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Twenty-two years and still no signs of any real progress

September 7, 2014 | By | Filed Under AFC Column 

By Dominic Gaskin Guyanese are understandably confused by claims made by the ruling PPP-C Government of great progress that has been achieved since it came to power in 1992. Given what is so obvious to even the most casual observer, one is forced to wonder just how bad things must have been in 1992 in order for two decades of great progress to have brought us to our current state. More objective thinkers will make allowances for the many advances that have occurred globally during this period and trickled down to Guyana, which do not represent any real progress on our part.

– Dominic Gaskin

– Dominic Gaskin

Certainly there are many more cars on the road, many more houses, housing schemes, shops and consumer products. Hundreds of large buildings have been constructed, presumably for the purpose of operating businesses. Private schools are popping up all over, and private health care operators have expanded their presence. There are more daily newspapers to choose from, more television channels and radio stations. Our telephone, water and electricity services have improved. Many of our public sector employees are more polite today than they were twenty years ago and routine matters are being dealt with faster than before. Undoubtedly there have been improvements in certain areas, our economy has grown and more money is being spent all around. Progress, however, requires movement in a particular direction towards a chosen destination, and great progress requires that this movement takes place in good time. Additionally, we are now part of a more integrated global community which means that our rate of progress must also be measured relative to that of other countries in order to know how well we are doing. Unfortunately we are not doing very well. Short-term thinking, corruption and lawlessness have prevented us from translating economic growth into economic development and we are left with an illusion of progress, which the PPP-C is keen to present as a great advancement. The rapid increase in the amount of vehicles on our roads cannot be considered an indication of progress when so many of these vehicles are ten to fifteen years old at the time of importation; when so many of the persons driving them have paid bribes to obtain their driving licences; when insurance coverage is ridiculously low; when there is such poor implementation of our traffic regulations; when our road network has not significantly expanded in twenty years; when our roads are so poorly maintained; when our public transportation system is so primitive; and, above all, when there seems to be no plan in place for managing long-term traffic increase. More shops selling a wider variety of products cannot be considered an indication of progress when so little of what we consume is of local origin; when so much of what is sold is of sub-standard quality or adorned with fake brand names; and when customer service remains at sub-mediocre levels; The opening of new housing schemes cannot be considered an indication of progress when so many persons are being made to pay for house lots in areas with inadequate utilities and physical infrastructure; when there are no arrangements in place for solid waste disposal; when there are no community maintenance programmes in place; when these housing schemes are remote from areas of economic activity; when there are no provisions for recreational activities; and, above all, when applications are ignored for years until personal interventions take place or the applicant grovels before some high-ranking official. The highly-visible increase in higher than normal buildings being constructed all over the place cannot be considered an indication of progress when there is insufficient economic activity to justify many of these investments; when surrounding communities are negatively impacted by the construction and use of these properties; when by-laws are routinely disregarded; and when safety issues associated with larger structures are not being properly addressed. More and more private schools and health facilities cannot be considered indications of progress when the majority of the population cannot afford private education and private health care; when our public schools and hospitals are underperforming; and when a serious geographic divide still exists in the provision of education and health care in Guyana today. An expanded media presence cannot be considered an indication of progress when there is such appalling abuse of the state media by the government; when previously unavailable radio licences are suddenly and arbitrarily handed out to friends and relatives of the ruling party by an outgoing President; when a PPP-C Government Member of Parliament and former cabinet member is appointed as Chairperson of the Broadcast Authority set up to regulate the broadcasting industry; when private media houses friendly to the PPP-C are subsidized by means of discriminatory government advertising; when Presidents routinely attack and insult media houses seen to be critical of the Government; and when a regional capital has been deliberately deprived of its own television station for decades. Improved reliability in the supply of electricity cannot be considered an indication of progress when this service is prohibitively expensive for the average Guyanese; when so many persons (rich and poor) are engaged in electricity theft; when so many communities across Guyana are still without any supply of electricity whatsoever; when GPL still has to be heavily subsidized with tax-payer dollars each year; and when renewable energy generation has still not become a reality after almost fifty years of independence. Development of a country does not take place randomly or without strong leadership. The PPP-C is simply marking time in office and has nowhere to take this country. It has had more than enough time to demonstrate a capacity to do so, but seems content to fill the pockets of a chosen few while blaming its critics for its failure to take Guyana forward. As everyone now knows, there are people in faraway countries importing our logs. There are also people importing our gold and our bauxite. These raw materials are being imported because those people have figured out how to convert them into more valuable forms or products in order to make a profit. Surely it is not beyond us as a nation to find ways to do what others are doing and enjoy a better return on our abundant raw materials? The AFC is committed to long-term development and will target all sectors capable of attracting export earnings with a seriousness and sincerity that has so far eluded this government. An AFC Government will not have the luxury of failing and still being reelected as has the PPP-C for all these years. Hopefully the next elections will mark the beginning of a new era of smart voting, where the people of Guyana finally give ethnic voting the boot and start voting for real development and progress.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The rapid increase in the amount of vehicles on our roads cannot be considered an indication of progress when so many of these vehicles are ten to fifteen years old at the time of importation; when so many of the persons driving them have paid bribes to obtain their driving licences; when insurance coverage is ridiculously low; when there is such poor implementation of our traffic regulations; when our road network has not significantly expanded in twenty years; when our roads are so poorly maintained; when our public transportation system is so primitive; and, above all, when there seems to be no plan in place for managing long-term traffic increase.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The rapid increase in the amount of vehicles on our roads cannot be considered an indication of progress when so many of these vehicles are ten to fifteen years old at the time of importation; when so many of the persons driving them have paid bribes to obtain their driving licences; when insurance coverage is ridiculously low; when there is such poor implementation of our traffic regulations; when our road network has not significantly expanded in twenty years; when our roads are so poorly maintained; when our public transportation system is so primitive; and, above all, when there seems to be no plan in place for managing long-term traffic increase.

