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Two sisters sentenced to be raped in India after their brother ran off with married woman

TWO sisters have been sentenced to be raped and then paraded naked as punishment for their brother running off and potentially impregnating a married woman.

PUBLISHED: 00:33, Sat, Aug 29, 2015 | UPDATED: 05:49, Sat, Aug 29, 2015

Sisters GETTY

(Stock image) The sisters and their family have been forced to flee the village

The sick ruling was ordered by an unelected all-male council in a remote village in the Baghpat district of northern India, just outside Delhi.

The girls aged 23 and 15 have been forced to leave their home with the remainder of their family according to Amnesty International. 

News outlets in the country have revealed that the sister's brother, Ravi, fell in love with a woman from the Jat caste, a higher caste than him and his family who are Dalit the lowest in India's caste system and are referred to as 'untouchable'.

On July 31 the village council deemed the appropriate punishment for Ravi running away with a married woman from a higher caste was for his sisters to be raped.

Amnesty International have launched a petition appealing for India's authorities to intervene.

In the appeal the human rights NGO said: "Unelected village councils such as this are widespread in parts of India.

"More often than not they are made up of older men from dominant castes, who prescribe rules for social behaviour and interaction in villages.

"Nothing could justify this abhorrent punishment. It's not fair. It's not right. And it's against the law."

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Originally Posted by Cobra:
Let alone the villagers in some remote part of a country. Iran sentence women to lashes, rape and humiliation in public. Recently, they sentence prisoners to eye gouging, amputation of limbs and public hanging where children are forced to watch. This is not india's problem alone.

You are just plain ***.king stupid that is all. Remote or Urban, the disease of murdering a woman to satiate paternalistic urges is bullshit of sexual predator Brahmins has to stop.


QUOTE: "In the appeal the human rights NGO said: "Unelected village councils such as this are widespread in parts of India.

"More often than not they are made up of older men from dominant castes, who prescribe rules for social behaviour and interaction in villages."


Usually Brahmins. Some of them are real ignars.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
You have no frigging common sense about life and death beyond India. I only read what I shared here yesterday. Look at the bigger picture. It's wrong in India as well as Iran and every other country where cruelty is used as justice.

It is not common sense you idiot. It is moral opprobrium in light of some backward village idiots practicing rape as punishment for an infraction which is already a degenerate practice.


If you cannot get that, you are as I said, a  moron. You have the benefit of western culture to grasp the disgust of casteism. That you insist on leaving these people to their own devices when the injustice is rape of women is another story.


You need a cuff in your ugly mouth and expulsion to that region where you can stand in as a proper batcha badzi to those horny village louts. Maybe it is practical experience of  this evil you need to grasp it for what it is.


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