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Two cars hijacked in one day… Child thrown out of hijacked car

Dec 19, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...out-of-hijacked-car/

– Crime Chief advises drivers to use tracking devices

Acting Crime Chief Paul Williams is advising drivers to make full use of tracking devices on their vehicles as carjacking across the country, especially in the city, seems to be spiraling out of control, with two cases reported on Sunday alone.
Williams made this comment during a recent interview with this newspaper. He explained that with such services, it will make it easier for the cops to locate stolen vehicles.
There is a local company that offers tracking services for vehicles which also assists in shutting down the engine if a car is stolen.
At around 22:20 hrs on Sunday, a gunman hijacked a blue Toyota Spacio vehicle at Diamond, East Bank Demerara (EBD) with a nine-year-old child sleeping in the back seat. Having recognised the presence of the child, the carjacker stopped about 100 feet from the scene and put her out before escaping.
According to information received, 43-year-old Samantha Williams of Lot 1053 Diamond had just reached home with her niece. She exited her vehicle, bearing registration number PVV 9496 to open her gate, when she noticed a male exiting a parked car.
Kaieteur News was informed that the individual walked towards her, pointing a gun, and entered the vehicle, driving off with her niece. His accomplice sped off in the vehicle they arrived in. Upon realizing the child was at the back, the suspect stopped the vehicle and allowed her to leave.
No one has been arrested as yet.
Also, around 17:50 hrs on Sunday, Taxi driver, Ramesh Persaud of Lot 4 Triumph, East Coast Demerara, had his Toyota Allion motorcar, bearing registration number HC 5024 stolen by two men, one of whom was armed with a gun, at Carmichael Street, North Cummingsburg.
The 53-year-old victim, who is attached to Kitty Cabs Taxi Service, was reportedly hired by a female who requested to be taken to Carmichael Street. On arriving there, the driver attempted to assist the passenger with her luggage when he was confronted by a male individual.
Kaieteur News was informed that he was ordered to step away from the vehicle after which the man and an accomplice entered his car and escaped via Middle Street. A report was made, but no one has been arrested.
Meanwhile, from January to July last, the Crime Chief said that 25 vehicles were hijacked, with Toyota Premio and Allion topping the list. He said that in most of these cases, the carjackers waited in close proximity to the victims’ homes and confronted them when they exited their car to open their gates.
He urged drivers to have someone looking out for them at home, so he or she will notice whether anyone is around the area, waiting to strike.


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