The AFC can get photos on this paragraph alone and make an eye-catching poster. Photos of poorly maintained roads, broken and non-functioning traffic lights, etc.


An expanded media presence cannot be considered an indication of progress when there is such appalling abuse of the state media by the government; when previously unavailable radio licences are suddenly and arbitrarily handed out to friends and relatives of the ruling party by an outgoing President; when a PPP-C Government Member of Parliament and former cabinet member is appointed as Chairperson of the Broadcast Authority set up to regulate the broadcasting industry; when private media houses friendly to the PPP-C are subsidized by means of discriminatory government advertising; when Presidents routinely attack and insult media houses seen to be critical of the Government; and when a regional capital has been deliberately deprived of its own television station for decades.


The AFC is committed to long-term development and will target all sectors capable of attracting export earnings with a seriousness and sincerity that has so far eluded this government. An AFC Government will not have the luxury of failing and still being reelected as has the PPP-C for all these years. Hopefully the next elections will mark the beginning of a new era of smart voting, where the people of Guyana finally give ethnic voting the boot and start voting for real development and progress.


Mr Gaskin is on target,voter should take note.


The opening of new housing schemes cannot be considered an indication of progress when so many persons are being made to pay for house lots in areas with inadequate utilities and physical infrastructure; when there are no arrangements in place for solid waste disposal; when there are no community maintenance programmes in place; when these housing schemes are remote from areas of economic activity; when there are no provisions for recreational activities; and, above all, when applications are ignored for years until personal interventions take place or the applicant grovels before some high-ranking official. The highly-visible increase in higher than normal buildings being constructed all over the place cannot be considered an indication of progress when there is insufficient economic activity to justify many of these investments; when surrounding communities are negatively impacted by the construction and use of these properties; when by-laws are routinely disregarded; and when safety issues associated with larger structures are not being properly addressed.

Guyanese are understandably confused by claims made by the ruling PPP-C Government of great progress that has been achieved since it came to power in 1992. Given what is so obvious to even the most casual observer, one is forced to wonder just how bad things must have been in 1992 in order for two decades of great progress to have brought us to our current state. More objective thinkers will make allowances for the many advances that have occurred globally during this period and trickled down to Guyana, which do not represent any real progress on our part.



Twenty-two years and still no signs of any real progress

September 7, 2014 | By | Filed Under AFC Column , By Dominic Gaskin


– Dominic Gaskin

– Dominic Gaskin

Things indeed were really bad when among other issues, the gross debt was about 90% of the GDP.


Since 1992, things have significantly improved, despite the neglect during the 1964 to 1992 period,


Development of a country does not take place randomly or without strong leadership. The PPP-C is simply marking time in office and has nowhere to take this country. It has had more than enough time to demonstrate a capacity to do so, but seems content to fill the pockets of a chosen few while blaming its critics for its failure to take Guyana forward.


Twenty-two years and still no signs of any real progress.

That depends on what you believe is progress. What is NOT progress is:

1. Reversing the airport modernization and extension for future benefits.

2. Non-supportive actions to kill the Hydro Power Plant.

3. Cut funding for LCDS.

4. Non-supportive actions against Anti-Money Laundering Bill.

5. Cut funding for specialty hospital

6. I can go on and on... All I am hearing is saving the tax payer money while it was wasted on Linden (CoI) that fell on deaf ears.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Burnham and the PNC used to boast about Guyana's development when there was none development. Now, the PNC is complaining about none development when there is plenty of development.  Go figure!

