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Former Member

Many PNCR members still waiting for their membership cards


Posted By Staff Writer On July 23, 2014 @ 5:02 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

The PNCR Congress will be held in a matter of days. A lot of members have not received their membership cards and don’t know why it is taking this long for them to be sent. I saw in the newspapers that General Secretary, Mr Oscar Clarke had said these cards could be produced in a day. Weeks have gone by and many haven’t heard about their cards or received them. The GS also said in the press that people can use their national identification card. Editor, this is wrong. The party has its own card for identifying its membership and party members prefer to have their cards. Some party members told me they do not have ID cards. Some told me they feel the party is making it difficult for some to get their cards so they can be denied entry to Congress or the opportunity to vote.

Members think if the party had stuck to the old membership card instead of this new one where they want your picture on it these cards could have been have been issued already. When people are making inquiries for their cards they are spoken to anyhow by Congress Place staff, and the lady who is the Chief Whip doesn’t know how to speak to people. The GS is barking at you, the Chief Whip is barking at you, the staff are barking at you – it is difficult to get anybody to talk to you. They are behaving as though they are doing us a favour and not as though we all belong to the party and have to work together to make things happen.

Delegates are being appointed for groups and they are not allowing the groups to decide who will be their delegates. When you hear the names of these delegates you know they are Mr Granger’s fans. Some of us who support Mr Granger but would openly speak of our disagreement with some decisions he makes, have been disqualified as delegates by Congress Place. I don’t know what will happen to those who support other contenders. Then the party has this Vanessa Kissoon and Oscar Clarke story and members don’t know if it will settle before congress. Members are unhappy with the way the leadership has treated Ms Kissoon, but some are afraid to publicly say this because they don’t want to offend the party leaders.

The management of the PNC’s day-to-day affairs under Mr Granger is chaotic. Most party members have been civilians all their lives and are not accustomed to this treatment. This doesn’t mean party members and leaders never had arguments. All parties would have had arguments among their members, but zero tolerance for asking questions of the leaders and staff at Congress Place is new. Every family will have quarrels.

Everybody knows the GS has his moods and the Chief Whip has her moods. But now everybody has this mood and members want to know if this mood is the fashion now. A serious faced leader passes you straight and doesn’t say hello; while staff members are always in a sour mood and want you to do as they say without questioning. It is difficult to make head or tail of what is happening at Congress Place. Some members have even decided they prefer to stay away because if they are treated with disrespect they will answer from the Leader right down to the office assistant and security guard who want to treat them like children.


Yours faithfully,
Bert Thompson

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Sharma Solomon contesting for PNCR leadership

Posted By Staff Writer On July 23, 2014 @ 5:24 am In Local News | 


Region Ten Chairman Sharma Solomon will be vying for the position of PNCR leader during its 18th Biennial Congress this weekend.

“We have had three nominations for the position of leader. Persons have accepted and they are David Granger, Aubrey Norton and Kwesi Solomon known as Sharma Solomon,” General Secretary of the PNCR Oscar Clarke said at a press briefing at Congress Place yesterday. Current PNCR leader Granger and Norton had previously confirmed that they would be vying for the post.

Solomon running could potentially blunt the impact of Norton campaign for leadership as they would both draw heavily on Linden votes. His participation could also help to dampen anger among some Lindeners about disciplinary proceedings against Vanessa Kissoon

Clarke also revealed that Basil Williams, Norton and Solomon are the nominees for chairman while the post of vice-chairman will be contested by Volda Lawrence, Dr. George Norton and Stanley Paul. Ronald Bulkan and Clement Corlette will be vying for the post of treasurer.

Sharma Solomon

Sharma Solomon

Clarke said that there were 98 nominees to contest the 15 positions on the Central Executive Committee (CEC) but seven have declined their nominations so there will be 91 persons on the list from which delegates will choose the 15.


Fair and aboveboard


In terms of measures taken to ensure that the elections are fair and aboveboard, Clarke said that was a question for the Returning Officer. Once the official is satisfied with the arrangements that are made for voting, the voting will take place, he said. Michael Somersall is the Returning Officer. “Whatever arrangements he puts in place, I am sure that those would be adequate arrangements for the voting,” Clarke said.

