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Williamsburg phone card seller shot dead in robbery.

2 hours ago Source

A phone card distributor was this afternoon shot dead at Adventure, Berbice by a robber who relieved him of an undisclosed amount of cash and phone cards before escaping.

Dead is Vanian Jagdeo of Williamsburg, Corentyne, Berbice who was shot three times.

Stabroek News understands that the attack occurred around 4:15pm, shortly after Jagdeo entered a shop at Adventure to distribusing Firearmute phone cards.

Reports revealed that while there, Jagdeo noticed a man had entered the shop. When he enquired from the shop owner if she knew the individual, the shop owner responded in the negative after which the gunman whipped out a firearm and shot Jagdeo.

He made good his escape with a bag containing a quantity of cash and phone cards.

Tain woman shot dead in kick down the door attack.

10 hours ago Source

A 45-year-old domestic worker was last night shot and killed in her Tain, Corentyne home by a bandit.

Dead is Leilawattie Mohamed of 149 Tain Settlement, Corentyne who was killed shortly after 11 last night.

Initial reports say that two men, one armed with a shot gun, kicked down the woman’s door and rushed into the home where she was with her two children ages 21 and 18,

They placed the woman to lie on the ground and her two children to kneel and demanded money. When the woman said she had no money she was shot in the face and later died. The men then rushed out of the home and fired a warning shot before scaling the fence.

They escaped empty-handed

Police are investigating.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Prince posted:

You have to be inane to ask where is the police when Indians are being robbed and killed. Indians don't have a government, and they don't have protection rights. 

Well as an Indian who lived 28 yrs under a Black Government,my self and others used our democratic rights to protect our selves and Community by forming vigilante groups,I would like to add we were not stopped we were assisted by the Police Department.

Do the Guyanese people know thre is a law to make Citizen Arrest,they should apply it,would help to weed out some of the bad eggs in Communities.

Last edited by Django


Let us give credit where credit is due.

After crime spiralled out of control, then Dictator Desmond Hoyte implemented a no nonsense approach towards fighting crime by ordering that kick down the door bandits and other vicious criminals be hanged. He also unleashed the Black Clothes squads which patrolled neighbourhood across Guyana and it drastically reduced violent crimes. 

Somewhere down the road, the PPP disbanded this unit as a result of pressure from groups which deemed the Black Clothes squad as too tough on fighting crime and accused it of mistreating criminals. This was a big mistake.

The PPP was weak on fighting crime. I do not dismiss the fact that Rohee was incompetent in combatting crime under his watch.

I clearly remember many AFC GNI posters heaping insults at Rohee and insisted that he was incapable on fighting crime because Ramjattan was the PPP biggest critic on combatting crime. He promised to eradicate crime.

Enter Ramjattan and crime is worse off today that it ever was, all of this under his watch. I shake my head as many of Rohee's critics have failed to comment on Ramjattan's incompetence and let us not forget that the buck stops at his desk.

What is your opinion on Ramjattan's incompetence ?

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Kick down Door Bandits re part and parcel of a PNC Govt!!!!!!!!!!!


Sadly, they have returned under Ramjattan's watch, this time around they do not need to kick down doors. They just enter homes and loot, burn and murder at will.

I recently met with a very wealthy Afro Guyanese friend who has expressed his concerns about crime in Guyana. Decent Guyanese are starting to speak out on Ramjattan's incompetence.

It will do Guyana a lot of good if he resigns or is shuffled to another position.



Hoyte,did send a message to the criminals who commits robbery some were hanged and some were eliminated by other means,the people were living in less fear.

The PPP came in power robbery was not so rampant during the Jagan era,a few years after all hell break loose,drugs trade flourished along came guns in the wrong hands,drug lords fighting for turf,the PPP could not do anything because the GPF became more corrupted due to some were working for the drug lords.

Now let us get back to the current Government which is under two years,your claim is crime is more worse do you have any stats to prove that ??

Can any gov't clean up the criminal mess that was created for 18 year in under two years,you guys simply seems to forget the mismanagement of the previous administration.

Calling for Ramjattan removal is petty and tit for tat politics,I am sure he want to be successful as Minister,the GPF need more patrol and a special undercover dept.[maybe that was disbanded by the PPP] to mingle in the Communities,that will rat out some of the bad eggs,there was such dept during Burnham and Hoyte era.


Django posted:


Hoyte,did send a message to the criminals who commits robbery some were hanged and some were eliminated by other means,the people were living in less fear.

The PPP came in power robbery was not so rampant during the Jagan era,a few years after all hell break loose,drugs trade flourished along came guns in the wrong hands,drug lords fighting for turf,the PPP could not do anything because the GPF became more corrupted due to some were working for the drug lords.

Now let us get back to the current Government which is under two years,your claim is crime is more worse do you have any stats to prove that ??

Can any gov't clean up the criminal mess that was created for 18 year in under two years,you guys simply seems to forget the mismanagement of the previous administration.

Calling for Ramjattan removal is petty and tit for tat politics,I am sure he want to be successful as Minister,the GPF need more patrol and a special undercover dept.[maybe that was disbanded by the PPP] to mingle in the Communities,that will rat out some of the bad eggs,there was such dept during Burnham and Hoyte era.


Django, I cannot buy this sh*t. They campaign to reduce or eliminate crime in their first months. You cannot shit PUMPKIN, WHEN YOU EAT BORA. STOP MAKING SHAMELESS EXCUSES FOR THE PNC. The honeymoon is over. They are a bunch of dunces who cannot even control a two car funeral procession. They might as well continue to run their goat rodeo and their dog and pony show.

Django posted:



Now let us get back to the current Government which is under two years,your claim is crime is more worse do you have any stats to prove that ??




This AFC/PNC campaigned on eliminating crime in Guyana. They are yet to even remotely prove that they are capable of combatting crime two years later. Remember that every government runs a term of four years.

Unless they intend to rig and have a "long term" plan in place, they are just talking fraff. 

The first thing that Ramjattan did was to take away guns from the community policing group. 

Is Ramjattan on dope or is he blind ?


Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:


Django, I cannot buy this sh*t. They campaign toreduce or eliminate crime in their first months. You cannot shit PUMPKIN, WHEN YOU EAT BORA. STOP MAKING SHAMELESS EXCUSES FOR THE PNC. The honeymoon is over. They are a bunch of dunces who cannot even control a two car funeral procession. They might as well continue to run their goat rodeo and their dog and pony show.

It will be,do you think the dept. are warming their chairs ??

any magic wand to loan Prak,that will help.

The "bright bulbs" that ruled after Cheddi died,cause Guyana to become Cow Boy Country,the amount of deaths from criminal activities during their rule surpass the amount of the 1964 crisis.

Last edited by Django

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