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Former Member

GRA swoops down on Sattaur’s home, takes away gun, PC and Ipad

January 3, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

Officials late last week descended on the Pradoville One, Goedverwagting home of Head of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Khurshid Sattaur, taking away his firearm and other property belonging to the state entity.
The visit by GRA officials, on December 31(Old Year’s Day), would come almost two weeks after Sattaur was sent on vacation leave by the entity’s Governing Board of Directors to facilitate an upcoming comprehensive forensic audit by an international firm.
GRA sources yesterday confirmed that a visit was made to the East Coast Demerara premises late Thursday evening.
Contacted yesterday, the Commissioner General said he did not want any trouble and had “volunteered” to give up his gun to the GRA officials.
He also said that his computer was taken away by the officials.
GRA officials, speaking on conditions of anonymity, said an Ipad was also taken from the Commissioner-General.
Sattaur yesterday insisted that he was not political and had served faithfully for over 30 years between Inland Revenue and GRA.
Sattaur believed that Kaieteur News played a critical role in his removal, carrying stories about him even while he was representing GRA on overseas trips.
He said that two of his children, who held positions with GRA, resigned over the past months amidst growing pressure, following General Elections in May which saw a new government being sworn in after the two-decade rule by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).
“I am happy in this New Year to be away (from GRA).”
He said while in Opposition, Members of Parliament Joseph Harmon and Moses Nagamootoo had said that he, Sattaur, would not “survive” if the coalition won the elections. Harmon is now the Minister of State, in charge of the Ministry of the Presidency while Nagamootoo is the Prime Minister.
“I am thanking Kaieteur News and Glenn Lall (the Publisher) for allowing me a rest.”
Sattaur reportedly served for 12 years as Commissioner-General of GRA.
The new Board of Directors, to facilitate the impending audit, sent him on 200 days leave.
Sattaur, contacted on December 17, the day he was sent on leave, said his name was very much tarnished in the run up to elections.
“…Though the current Government when in opposition had issues with me yet I had faith that things would be different from this administration. I guess I was wrong.”
Sattaur added that he has sacrificed and turned down “many overseas postings and offers to serve my country but if you have people who don’t believe I deserve the job there is nothing that I can do. If this is how Guyanese believe I should be treated so be it.”
He said that during his 30-plus years, he served under leaders like Arthur Chung, Forbes Burnham, Desmond Hoyte, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, Janet Jagan, Sam Hinds, Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar, and now President David Granger- all with distinction.
“Now if the Board believes that I need a rest then I think I need a rest too.” Since taking office, government has launched several forensic audits to determine the health of its State agencies and several Heads have been sent on leave.

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One remembers the PNC Sase Narine of the Maha Sabha who was hauled in by Burnham Customs and have his property searched, after which an apology was issued:


Last edited by Former Member

Is this the same Sataur who used to use GRA documents to scare off opposition supporters? He was promised that he would have to pay for that one day. Now is his turn to feel the heat. Good job by the GRA. 

Mr.T posted:

Is this the same Sataur who used to use GRA documents to scare off opposition supporters? He was promised that he would have to pay for that one day. Now is his turn to feel the heat. Good job by the GRA. 

Typical PNC styling, people are being accused without proof.

It is time that Indo run away from Guyana


People have been accused without evidence since the days of the PPP regime. But the GRA is not accusing Sattaur. He is only being investigated for now. Remember when Sattaur tried to get Lall sent to prison?


Sattaur was doing his job as the top dog of GRA, he was even agains't the PPP/C too, it shows clearly that the PNC is today racially motivated against Indo Guyanese and as such, one can see the PNC discriminations on a daily basis.


He uses his position to play politics "Lall became the target of what supporters say is a politically motivated tax fraud probe. The following month, Guyana’s tax commissioner, Khurshid Sattaur, filed a G$ 500 million (€2 million) libel lawsuit against Lall and Harris"[Quote International Press Institute]. and expected to be rewarded, did he really think he deserve to be trusted after getting caught redhanded giving out people private information.  This idiot forget what goes around does come around....


asj posted:

How more racial  can the PNC get? Kick a coolie out and a negro will take his place. How conveniently with Sattaur and GRA


Indos have to push back and stand up to this most racist AFC/PNC administration.

2016 is the year when Inods have to let this racist administration know that Indos of today are not like Indos of yesterday.

I pledge to speak out against this racist AFC/PNC administration. This AFC/PNC racism must stop now !

Tell your friends, relatives to take to social and print media in exposing the eye pass, racism and discrimination against the evil AFC/PNC administration.

