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PNC has not yet issued membership cards to many bona fide members

Posted By Staff Writer On June 27, 2014 @ 5:07 am In Letters | No Comments

Dear Editor,

The People’s National Congress Reform Biennial Congress is July 25 to July 27. At this Congress party members will get the opportunity to vote for their leaders. The members who have paid up their dues and are identified as delegates will be able to vote. Bona fide members are identified by their membership cards. Congress is approximately three weeks away and there are too many members who have not yet received their membership cards. They have registered and renewed their membership and submitted the forms, along with the membership fee. Membership cards are processed by Congress Place and no one knows what is taking so long for members to receive their cards.

The party has added a financial burden to members by asking them to submit a photograph. Some members cannot afford it and some live in areas where they do not have ready access to photographers. Those in far flung areas have to find money to take their picture, pay transportation to travel to the mainland to find a photographer and then travel back home. This can be very costly. Before party membership cards had the picture of the Founder Leader. This was practical because it saved members having to pay to get a picture taken, find photographers and meet travel expenses. Now members feel that they have to pay twice and sometimes thrice to belong to the party. It is like belonging to an elite club. You pay to be a member, then pay to travel to find a photo studio, then pay to have the photographer take your picture.

Getting a National Identification Card is easier and cheaper than getting a party card. You only have to visit the office in your area, fill out the form and the office will take your picture for free. Some members feel this whole picture taking business is designed to deny some membership. Before the party found other forms of identification to identify bona fide voters. The last Congress delegates were identified by a hand band which was placed on the wrist after the verification process of identifying legitimate members. This worked well and it is puzzling why this system cannot be used again. It was also cost effective to the members and party.

Members would like the party to move expeditiously to issue their membership cards and review the trouble and costly burden it is putting on members to find photographers and pay for pictures. The PNC is still the party of the small man. The small man is finding it hard enough to pay his bills and feed his family and would appreciate the leadership taking note of this.

 Yours faithfully,

J Thomas

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mr TK from his Facebook. 


I am not a PNCR member but I feel this issue is similar to a debate going on in the United States right now. Should a voter have an ID card when voting in primaries (similar to what the PNCR is having), state and federal elections? Many Democrats don'tsupport the picture ID because they say it adds a burden to voters similar to the points raised by the writer of the letter. However, the Democrats miss the point that a picture ID is empowering. How can one have a bank account without an ID card? The Republicans come out on the side of a picture ID. I am an independent, but I tend to believe the Republicans have this one right. Guyana obviously has a National ID card. Last week Republican Senator Cochran from Mississippi wooed African American Democrats to vote for him in a Republican primary. He won by courting Democrats in a Republican primary. Could it be the PNCR is trying to prevent similar outcomes in Guyana? Could certain interests in the underground economy try to influence the outcome in PNCR primary election in Guyana’s second oldest political party? In my opinion, it is a legitimate concern. I have written how special interests and Mr Jagdeo have captured the PPP for personal economic gains. The PPP uses the communist method of show-of-hands so Mr Jagdeo only has to dent the pocket of his party stalwarts (and their children) to have them show their hands. That’s Stalin’s style. The PNCR chooses election primaries as the Republican and Democratic parties of United States. I have praised the PNCR for this change in favor of democracy. However, the party should aim to make it easy for genuine members to vote in an election. Perhaps the members should be subsidized for their transport and photo cost.

Originally Posted by JB:

Mr TK from his Facebook. 


I am not a PNCR member but I feel this issue is similar to a debate going on in the United States right now. Should a voter have an ID card when voting in primaries (similar to what the PNCR is having), state and federal elections? Many Democrats don'tsupport the picture ID because they say it adds a burden to voters similar to the points raised by the writer of the letter. However, the Democrats miss the point that a picture ID is empowering. How can one have a bank account without an ID card? The Republicans come out on the side of a picture ID. I am an independent, but I tend to believe the Republicans have this one right. Guyana obviously has a National ID card. Last week Republican Senator Cochran from Mississippi wooed African American Democrats to vote for him in a Republican primary. He won by courting Democrats in a Republican primary. Could it be the PNCR is trying to prevent similar outcomes in Guyana? Could certain interests in the underground economy try to influence the outcome in PNCR primary election in Guyana’s second oldest political party? In my opinion, it is a legitimate concern. I have written how special interests and Mr Jagdeo have captured the PPP for personal economic gains. The PPP uses the communist method of show-of-hands so Mr Jagdeo only has to dent the pocket of his party stalwarts (and their children) to have them show their hands. That’s Stalin’s style. The PNCR chooses election primaries as the Republican and Democratic parties of United States. I have praised the PNCR for this change in favor of democracy. However, the party should aim to make it easy for genuine members to vote in an election. Perhaps the members should be subsidized for their transport and photo cost.

