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Two GNBA Board members accused of corrupt practices

By Abena Rockcliffe- Campbell, Sep 21, 2016, News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....f-corrupt-practices/

It seems like the reputation of the Board of the Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA) is getting from bad to worse. Over the past few months, the Board has been deemed to be among the most unproductive appointed by the APNU+AFC administration.

Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

Minister, Moses Nagamootoo

To ‘add insult to injury,’ allegations have now surfaced that some members of the Board are acting in their own interest for the benefit of their close friends.

This is said to be a situation similar to what prevailed under the rule of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic administration when former President Bharrat Jagdeo handed radio licences to his friends, family and political party.

A broadcaster in Essequibo is claiming that two members of the GNBA Board tried to force him to sell his operation to a prominent businessman.

The broadcaster said that a “deal” that was offered to him, stipulated that he sell his present operation including equipment to the prominent businessman and he would be given licence to operate in another region.

He told Kaieteur News that the GNBA members were firm that unless he complied with the “deal” that was offered, he would not be given licence to operate in any part of Guyana.

The broadcaster said that the deal was conveyed to him during the course of two meetings, one of which was held at the GNBA, the other at the business office of one of the members who attempted to coerce him into selling.

Kaieteur News understands that there is an audio recording of the conversation between the broadcaster and one of the board members.

The man said that he felt as if he was being taken advantage of. He then wrote several letters to the Prime Minister’s Office. Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo has responsibility for the Board

The broadcaster was afforded a meeting with Nagamootoo. However, there have been no moves to his knowledge about the actions taken by the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister’s Office confirmed that an allegation has been made.

GNBA Head, Leonard Craig

GNBA Head,
Leonard Craig

Director of Public Information, Imran Khan, said, “I can confirm that a broadcaster has had a meeting with us and communicated that there were some issues of concerns he had with regards to the functioning of the GNBA and specifically the actions of some members of the Board.”

Khan said that the Prime Minister’s Office is currently reviewing the complaint.

Kaieteur News also contacted Chairman of the GNBA, Leonard Craig who said that he was busy and would have returned a call. However, the Chairman never called back and did not answer several calls made to his mobile phone.

The Board is months late on a promised implementation of new regulations that were to bring order to the Broadcasting sector.

Those regulations were supposed to force broadcasters who are holding illegal licences granted to them by Bharrat Jagdeo to surrender their licence and to reapply under a new structure which was supposed to be free from any form of corruption or nepotism.

The reason for the stall in the implementation of the regulations is another cause for concern. Kaieteur News has been made to understand that key members of the Board simply cannot get along.

Because of the severe discord on the Board, key work has been stalled, and the Board has done absolutely nothing tangible since it was installed about a year ago.

About a month back, Nagamootoo invited Craig and Anthony Vieira—the two main members who seem to despise each other—to a meeting and told them that it is time they put aside their differences and work together for the good of the nation.

The media was told that the members agreed; promised to put their shoulders to the wheel and get the critical work done.

But all the promises and pledges seem to be just malarkey as the situation continues to exist.

Because of the severe discord on the Board, key work has been stalled, and the Board has done absolutely nothing tangible since it was installed about a year ago.

About a month back, Nagamootoo invited Craig and Anthony Vieira—the two main members who seem to despise each other—to a meeting and told them that it is time they put aside their differences and work together for the good of the nation.

Two GNBA Board members accused of corrupt practices, By Abena Rockcliffe- Campbell, Sep 21, 2016, News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....f-corrupt-practices/

Perhaps, similar to the Granger-government, nothing tangible is done since being the new government in May 2015.


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