I would say 'go see for yourself'.

you sending the man for your family to rob him

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Burnham and the PNC used to boast about Guyana's development when there was none development. Now, the PNC is complaining about none development when there is plenty of development.  Go figure!

I would say 'go see for yourself'.

you sending the man for your family to rob him

You want to go see for yourself? I will contact my afro acquaintnaces and have them give you a tour.


Development for who? Development in Guyana is limited to a few beneficiaries not the masses.


The PPP cabal are large beneficiaries and the drug traffickers which really an extended part of the cabal.


Guyana still have blackout left right and center, we still have water shortages, we have crime that is worse than under PNC time.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Burnham and the PNC used to boast about Guyana's development when there was none development. Now, the PNC is complaining about none development when there is plenty of development.  Go figure!

I would say 'go see for yourself'.

you sending the man for your family to rob him

You want to go see for yourself? I will contact my afro acquaintnaces and have them give you a tour.

you asking me that question,dummy i go almost 3 to 4 times a year to gt.i am a guyanese not a tourist  

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Burnham and the PNC used to boast about Guyana's development when there was none development. Now, the PNC is complaining about none development when there is plenty of development.  Go figure!

I would say 'go see for yourself'.

you sending the man for your family to rob him

You want to go see for yourself? I will contact my afro acquaintnaces and have them give you a tour.

you asking me that question,dummy i go almost 3 to 4 times a year to gt.i am a guyanese not a tourist  

Pee Wee Herman,
Save your breath. I'll help you with that.


Dr. Rupert Roopnarine said that concrete houses represent ugliness in Guyana. We should go back to wood houses. (He stop short of saying we should go back to mud logies of massa time). He was speaking in Parliament and was suggesting that only the rich are able to build concrete houses and mansions. There are countless concrete houses all over Guyana that belong to hard working Guyanese. Who believe that all concrete houses only belong to rich people? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Dr. Rupert Roopnarine said that concrete houses represent ugliness in Guyana. We should go back to wood houses. (He stop short of saying we should go back to mud logies of massa time). He was speaking in Parliament and was suggesting that only the rich are able to build concrete houses and mansions. There are countless concrete houses all over Guyana that belong to hard working Guyanese. Who believe that all concrete houses only belong to rich people? 

go take a walk about in plastic city  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Burnham and the PNC used to boast about Guyana's development when there was none development. Now, the PNC is complaining about none development when there is plenty of development.  Go figure!

I would say 'go see for yourself'.

you sending the man for your family to rob him

You want to go see for yourself? I will contact my afro acquaintnaces and have them give you a tour.

you asking me that question,dummy i go almost 3 to 4 times a year to gt.i am a guyanese not a tourist  

Pee Wee Herman,
Save your breath. I'll help you with that.

try helping the ppp they will need it 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Twenty-two years and still no signs of any real progress.

That depends on what you believe is progress. What is NOT progress is:

1. Reversing the airport modernization and extension for future benefits.

2. Non-supportive actions to kill the Hydro Power Plant.

3. Cut funding for LCDS.

4. Non-supportive actions against Anti-Money Laundering Bill.

5. Cut funding for specialty hospital

6. I can go on and on... All I am hearing is saving the tax payer money while it was wasted on Linden (CoI) that fell on deaf ears.

What is NOT progress is engaging in mega projects which are poorly conceived with no proper over sight and when there is evidence of corruption.


KLM and Air France fly flies into St Maarten, and BA into St Kitts when those runways are scarcely longer than GEOs.  Further the airlines most likely to fly to GEO arent going to use large planes.  And, lacking a tourist industry, nor having any prospects of a major increase in arrivals in the near term, there is no excuse for having DOUBLE the nuber of jet ways that St Maarten has, even though it is a major destination, and a regional hub, which GEO will never be.


Reality is that, mega project or not, mnakor carriers have NO interest in serving GEO.  The best that we can get are COPA and CAL.  Both using equipment that can be easily accommodated at GEO.  Minor extension of the run way and expansion of the terminal with 3 or 4 jetways would have been necessary.  When the various CAL morning flights arrive and depart GEO in the early morning, that airport is a GHOST town.



Skeldon.  The PPP was warned about this and all the dire forecasts have proven accurate.  Now we hear that Guysuco will NEVER be internationally competitive, so will need to be subsidized by taxpayers, incluidng those who derive no benefit from this industry.