Is what academic bull sh!t this falla write hear.


These Tyrone Kemraj kind have NO COMMON SENSE.


"Should a voter have an ID card when voting in primaries"


What bamba cloth rubbish this moron coming up here with?


Remember his Sh!t letter - PNC Part 1 and PNC 2 - just hillarious how he tried to revised history and he had that poor innocent little bwoy Gerhard co sign his humpty dumpty NONSENSE.


Giggle - idiot, he man cannot help himself being STUPID and dull.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr TK from his Facebook. 


I am not a PNCR member but I feel this issue is similar to a debate going on in the United States right now. Should a voter have an ID card when voting in primaries (similar to what the PNCR is having), state and federal elections? Many Democrats don'tsupport the picture ID because they say it adds a burden to voters similar to the points raised by the writer of the letter. However, the Democrats miss the point that a picture ID is empowering. How can one have a bank account without an ID card? The Republicans come out on the side of a picture ID. I am an independent, but I tend to believe the Republicans have this one right. Guyana obviously has a National ID card. Last week Republican Senator Cochran from Mississippi wooed African American Democrats to vote for him in a Republican primary. He won by courting Democrats in a Republican primary. Could it be the PNCR is trying to prevent similar outcomes in Guyana? Could certain interests in the underground economy try to influence the outcome in PNCR primary election in Guyana’s second oldest political party? In my opinion, it is a legitimate concern. I have written how special interests and Mr Jagdeo have captured the PPP for personal economic gains. The PPP uses the communist method of show-of-hands so Mr Jagdeo only has to dent the pocket of his party stalwarts (and their children) to have them show their hands. That’s Stalin’s style. The PNCR chooses election primaries as the Republican and Democratic parties of United States. I have praised the PNCR for this change in favor of democracy. However, the party should aim to make it easy for genuine members to vote in an election. Perhaps the members should be subsidized for their transport and photo cost.

Is what academic bull sh!t this falla write hear.


These Tyrone Kemraj kind have NO COMMON SENSE.


"Should a voter have an ID card when voting in primaries"


What bamba cloth rubbish this moron coming up here with?


Remember his Sh!t letter - PNC Part 1 and PNC 2 - just hillarious how he tried to revised history and he had that poor innocent little bwoy Gerhard co sign his humpty dumpty NONSENSE.


Giggle - idiot, he man cannot help himself being STUPID and dull.

LOL! you jelous. You on GNI and he have column space. 

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Me love Bahamas, who need Guyanese column space.  There is nothing better than being on a catamaran.  Try it.


I right now on the wharf waiting on the first client.


As soon as hey come, bye bye GNI and Guyana.


US$$$$.  That is my column space.

travel to the Bahamas is a big 'achievement' to dis fool


barefoot PPPee refugee neva see come see



Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr TK from his Facebook. 


I am not a PNCR member but I feel this issue is similar to a debate going on in the United States right now. Should a voter have an ID card when voting in primaries (similar to what the PNCR is having), state and federal elections? Many Democrats don'tsupport the picture ID because they say it adds a burden to voters similar to the points raised by the writer of the letter. However, the Democrats miss the point that a picture ID is empowering. How can one have a bank account without an ID card? The Republicans come out on the side of a picture ID. I am an independent, but I tend to believe the Republicans have this one right. Guyana obviously has a National ID card. Last week Republican Senator Cochran from Mississippi wooed African American Democrats to vote for him in a Republican primary. He won by courting Democrats in a Republican primary. Could it be the PNCR is trying to prevent similar outcomes in Guyana? Could certain interests in the underground economy try to influence the outcome in PNCR primary election in Guyana’s second oldest political party? In my opinion, it is a legitimate concern. I have written how special interests and Mr Jagdeo have captured the PPP for personal economic gains. The PPP uses the communist method of show-of-hands so Mr Jagdeo only has to dent the pocket of his party stalwarts (and their children) to have them show their hands. That’s Stalin’s style. The PNCR chooses election primaries as the Republican and Democratic parties of United States. I have praised the PNCR for this change in favor of democracy. However, the party should aim to make it easy for genuine members to vote in an election. Perhaps the members should be subsidized for their transport and photo cost.

