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November 3 2018


A warder and an inmate were stabbed this morning at the Timehri Prison, according to the Director of Prisons, Gladwin Samuels.

At around 8.55 am,  Samuels said that a convicted murderer stabbed a remanded murder accused with an improvised weapon.

Based on information received from the Officer in Charge of the Prison, the prisoner who sustained injuries had made threats to the life of a prison officer yesterday and also disturbed the other prisoners by kicking against a steel door last night.

It was during the morning routine  that the attack took place, Samuels said. Three officers attempted to part the combatants and one officer sustained two stab wounds to his arm and temple.

The prisoner reportedly received eight stab wounds about his body. Both injured persons are receiving medical attention. The matter will be investigated by both police and prison officers.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:
kp posted:

And you want to go back and retire? it's getting out of control, those very bandits will be welcoming you.

Hopefully by then, crime will be curtailed.The country can't be in that state for ever.You know our Region is much better part of the country,regarding to crime.

Curtail by who. Prak the honorable minista Of home affairs say he getting headache every night and he scare for his life, he don’t know what to do. 

Georgetown PNC Mayor has 8 bodyguards...Heh Heh.

yuji22 posted:

It would be in the safety and interest of ALL Guyanese if Kanwa Ramjattan resigns. He is a disgrace to the Granger administration.

M 22ndy beef with Khemraj is simple. If he knew he couldnt handle this position and the responsibilities therein, he should have just said so. On the other side of this reasoning however, if he endeavour himself to give it a shot and hope for the best; his options still remains the same. Quit. There's no shame in it.


Kanwa Ramjattan is a square peg in a round hole, he is a all talk and do nothing politician. Harmon had to rush to his rescue when he admitted that he is clueless in combatting crime and handling the continued escalation of the Drug trade.

The safety and security of Guyanese are at risk and he should do the honourable thing and resign. He would have been fired a long time ago had he been a minister in a government of another country.

Granger should save him some embarrassment and assign him to another position during a cabinet reshuffle. The only other position is AG and I think that Williams ain’t going anywhere soon.

The carnage in Guyana continues............

Last edited by Former Member
Sheik101 posted:
yuji22 posted:

It would be in the safety and interest of ALL Guyanese if Kanwa Ramjattan resigns. He is a disgrace to the Granger administration.

M 22ndy beef with Khemraj is simple. If he knew he couldnt handle this position and the responsibilities therein, he should have just said so. On the other side of this reasoning however, if he endeavour himself to give it a shot and hope for the best; his options still remains the same. Quit. There's no shame in it.

I don't how his quitting would help. Is it not the Superintendent responsible first in the chain of Command?

Prashad posted:

There needs to be the construction of, as soon as possible, of a supermax prison (even if the nation has to borrow 100 million US dollars we will pay it off with future oil royalties) on an unoccupied island in the Essequibo. Every person there has his own cell and toilet.   

dah could be your Indo/Indesh island deh baie.


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