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I am amused by all those who paint Guyanese blacks as hooligans. In fact we are seen as docile and stupid by most Caribbean islanders, who wanted to know why we tolerated a semi slave condition bowing to Indians, during the PPPs 23 years of ethnic cleansing of blacks.

Imagine if the PPP had to deal with Jamaicans!

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:
 Trump will give them opportunities. 

Trump was a noted racist, who tried to keep blacks out of his buildings until he was sued.  And given that Trump doesn't build houses for the poor, these were impoverished people either.

And I have seen NO evidence that Trump has the slightest interest in getting black support.  He orders his goons to beat up black protestors, even FEMALES.

If he wanted to show an interest in engaging with blacks, who would have met with the leadership of the "Black Lives", discussed how racism in the criminal justice system could be reduced, and REPORTED these discussion in his "red neck" forums.

He did NOT because he knows that his support will plummet as soon as he shows any regard for non whites.  As far as red necks are concerned, blacks are to entertain them (they love Oprah and Steve Harvey) and the rest of you need to take your "UnAmurcan" ways back to your "devil pagan worshipping countries".

He is very much aware of the issues in the criminal justice system.  He is aware of the effects of the law Clinton passed exasperating the problem.    Newt Gingrich has been a champion for this change for years, but because he in a Republican you don't take him serious!

He will appoint a czar like Newt to look into the issue and come up with recommendations.  No need to meet with any fringe group.  They can talk to his czar!!

Blacks also have to take ownership of their own lives, get a schooling or marketable skills and stop seeking the quick and easy way out!!  Also, stop this "illegitimate" pickney and welfare culture among large sections of the population!!

This is what carib and most blacks are hiding from their responsibilities:

72 Percent Of Black Kids Raised By Single Parent, 25% Overall In U.S.

Written By NewsOne Staff
5 years ago

One in four children in the United States is being raised by a single parent — a percentage that has been on the rise and is higher than other developed countries, according to a report released Wednesday.

Of the 27 industrialized countries studied by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the U.S. had 25.8 percent of children being raised by a single parent, compared with an average of 14.9 percent across the other countries.

In the African American community, 72 percent of Black children are raised in a single parent household.

Here are some stats on the city to city breakdown of single parent families in the Black community from 2009.


yuji22 posted:

Here are some stats on the city to city breakdown of single parent families in the Black community from 2009.


And the vast majority of these blacks grow up into responsible citizens, despite the efforts of all of you racists to make them out as virtual criminals.

What is your point?  You think that Indian kids, who grow up in a house where their father is a drunk, rampant domestic abuse exists, and there is an above average probability that some one will attempt suicide, are better off? 

Or what of the increasing drub abuse among whites. While mortality rates among blacks has DECLINED, it has INCREASED among whites. Why? Drug overdoses, excessive smoking, alcoholism, and increased rates of suicide.

Funny that racists like you scream about the out of wedlock thing, when rampant pathologies exist in many communities.

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
caribny posted:

And tell you what. It is NOT up to Trump to appoint a WHITE MAN to deal with the problem. It is up to Trump to enter into discussions with people who have suffered under this.  INCLUDING BLACK POLICEMEN!

What the hell does some white right wing nut know about how the criminal justice system abuses blacks. Especially NEWT who is just as guilty in all of this as was Bill Clinton. In fact THIS was an attempt by Bill to COMPROMISE with Newt, so that he could get his agenda to move forward.

Hey, if/when he is elected, HE will decide.   Why you think a WHITE man cannot understand and deal with the issue. 

Why will a white man know what happens to blacks if he doesn't sit down and talk to blacks to determine what the problem is?

Is it not arrogant of Trump, a man born into wealth, to decide what problems that poor black men face, unless he engages with them?

Without input he will not understand the problem, and therefore not understand the solutions!


You are an extreme racist!!  I doubt you will find much reception for your views among the Afro-American community. 


You don't know any American blacks, except for idiotic and corrupt preachers hanging their mouths out for soup.

In fact most American blacks are way more extreme in their views towards the GOP, Trump and white supremacists then I am, because they have SUFFERED under these people for MANY generations.

Why do you think that the "black lives matter" has become so popular.  You think that Guyanese blacks from Brooklyn are responsible?

