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Tyre shop owner executed, employee shot in elbow

February 19, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

A brazen attack by a lone gunman has left one person dead and another nursing gunshot wounds at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). Forty-one year-old Randolph Singh, owner of Airmax Vulcanizing Tyre Shop was pronounced dead on arrival at the GPHC after receiving multiple gunshots about his body. One of his employees, thirty- three year old Debert Mohamed was shot in the elbow and is currently a patient at a city hospital. Reports are that Singh was seated with Mohamed and another employee opposite his place of business on South Road, between Cummings and Light Streets when the gunman walked up to the trio and opened fire. From all indications, the unmasked attacker seemed only interested in killing Singh since he made no attempt to harm the men seated with him. According to information, Mohamed was injured because of his proximity to the dead man at the time. Eyewitnesses told this newspaper that at about 22:45 hrs they heard gunshots ring out on the street. It was reported that Singh, who had returned to the country just over a week ago, was in conversation with his employees when the gunman walked up to the three persons and asked if everything was alright. He subsequently pulled out a gun and pumped several bullets into the businessman’s body. The assailant reportedly advanced from a westernly direction and made good his escape on a motorcycle. Mohamed and his boss were rushed to the GPHC, but eyewitnesses said that the businessman appeared dead at the scene. Singh’s tyre shop is a 24-hour establishment. He also has another business on North Road. The newspaper was told that every night around the time when the incident occurred Singh would make monetary collections from his businesses. However, persons say that robbery did not seem to be the motive of the attack. This has caused eyewitnesses to the incident to conclude that it was an execution.

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