As it relates to concerns raised by the Linden PNCR committee that the number of delegates assigned to the Region is 60, a reduction from 90 delegates, Clarke said that he had not seen a report relating to that concern and Linden representatives have not raised the issue with him. “What they have raised with me is the question of the delegates’ representation but not the number of persons who would be attending as delegates,” he said.

According to Clarke, they agreed that the numbers cannot be changed. He explained that the number of delegates depends on the number of members of the party and according to the Constitution, there is one delegate for every ten members who qualify to be delegates. He said that the representatives were concerned that some of the persons who they would like to be delegates have not been chosen to be delegates. Clarke said that he told them that he does not choose the delegates and it was the groups who did.

The PNCR official further said that as far as he knows, there is not a reduction of the number of representatives coming from Linden. Quizzed about a concern that there are “phantom” groups, Clarke responded that “I don’t know of any phantom groups.”

As it relates to the proceedings of the Disciplinary Committee examining an altercation between Clarke and PNCR parliamentarian Vanessa Kissoon, the official said that he is not privy to information about the committee and cannot discuss it. “I can’t discuss (the) disciplinary committee at all because I am an involved party,” he said while adding that he has not been summoned as yet but hopes to be summoned.


The fallout from that matter has seen Linden PNCR members threatening to take their concerns over the suspension of Kissoon to the floor of the delegates’ conference this weekend, signalling a further deepening of divisions. The Linden PNCR committee has said that Kissoon had been improperly suspended by Granger and as such she was advised not to appear yesterday before the disciplinary committee.

Disciplinary Committee member Malika Ramsay, who, along with another member Cheryl Sampson were present at the briefing, when questioned, said that only the committee’s chairman is authorized to speak on the matter. Asked whether an appeal is possible, Clarke said that the party’s Constitution provides for the appeal of a decision.

In terms of a conflict of interest given that Ramsay, Sampson and another committee member fall under Clarke’s supervision at Congress Place, and as well, are CEC members who endorsed Granger’s decision to suspend Kissoon, Clarke said that the party’s Constitution provides for the CEC to set up a Disciplinary Committee. “The members of the committee are persons who are expected to be carrying out the work, they are people of integrity…you can’t decide that a person is not going to be somebody who is good,” he said.

He added that he did not participate in the process establishing the disciplinary committee.



Parliamentarian Amna Ally declined to say what is the party’s view of the AFC’s proposed no-confidence vote against the government.

Meantime, reading from a prepared statement, Sampson said that 18th Biennial Congress will be held under the theme, ‘PNCR For National Unity, Good Governance and Development.’ More than 1000 delegates and observers from the ten administrative Regions of Guyana, as well as the North American and UK Regions, will be participating, she said.

The Congress will begin with the formal opening ceremony on Friday during which Granger will give the feature address in which it is expected that he will make an analysis of the political and economic situation in Guyana and outline his vision of the way in which the party will prepare itself to tackle the numerous challenges of the coming years, Sampson said. “We anticipate that this will be a wide ranging address which will lay the basis for the policies of the PNCR as it, along with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), prepares itself for elections, both local and national,” she added.

On Saturday, Clarke will report to the Congress on the state of the party, its organs and its political work. “Again, we anticipate that this address will adumbrate necessary reforms and reorganisation of the party structure as it gets ready to take its political struggle to new levels,” Sampson said.

Following the General Secretary’s report, the Report of the Constitutional Review Committee will be presented by that Committee’s Chairman Lance Carberry. This will be followed by the Plenary Session of Congress during which participants will examine issues contained in the party leader’s address, the chairman’s opening statement, the General Secretary’s Report and the Report of the Constitutional Review Committee. “This is an important aspect of the Congress programme since it will allow delegates and observers to respond directly to the visions of their party leadership; and from this open discussion, the party will forge a consensus on the way ahead for the People’s National Congress Reform. It is expected that such issues as the tactics and strategies, the ideology and philosophy of the Party and its future social and economic policies will be agreed,” Sampson said.

She added that questions and motions submitted by the party organs for the attention of Congress would be examined before the close of the second day.

The election of office bearers will take place on Sunday. “As is usual in democratically contested elections, there is keen discussion and lobbying by the various contestants,” Sampson said.