Marriott. Even the private "investor" is slow in investing his money, forcing tax payers to assume 100% of the risk.


Amaila.  Dry during the dry season, so a sad joke for those who desire year round cheap and reliable electricity.


The Norweigians are scaling back on funds for Guyana because that country is allowing Chinese to strip it of its natural resources with minimal benefots to Guyana.


AML.  Why did the PPP drag their feet to implement it, and what evidence can they offer that they are sincere about reducing momney laundering?

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Burnham and the PNC used to boast about Guyana's development when there was none development. Now, the PNC is complaining about none development when there is plenty of development.  Go figure!

I would say 'go see for yourself'.

you sending the man for your family to rob him

You want to go see for yourself? I will contact my afro acquaintnaces and have them give you a tour.

you asking me that question,dummy i go almost 3 to 4 times a year to gt.i am a guyanese not a tourist  

If you go there 3-4 times a year, might I ask what it is that attracts you to return to Guyana so often? 

Last edited by Former Member

STABROEK NEWS, SEP 6 --- The recent spate of power outages in Essequibo caused by a system failure at Anna Regina will not be addressed until the damaged parts arrive in the country next week from Switzerland.

According to a Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Inc press release, the system failure at its Anna Regina plant on August 30 resulted in power outages on the Essequibo Coast, but the system is expected to revert to normalcy on Tuesday, September 9.


After 22 years, the PPP still can't provide reliable electricity supply to Essequibians.


It is unfortunate that Guyana is experiencing blackout in this modern age. The Guyanese people are more dependent on regular flow of electricity because more people are engage in business that relies on a constant flow of power. However, the proposed Hydro Power Plant would have been the best choice of cleaner and cheaper energy for the nation. This project could have been started and Guyanese would enjoyed the benefits by the end of 2016. This was an opportunity that the joint opposition missed and they will live to regret it. If you don't see progress means that progress were blocked for political gain by the joint opposition. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Twenty-two years and still no signs of any real progress.

That depends on what you believe is progress. What is NOT progress is:

1. Reversing the airport modernization and extension for future benefits.

2. Non-supportive actions to kill the Hydro Power Plant.

3. Cut funding for LCDS.

4. Non-supportive actions against Anti-Money Laundering Bill.

5. Cut funding for specialty hospital

6. I can go on and on... All I am hearing is saving the tax payer money while it was wasted on Linden (CoI) that fell on deaf ears.

Amaila.  Dry during the dry season, so a sad joke for those who desire year round cheap and reliable electricity.

There are numerous hydroelectric power projects built on streams with highly variable low flows which are augmented by other streams/rivers to provide reliable sources for water supply, e,g., Canada, US_of_A, European countries, etc..

Originally Posted by Cobra:

It is unfortunate that Guyana is experiencing blackout in this modern age. The Guyanese people are more dependent on regular flow of electricity because more people are engage in business that relies on a constant flow of power. However, the proposed Hydro Power Plant would have been the best choice of cleaner and cheaper energy for the nation. This project could have been started and Guyanese would enjoyed the benefits by the end of 2016. This was an opportunity that the joint opposition missed and they will live to regret it. If you don't see progress means that progress were blocked for political gain by the joint opposition. 

A dry river will ensure that Amaila would have provided reliable electricity.

Yeah right.  First you all selected a PPP crony who promised he couild build the hydro dam.  Then he said he could build the road to the dam.  Then million of dollars (US) later we discovered that he couldn't even pave his own driveway!



Amaila would be another Skeldon and Providence stadium.   A useless white elephant.


Guyanese people voted against the PPP because they are corrupt, and so deserve to have questions answered, and if the PPP ignores these questions, then their projects shouldn't be blocked.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Dr. Rupert Roopnarine said that concrete houses represent ugliness in Guyana. We should go back to wood houses. (He stop short of saying we should go back to mud logies of massa time). He was speaking in Parliament and was suggesting that only the rich are able to build concrete houses and mansions. There are countless concrete houses all over Guyana that belong to hard working Guyanese. Who believe that all concrete houses only belong to rich people? 

Clearly you don't know Guyana, Mud houses are still the prevalent kind of housing in many parts of the interior. You have swallowed too much PPP bullshit that you are completely unaware of the truth and what exists in Guyana.


Yet you are on here every god damn day talking shyte.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Dr. Rupert Roopnarine said that concrete houses represent ugliness in Guyana. We should go back to wood houses. (He stop short of saying we should go back to mud logies of massa time). He was speaking in Parliament and was suggesting that only the rich are able to build concrete houses and mansions. There are countless concrete houses all over Guyana that belong to hard working Guyanese. Who believe that all concrete houses only belong to rich people? 