Is what academic bull sh!t this falla write hear.


These Tyrone Kemraj kind have NO COMMON SENSE.


"Should a voter have an ID card when voting in primaries"


What bamba cloth rubbish this moron coming up here with?


Remember his Sh!t letter - PNC Part 1 and PNC 2 - just hillarious how he tried to revised history and he had that poor innocent little bwoy Gerhard co sign his humpty dumpty NONSENSE.


Giggle - idiot, he man cannot help himself being STUPID and dull.

LOL! you jelous. You on GNI and he have column space. 

Well if a man is now measured by column space, then Karl Rove is the richest man in America.  But as usual, Jackazz Brain (JB) only can survive on the people sphere and cannot comprehend that I am in the issue sphere.


Look at the FLOWER BOY and Tyrone, all they write about is themselve.  How Hoyte used to buy them flowers.  Who give a sh!t if Hoyte buy them flowers and tek them fada on foreign trips.


The essence of the matter was HOYTE impoverished the greatest amount of Guyana ever in the history of Guyana with his devaluation and ERP.


That is the issue.


I do not want to hear about who buy flowers from whom.

Last edited by Former Member

That letter PNC Part 1 to PNC Part 2 did the greatest political diservice to the Gerhard legacy.  It will haunt him for the rest of his political life and I am saying today, Gerhard is a nice fella personally but political he is not going anywhere once he peddle those Jackazz brain (JB) lines.


The people of Guyana suffered too much under the PNC including Hoyte days to ever forgive the PNC unless they apoligise and repent and show remorse but that will never happen and the PNC will always lose and they shall IMPLODE and then Guyana shall be free to destroy the PPP.


Gerhard on the wrong side of HISTORY.


Fuget Tyrone Kemraj, he is a certified Dullard as Uncle Ravi Dev seh.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Me love Bahamas, who need Guyanese column space.  There is nothing better than being on a catamaran.  Try it.


I right now on the wharf waiting on the first client.


As soon as hey come, bye bye GNI and Guyana.


US$$$$.  That is my column space.

travel to the Bahamas is a big 'achievement' to dis fool


barefoot PPPee refugee neva see come see



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

That letter PNC Part 1 to PNC Part 2 did the greatest political diservice to the Gerhard legacy.  It will haunt him for the rest of his political life and I am saying today, Gerhard is a nice fella personally but political he is not going anywhere once he peddle those Jackazz brain (JB) lines.


The people of Guyana suffered too much under the PNC including Hoyte days to ever forgive the PNC unless they apoligise and repent and show remorse but that will never happen and the PNC will always lose and they shall IMPLODE and then Guyana shall be free to destroy the PPP.


Gerhard on the wrong side of HISTORY.


Fuget Tyrone Kemraj, he is a certified Dullard as Uncle Ravi Dev seh.


LOL Mr Dev is a big con man. Dont bother with him. You is very work up over Mr TK. Envy? 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Wuk time me gone. later sweet heard.

streetwalkers got to pick fare to survive . . . abee understand

Grasshopper calling people Streetwalker.

Corbin say TK is PNC top prostitute.

Ravi say TK is a PNC Undercover Jihaji.

Granger say TK is PNC Rani.

Mamoo say TK tek over from Kwame in the PNC.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:

Mr TK from his Facebook. 