During the second and third days of Congress, only accredited delegates and observers will be allowed into the compound and the venue of the Congress, she said, adding that the documents needed for presentation as identification at the registration desk include a current party membership card with photo, or a current National ID Card or a valid passport or driver’s licence.


GTObserver: Is it true or false that members from rural areas like Region Nine have managed to scrape together the $100 each for their cards? Also true or false that members without the cards can still use other identity documents with photographs even if they don't have the new cards? Doesn't it make voting better if photo IDs are required?


Mr Ken Carmichael: Bert Thompson's letter is typical of many Guyanese -complain, complain, complain. I am sure Thompson's PNCR's unit was sent the requirements to enroll. A form to be completed with signature and a passport size photo taken with camera phone will suffice. These can be emailed to Congress Place. The new PNCR Membership Card has tamper evident and biometric features which adds to security. Also, members can be electronically scanned in to meeting venue because each of the new PNCR membership card has a 2D barcode. This adds to efficiency and security. 
Rather than Thompson praise PNCR Leader, David Granger, for improving the processes within the party, he condemns the upward strides. It is clear Bert Thompson and his cohorts do not have the vision to uplift the PNCR or Guyana because they are stuck in the past. Each card, after data entry, photo and signature upload takes 15 seconds to print. The system is seamless. 
Bert Thompson has issues with the PNCR's leadership on the Kissoon issue. He morphed from the PNCR Membership Card issue right into the Vanessa Kissoon issue. Thompson began his letter by complaining about the modern PNCR membership card issue installed under the direction of Leader David Granger. Because Thompson does not like Granger, so he bellows about the new membership card system -a system Thompson has zero knowledge about. The PNCR new membership car is by far superior to the Guyana driver license (red book) and similar to the New York or Florida ID card. 
It is acceptable to be against anyone within a democratic system, but Bert Thompson should also endeavor to make his arguments clearer rather than condemning a membership card system he knows nothing about.


Mr TK: It is very important you good folks from the PNCR defend the principle and idea of democracy in the PNCR. Many people can't see the big picture of how important and symbolic this election is. Make no mistake it is not in the interest of the PPP and about 2 vociferous supporters the AFC to see the PNCR pull off an unblemished democratic election. This is an important symbol and one of the nails in the PPP's coffin. You guys have got to defend this thing to the very end. It is too important for each Guyanese inside and outside in the diaspora. You've got to convert what you've written here into a letter, at minimum!

Originally Posted by JB:

GTObserver: Is it true or false that members from rural areas like Region Nine have managed to scrape together the $100 each for their cards? Also true or false that members without the cards can still use other identity documents with photographs even if they don't have the new cards? Doesn't it make voting better if photo IDs are required?


SIX runs! 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Mr. JB TK is an a hole so I usually don't read whatever horse manure it is he writes.

Ok power to you Mr Horse. Take the dog manure over there then. 

Originally Posted by JB:

Me mamoo know PNC good because he is a delegate. He say in pass election 1000 delegates but 1500 vote. Mr granger say not that anymore. 

The celebrated "Mamoo"....

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by JB:

Me mamoo know PNC good because he is a delegate. He say in pass election 1000 delegates but 1500 vote. Mr granger say not that anymore. 

The celebrated "Mamoo"....

My mamoo is a wise man. 


Tyrone is a lost cause, the PNC die hard themselves don't want him. The rank and file see him as a parasite looking for another landing spot and they have said that loudly.


He only fooling himself.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Tyrone is a lost cause, the PNC die hard themselves don't want him. The rank and file see him as a parasite looking for another landing spot and they have said that loudly.


He only fooling himself.


Ok Mr Horsie. You make sure you get you drug dealer friend influence in AFC. 


There is no question the Donkey cart Economist is a clever young man.



* Clever people like the donkey cart economist love to talk---they write books that don't sell---they write articles that few read----but the thing is clever people feel a need to prove their cleverness and their worth---and so they talk and write--but check this:





Originally Posted by Rev:

There is no question the Donkey cart Economist is a clever young man.



* Clever people like the donkey cart economist love to talk---they write books that don't sell---they write articles that few read----but the thing is clever people feel a need to prove their cleverness and their worth---and so they talk and write--but check this:






Me see split personality REV switch from he pro AFC/pro Nagamotto handle. 


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