Last edited by Former Member

We call on the Americans, the British and the Canadians, to get the Guyana stop this foolishness of Indo Harassment by the PNC Coalition Government of Guyana 

Last edited by Former Member
asj posted:

We call on the Americans, the British and the Canadians, to get the Guyana stop this foolishness of Indo Harassment by the PNC Coalition Government of Guyana 


The elections were rigged. 

yuji22 posted:
asj posted:

We call on the Americans, the British and the Canadians, to get the Guyana stop this foolishness of Indo Harassment by the PNC Coalition Government of Guyana 


The elections were rigged. 

We know that the election was rigged, and still the PPP lost.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Whatever happened to due process, the rule of law, and trial by the judicial system?  Something is terribly wrong here.  Is Granger The President, Judge, and Jury of the land?


Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Whatever happened to due process, the rule of law, and trial by the judicial system?  Something is terribly wrong here.  Is Granger The President, Judge, and Jury of the land?


We call on the Americans, the British and the Canadians, to get the Guyana Govt stop this foolishness of Indo Harassment by the PNC Coalition Government of Guyana  which is happening on a daily basis.


OHHH Please! Dem white people would read this shit and laugh at yall stupid rass. Coolie people dem gettin fired for irregularities and here you guys talking shyte.

Next, how come all these positions were held by coolie people during PPP rule, no other race can do the job?


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Whatever happened to due process, the rule of law, and trial by the judicial system?  Something is terribly wrong here.  Is Granger The President, Judge, and Jury of the land?



We now have a dictator in the making who is going to be worse than Burnham. 

cain posted:

OHHH Please! Dem white people would read this shit and laugh at yall stupid rass. Coolie people dem gettin fired for irregularities and here you guys talking shyte.

Next, how come all these positions were held by coolie people during PPP rule, no other race can do the job?



Last edited by cain
cain posted:
cain posted:

OHHH Please! Dem white people would read this shit and laugh at yall stupid rass. Coolie people dem gettin fired for irregularities and here you guys talking shyte.

Next, how come all these positions were held by coolie people during PPP rule, no other race can do the job?



Who said they were doing anything?

asj posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Whatever happened to due process, the rule of law, and trial by the judicial system?  Something is terribly wrong here.  Is Granger The President, Judge, and Jury of the land?


We call on the Americans, the British and the Canadians, to get the Guyana Govt stop this foolishness of Indo Harassment by the PNC Coalition Government of Guyana  which is happening on a daily basis.

send them a text

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Whatever happened to due process, the rule of law, and trial by the judicial system?  Something is terribly wrong here.  Is Granger The President, Judge, and Jury of the land?



We now have a dictator in the making who is going to be worse than Burnham. 

no shit,i guess u will start a revolution  and save the indians.thank god


Lessons from Khurshid Sattaur’s embarrassment…Misuse of power could have humiliating consequences-Dr. David Hinds

January 7, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

By Kiana Wilburg
Recently, many have expressed sympathy and disagreement over the “embarrassing” treatment meted

University Professor, Dr. David Hinds

University Professor,
Dr. David Hinds

out to Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Khurshid Sattaur, in light of an upcoming forensic audit of the entity.
On December 31, last, officials descended on the Pradoville One, Goedverwagting home of the GRA boss, and seized his firearm and other property belonging to the revenue collection body.
While some are of the view that Sattaur should not have been subjected to such an exercise by his subordinates, University Professor, Dr. David Hinds does not believe that Sattaur’s rights were violated.
“He was perhaps humiliated. But he used his office to humiliate many of his fellow citizens and in some respects violated their rights,” expressed Dr. Hinds.
He posited that the moral of Sattaur’s case is that the misuse of power could have humiliating consequences.
Dr. Hinds continued, “Mr Sattaur had under the previous regime, engaged in humiliation of other citizens who were opposed to the government of the day. He is said to have violated confidentiality by sharing people’s tax information with the government.”
“I remember for example, the manner in which he went after Kaieteur News writer, Freddie Kissoon, in relation to his earnings. In effect, he contributed to the state tyranny during that period.”
The political activist said that the manner, in which the GRA boss was reportedly treated recently, is a kind of poetic justice. “That’s the way poor people and those who stand up to wrongdoing are treated every day.”
Dr. Hinds continued, “I have to confess that I do not weep for Mr Sattaur. I am very sure that many citizens of this country share my sentiments. Yet, I am very conscious that governments usually start by justifiably subjecting former overlords to some of their own medicine only to later unjustifiably do, or condone the same, to other innocent citizens

