Even though the Tea party lost and big bully Bachman barely kept her seat!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Rather Obama won the Hispanic vote handily.

Obama is not running in 2014 and 2016 and the GOP will target Hispanics and Hispanics will extract a big bargain and who ever offers it will get their support.  The party which wins tthe House and the Senate in 2014 will determine what Obama's legacy will be, and every president worries about this.


Bush got 44% in 2004, enough for him to win, qas unpopular as he was.


So what is to prevent Hispanics from swinging again, if teh Democrats do not perform to their taste?  And with only 40% of the white vote Democratic victories depend on high minority turn outs and on the vast majority of their votes.

Banna you are a novice. This was the best time for the Hispanics to desert Obama  because he did not keep his promise to reform immigration and more people were deported under Obama than under Bush. But Obama still had the Hispanic vote.Why? Because he stands out as their best hope. Now digest that and come back. 


The message of this election was deafening - Barack please have 4 more years to continue to do what you've done and get done the things that the Republicans will now be less committed to oppose. You get us and you fight for us. For decades society has been inverted from what made America successful, and you among recent Presidents understand this and see a changing world that America has been slow to change to deal with. You know America does not need more hardware for its military, but it needs a smarter military to fight a new kind of warfare. You know that middle incomes have declined and upper incomes skewed to a disgusting level. You know that the deficits need to be tackled long-term and not like its burning down the house today, right now. You know that what's burning the house is unemployment, skills, education, and the like. You know we have a deteriorating human capital stock and want to make this better. You know that CaribJ and those of his ilk are dead wrong. So we will look at them and pray for their rehabilitation - maybe leave some KoolAid for them too.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Kari how did the electorate reject Congress.  The GOP are still in control arent they?



The balance of power remains more or less as before the election.  We in for a rough ride.

Please tell Kari and sugrim that while the extoll about victory.  We got status quo.

Originally Posted by Kari:

 You know that CaribJ and those of his ilk are dead wrong. So we will look at them and pray for their rehabilitation - maybe leave some KoolAid for them too.

Dead wrong about what.   That the black middle class is shrinking fast under our first black President?  And that he panders to white females (signed a bill demanding pay equity for females, but refuses to do so for minorities), Hispanics and gays and refuses to deal with this fact.


Prove me wrong on this.


You cant.


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