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Twitter Pelts Trump With Photos Of Obama In The Rain After He Ditches Cemetery Visit

Mary Papenfuss, HuffPost,

Critics were stunned that President Donald Trump skipped a visit Saturday to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France – where U.S. war dead were being honored – because of rain. They zapped him with a a series of tweets showing Barack Obama in downpours honoring those who fought in wars in what was bound to be particularly galling to the president.

As many as 1,800 American soldiers killed in the World War I battle of Belleau Wood are buried in the French cemetery. But Trump ditched his planned visit and stayed in his hotel room because of unspecified “scheduling and logistical difficulties caused by the weather,” according to a White House statement. Instead, a delegation led by Chief of Staff John Kelly traveled to the cemetery 50 miles outside of Paris by car. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron were among the world leaders who made the trip.

Barack Obama wipes the rain off his face as he meets Pentagon staff and family members of the victims of the September 11 attacks in a ceremony marking the eighth anniversary of the tragedy at the Pentagon in 2009. [Jim Young / Reuters)Barack Obama wipes the rain off his face as he meets Pentagon staff and family members of the victims of the September 11 attacks in a ceremony marking the eighth anniversary of the tragedy at the Pentagon in 2009. (Jim Young / Reuters)

Winston Churchill’s grandson Nicholas Soames, a member of the British Parliament, blasted Trump as “pathetic” and “inadequate” for failing to show up.

Twitter responded with scads of photos of Obama campaigning or speaking at various events in the rain. A number of them featured the former president in pelting rain honoring veterans or those killed in battle.

Doc T. @Recon7997
This is a real leader @realDonaldTrump. The rain...seriously? You have no idea what we go through in war and that's why us Vets should hold a special place in society. Thank you @BarackObama for being a pure class act!

A real leader supports our fallen men and women in uniform in the rain, snow, sun, day, night, at home or overseas. True leaders do this because it is not about them, but those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Shame on you . Thank you!
PoliticsVideoChannel @politvidchannel

Here's A photo of President Obama honoring our fallen war heroes in the Rain

Unlike You, a little rain never stopped him 

Zach Dendas @Zdendas1
Hey @realDonaldTrump here’s a picture of President Obama in the rain supporting his American troops on Memorial Day. Sad to know you’re too much of a gerber baby to go outside to pay homage to our American hero’s.

Jessiand2 @Jessiand2

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass
It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Thank you @BarackObama 

Matthew @BRSMatthew
@GenMhayden @SteveSchmidtSES @TheRickWilson to paraphrase out “Commander In Chief,” — I like presidents who aren’t afraid of the rain @BarackObama


Donald J. Trump
Had very productive meetings and calls for our Country today. Meeting tonight with World Leaders!
Louise Seeley @liberrygirl65
This is what a real leader looks like.

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Donald J. Trump
I am in Paris getting ready to celebrate the end of World War One. Is there anything better to celebrate than the end of a war, in particular that one, which was one of the bloodiest and worst of all time?
Bethany Primrose @BethanyPrimrose
You commemorate wars, not celebrate them. Also, you don’t pull a no-show because of rain. What a joke of leadership and respect. Thank God @BarackObama wasn’t afraid of melting in the rain.

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Zach Dendas @Zdendas1
Hey @realDonaldTrump here’s a picture of President Obama in the rain supporting his American troops on Memorial Day. Sad to know you’re too much of a gerber baby to go outside to pay homage to our American hero’s.


A president with dedicated commitment to and for the people.


Trump has the living foremost on his mind.

Preventing America from scarificing its youth and not visit their skeletons with promises of "lest we forget." When tomorrow, the world would repeat the same mistakes.

"Was Obama crying in the rain?"

He was already the President.

THE MAN should not compete with THE TRUMP. 

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

You right Siggy...The Trump is too classless for Da Obama.

Bai, I wanted to see the real topless stripper who got close to Trump. Anybody got it?

This one ... ??? 

Image result for Stormy Daniels and Trump


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