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December 21,2016 Source

Two police constables attached to the Central Police Station in New Amsterdam, Berbice were placed under close arrest on Monday afternoon over possession of five kilogrammes of marijuana.

Commander of B Division, Errol Watts yesterday confirmed the arrest of the police constables to Stabroek News. He said that they had been placed in custody around 3 pm on Monday and an investigation is currently ongoing within the Division.

The car that the marijuana was found in

According to a police source close to the investigation, the marijuana was discovered in the trunk of one of the constable’s car, licence plate number HC 3179, which was at the time parked opposite the Central Police Station.

The source relayed that the two constables were returning from George-town in a police bus, and during their journey, the constable who was driving the vehicle stopped and had a conversation with a man, who at the time had a package on him, and subsequently, offered the man a “drop”.

The source stated that the man exited the vehicle somewhere in West Ber-bice, however, the package was left in the police bus. When the constables returned to New Amster-dam, the owner of the car, who was driving the police bus at the time, instructed the other constable to drive his car to Vryman’s Erven in New Amsterdam, where the parcels were allegedly placed in the trunk of the car.

The two constables returned to the Central Police Station with the vehicles. However, upon receipt of information, the Division’s Crime Chief and other ranks were instructed to conduct a search of the constable’s car.

The two constables who were present at the time said that they didn’t know where the keys for the car were, which resulted in a window being broken to gain entry to the car.

The search was carried out and two heavily wrapped parcels containing the marijuana were discovered in the trunk of the car.

The constables both denied having any knowledge of the marijuana, which was weighed in their presence and amounted to five kilograms.  They were immediately placed under arrest, and are currently being held at the Central Police Station, New Amsterdam.

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Mitwah posted:

Too many corrupt cops are hiding under the umbrella of the police force.

It's their culture. Seems like you have to be a crook to get into the Guyana Police Force.


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