GRA Commissioner, Khurshid Sattaur

GRA Commissioner, Khurshid Sattaur

who dare to oppose them.”
Dr. Hinds said that one can only hope that the treatment recently meted out to Sattaur does not become the settled model of the day.
He said that the larger issue here is that public officers must know that they are in positions of trust and should not use those offices to summarily punish those deemed to be defenseless, or to be opposed to the political bosses.
He said, “If the mild humiliation of Sattaur sends a message, it must be that raw power cannot be sustained indefinitely, and that the misuse of power could have humiliating consequences when the end comes.”
He added, “I do not, as a rule, support public humiliation of any citizen. But in some instances, it is unavoidable. I think this is one of those rare occasions.”
This publication had initially reported that the Commissioner General had said that he did not want any trouble and had “volunteered” to give up his gun to the GRA officials.
He had also said that his computer was taken away by the officials.
GRA officials, speaking on conditions of anonymity, said an I-pad was also taken from the Commissioner-General.
Sattaur had insisted that he was not political and had served faithfully for over 30 years between Inland Revenue and GRA.
Sattaur believed that Kaieteur News played a critical role in his removal, carrying stories about him even while he was representing GRA on overseas trips.
He said that two of his children, who held positions with GRA, resigned over the past months amidst growing pressure, following General Elections in May which saw a new government being sworn in after the two-decade rule by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).
“I am happy in this New Year to be away (from GRA).”
He said that while in Opposition, Members of Parliament Joseph Harmon and Moses Nagamootoo had said that he, Sattaur, would not “survive” if the coalition won the elections. Harmon is now the Minister of State, in charge of the Ministry of the Presidency, while Nagamootoo is the Prime Minister.
“I am thanking Kaieteur News and Glenn Lall (the Publisher) for allowing me a rest.”
Sattaur reportedly served for 12 years as Commissioner-General of GRA.
The new Board of Directors, to facilitate the impending audit, sent him on 200 days leave.
Sattaur, contacted on December 17, the day he was sent on leave, had said that his name was very much tarnished in the run up to elections.
“…Though the current Government when in opposition had issues with me, yet I had faith that things would be different from this administration. I guess I was wrong.”
Sattaur added that he has sacrificed and turned down “many overseas postings and offers to serve my country but if you have people who don’t believe I deserve the job there is nothing that I can do. If this is how Guyanese believe I should be treated, so be it.”
He had said that during his 30-plus years, he served under leaders like Arthur Chung, Forbes Burnham, Desmond Hoyte, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, Janet Jagan, Sam Hinds, Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar, and now President David Granger- all with distinction.
“Now if the Board believes that I need a rest, then I think I need a rest too.”


Lessons from Khurshid Sattaur’s embarrassment…Misuse of power could have humiliating consequences-Dr. David Hinds

January 7, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

By Kiana Wilburg
Recently, many have expressed sympathy and disagreement over the “embarrassing” treatment meted out to Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Khurshid Sattaur, in light of an upcoming forensic audit of the entity.

This headline confirms the embarrassing attitudes of the PNC/AFC, clearly brings out the Racialness of the current Government.


Search of Sattaur’s home a violation of his human rights – PSC

January 8, 2016 11:45 am Category: Crime, Internet, latest news, Local News A+ /A-

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) has expressed its concern over media reports of the recent search by officials of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), of the home of the Commissioner General of the agency Mr. Khurshid Sattaur, and the seizure of various items belonging to the GRA.

The Commission said it is both perturbed and concerned at this treatment of a very senior official who has not been formally accused of any wrongdoing.

“To the best of our knowledge, Mr. Sattaur is on leave from the entity pending the results of an inquiry.  He has not been asked to resign and as such remains both the de jure and de facto head of the GRA,” the PSC said in a statement.

“In the circumstances, if his electronic communication devices were required for purposes of the investigation, then the proper procedure would have entailed a request to Mr. Sattaur to hand these over to the Board,” the Private Sector body posited.

The PSC also pointed out that, based on its understanding, the invasion of Mr. Sattaur’s home was not conducted by the National Police armed with a warrant for search and seizure of items from his home.  “This is a violation of his human rights.  It was reported that the officers who went to Mr. Sattaur’s home were officers of the Guyana Revenue Authority and we do not believe that they are or were legally authorized to do so,” the PSC declared.

GRA Commissioner General, Khurshid Sattaur

GRA Commissioner General, Khurshid Sattaur

“This searching of homes of officials of entities under investigation seems to have become common practice and we call upon President Granger to rein in what appears, from all accounts in the public domain, to be a show of excessive enthusiasm on the part of some persons,” the Private Sector Commission added.


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