Clearly you don't know Guyana, Mud houses are still the prevalent kind of housing in many parts of the interior. You have swallowed too much PPP bullshit that you are completely unaware of the truth and what exists in Guyana.


Yet you are on here every god damn day talking shyte.

HM_R, be patient with Cobra. He's a budding politician now learning the ABCs of the profession. He means well.

Originally Posted by Rev:




* That is the man the good people of Guyana are betting on. That is the man who will continue leading Guyana to the Promised land. That is the man who will be re-elected by a majority in the upcoming election.



Where's the puppeteer in the shot?

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Rev:




* That is the man the good people of Guyana are betting on. That is the man who will continue leading Guyana to the Promised land. That is the man who will be re-elected by a majority in the upcoming election.




PPP is guaranteed a 52 percent majority. The AFC will get 4 percent.


PPP for another 100 plus another 100 years.


The PPP-C is simply marking time in office and has nowhere to take this country. It has had more than enough time to demonstrate a capacity to do so, but seems content to fill the pockets of a chosen few while blaming its critics for its failure to take Guyana forward. As everyone now knows, there are people in faraway countries importing our logs. There are also people importing our gold and our bauxite. These raw materials are being imported because those people have figured out how to convert them into more valuable forms or products in order to make a profit. Surely it is not beyond us as a nation to find ways to do what others are doing and enjoy a better return on our abundant raw materials? The AFC is committed to long-term development and will target all sectors capable of attracting export earnings with a seriousness and sincerity that has so far eluded this government. An AFC Government will not have the luxury of failing and still being reelected as has the PPP-C for all these years. Hopefully the next elections will mark the beginning of a new era of smart voting, where the people of Guyana finally give ethnic voting the boot and start voting for real development and progress.



More and more private schools and health facilities cannot be considered indications of progress when the majority of the population cannot afford private education and private health care; when our public schools and hospitals are underperforming; and when a serious geographic divide still exists in the provision of education and health care in Guyana today.

Honor Before Money

2 hours ago

Originally Posted by Jalil:

I agree this No Confidence Motion

could have been done 2 years ago


But PNC as de Senior Opposition in Parliament

was contented on Pooch-paching.


Remember Corbin & Bharat made Deals

that took care of the PNC Leader...


PNC too got Big Pension & Mansion Package.....


And with only 7 Seats......

AFC kept the Fire to PPP ass....

DE No Confidence Vote...

Is a T20 Winning Stroke By AFC


Some abee think it is 2 years Late....

But Ramotar, Rohee & Jagdeo Crying Now....

Dem hallowing.... it is 4 Year Early




Examine De History

The Peoples National Congress (PNC) and the United Force (UF) formed a coalition government after the 1964 elections.

Under Proportional Representation, the Indo-Guyanese supported PPP were effectively outnumbered by the combination of all other racial groups which supported the PNC and UF.

Under the leadership of Forbes Burnham and Peter D’Aguiar, Guyana became an independent nation-state in 1966.

The coalition represented Afro-Guyanese who voted for the PNC,

and Amerindo, Iberio, Sino and Euro-Guyanese who voted for the United Force.

The PNC-UF Coalition disintegrated within three years.

No clear-cut policy was developed nor implemented to dismantle institutional racism which was prevalent during colonialism.

No systematic effort was made to heal the wounds which were caused by inter-racial conflicts which preceded political independence.

The PNC and UF carried out an additional modification of the electoral system by giving Guyanese overseas the right to vote, allowing proxy voting and the padding of voters’ lists.

(UF & D' Aguiar Dig their own Grave)

The 1968 election was fraudulent and in effect was a civilian coup.

The PNC declared itself the winner.

This set the basis for the establishment of a political dictatorship.

By 1969, the PNC had singular control of the government representing mainly Afro-Guyanese.

The alienation of all non-Afro-Guyanese racial groups became pronounced and insurrection surfaced among the most discriminated and marginalized of all the racial groups.


If the UF or PPP .....had the Brains to

Move a Vote of No Confidence in 1967

(1) We would have never had 28 Years of PNC Dictatorship

(2) PNC would out of power in 1967

(3) Jagan could have been in Power and Control  ....

Between 1967 and 1997 (Until he die)

(4) Bharat & Donald would not be able to Hijack the PPP.

(5) Black House of Israel Thugs

would have never been in Leadershipat Freedom House...

or at Office of the President.



This No Confidence Vote By Moses & AFC

will stop the Corruption Clock...

and Put Guyana Back on Track....

an Opportunity that was lost in 1967....




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