In November 90% of the blacks who vote will vote for the Democrats.  There was a time when most blacks were Republicans.  By the time Nixon invited the white supremacists into the GOP, and began to demonize blacks, as the PPP in Guyana does, the results were the same.

In Guyana over 95% of the black think that the PPP is an evil black hating party.  In the USA AMERICAN blacks think the same about the GOP, and damn Trump for ENCOURAGING his goons to attack blacks.

You know what American blacks think when they see Trump.  Bull Connor, who set dogs on the protestors in Jim Crow.


Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:

Where are the responsible Black men ?

Why are the Black women not being responsible also ?

Let us talk facts !

Stop the welfare roll now !


There are more whites on welfare than Blacks.

Where did you get this information from? Maybe in Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, Utah....get the picture?

baseman posted:

I do, I work with them, I deal with them.  They are not as anti-Trump as you make it out to seem.  Many do listen to what he says!!

Black lives matter is popular, a reflection of a failed presidency, one who failed to fix some structural issues so Black continue to languish and watch hope evaporate.  From high hopes to negative hopes is a terrible feeling.  It is a cry for help.  It will come, just hold you horses!  Trump is not responsible for the failure of Obama!!

Black lives matter should embrace him, not shout him down.  He was not even a politician!  Go shout down Obama!!  This is why Trump supporters [over] react against them!

In Guyana, most Blacks hate Indians.  So even if we call you and give you free food and milk, you will still spit at us!  Let's get that clear, don't pretend otherwise!!

You know what they chose to tell you. Work environments are hardly places where people will comfortably and honestly discuss their politics.

You have yet to furnish evidence that Trump will benefit blacks.  He refuses to dialogue with the "Black Lives Matter" groups.  He doesn't address the issue of racism, except to scream that blacks should go back to Africa if they don't like it in the USA.

Black Lives chased Bernie off the stage and also disrupted Hillary events.  They sat down with the leadership, and have communicated exactly what they will do to address the concerns of the various segments of the black population.

WHAT HAS TRUMP SAID?  Beat up blacks, bash them in their face and take them out in a stretcher.  Now why would you want to dialogue with a man who screams violence against you?

Yes segments are frustrated that their lives haven't improved as much as they expected to (sorry Kari) under Obama.  But they have NO expectation that it will under the GOP.

Look at the record.  Blacks suffered under Reagan, and suffered under Bush.  They BENEFITTED under Clinton.  So why will they support any GOP candidate who doesn't out reach to them?

At what point has Trump offered any suggestions that he will LISTEN to the various opinions which exist within the various segments of the black population?

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:
yuji22 posted:

Where are the responsible Black men ?

Why are the Black women not being responsible also ?

Let us talk facts !

Stop the welfare roll now !


There are more whites on welfare than Blacks.

Where did you get this information from? Maybe in Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, Utah....get the picture?

50% of the welfare beneficiaries are white and 25% are blacks.  And most of them live in the very states that fervently support Trump.

In fact a profile of a Trump supporter is an uneducated white male, getting disability insurance, Medicaid, and foodstamps, and on heroin!

baseman posted:

In Guyana, most Blacks hate Indians.  So even if we call you and give you free food and milk, you will still spit at us!  Let's get that clear, don't pretend otherwise!!

baseman, i don't know how "Blacks" in Guyana are somehow situated to call upon "Indians" for "free food and milk"

you and many other ignorant here are afflicted with a serious, disqualifying refugee disease

u are a walking talking embodiment of under-education, underemployment and too much time spent 'learning' about life from "pastor Manning/Sean Hannity/diamond & silk" and the like

dude, you're a big man . . . get a real job, arite?

baseman posted:

Black lives matter should embrace him, not shout him down.  He was not even a politician!  Go shout down Obama!! 

Obama isn't running and the FIRST person who they shouted down was Bernie Sanders, and in fact even removed him from the stage.

The SECOND person who they shouted down was Hillary.

Now here is the difference.  Bernie and Hillary then went to speak to the leadership, acknowledged that they had a point, and have sat down to see what they can do to resolve the problem, should they be president.

Trump screamed that they do NOT have a point.  That if they don't like how the police in the USA treat them, then they should return to Africa.  What Trump basically said is that blacks are NOT "real" Americans, and therefore should NOT demand to be treated as other Americans are.

Black Americans had 8 years of Reagan, who refused to meet with blacks.  They aren't going to sit by and have this happen again!


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