I am not a PNCR member but I feel this issue is similar to a debate going on in the United States right now. Should a voter have an ID card when voting in primaries (similar to what the PNCR is having), state and federal elections? Many Democrats don'tsupport the picture ID because they say it adds a burden to voters similar to the points raised by the writer of the letter. However, the Democrats miss the point that a picture ID is empowering. How can one have a bank account without an ID card? The Republicans come out on the side of a picture ID. I am an independent, but I tend to believe the Republicans have this one right. Guyana obviously has a National ID card. Last week Republican Senator Cochran from Mississippi wooed African American Democrats to vote for him in a Republican primary. He won by courting Democrats in a Republican primary. Could it be the PNCR is trying to prevent similar outcomes in Guyana? Could certain interests in the underground economy try to influence the outcome in PNCR primary election in Guyana’s second oldest political party? In my opinion, it is a legitimate concern. I have written how special interests and Mr Jagdeo have captured the PPP for personal economic gains. The PPP uses the communist method of show-of-hands so Mr Jagdeo only has to dent the pocket of his party stalwarts (and their children) to have them show their hands. That’s Stalin’s style. The PNCR chooses election primaries as the Republican and Democratic parties of United States. I have praised the PNCR for this change in favor of democracy. However, the party should aim to make it easy for genuine members to vote in an election. Perhaps the members should be subsidized for their transport and photo cost.

Is what academic bull sh!t this falla write hear.


These Tyrone Kemraj kind have NO COMMON SENSE.


"Should a voter have an ID card when voting in primaries"


What bamba cloth rubbish this moron coming up here with?


Remember his Sh!t letter - PNC Part 1 and PNC 2 - just hillarious how he tried to revised history and he had that poor innocent little bwoy Gerhard co sign his humpty dumpty NONSENSE.


Giggle - idiot, he man cannot help himself being STUPID and dull.

It is a position he has that the entire republican establishment has and for different reasons. I think you need to condition your intellect to produce opinions of some substance and not this inane, uninformative waste.


I am against voter IDs. America does not have a problem of voter fraud. Most of the hyperventilation on voter fraud is to other ends than voter fraud prevention. Id's prohibit minorities from getting to the polls. One remembers the elections commissioner of Pennsylvania stating exactly that. He knows the request for IDs will limit minority turnout since many do not  have the necessary federal ID and the process of getting one is onerous. It begins with a birth certificate and the production of a minimum of siz pieces of other validating items ie a utility bill, ( to establish address) among other things.


Also, many a significant number of americans do not have bank accounts. This is not because they are backward and do not know the value of having one. Most banks require a minimum deposit and charge various and sundry fees for being below that balance. If a person is at minimum wage or are a recipient of a fixed income retirement; they end up paying a monies they cannot afford for fees. There are other caviats that does not affect us who never worry about living month to month. Using a bank card to buy gas, for example, results in the gas station retaining twice the amount individual paid for the gas. They may not know of this and try to access their funds and are stuck without cash or end up baying overdraft fees.


Lastly, no state proposing a voter ID strategy follow any uniform protocol. It means if one moves and americans move often, the whole complicated process has to begin over an over again. This is too much for what is not a problem. States already have a voter purging strategy that eliminates dupes or fakes. 


I do not think the requirement of a photo ID from the office of the PNC plus mandatory payment of membership fees is right either. It is an impediment to participation. If there was an established network of PPP personnel at the local level they would immediately know and be validators for the local member.



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

That letter PNC Part 1 to PNC Part 2 did the greatest political diservice to the Gerhard legacy.  It will haunt him for the rest of his political life and I am saying today, Gerhard is a nice fella personally but political he is not going anywhere once he peddle those Jackazz brain (JB) lines.


The people of Guyana suffered too much under the PNC including Hoyte days to ever forgive the PNC unless they apoligise and repent and show remorse but that will never happen and the PNC will always lose and they shall IMPLODE and then Guyana shall be free to destroy the PPP.


Gerhard on the wrong side of HISTORY.


Fuget Tyrone Kemraj, he is a certified Dullard as Uncle Ravi Dev seh.

On what authority do you presume to paint Gherald with a scarlet letter?  You folks ere buying the shallow PPP swill that there is a curse on the PNC because of race. It is pure bull it is because th e PNC is evil. If you look closely you will see the PPP  outperforming the old PNC in increments of hundreds of times on every metric.


TK is a scholar credentialed by a US accredited institution and has participates often is peer review processes where what he says is validated. Tell me who do that for you? I also do not see anything of substance addressing anything TK says that is of substance from you. HE writes a  lot so you have a lot of writing to be critical of. Like Krishna and Jilall   you have become the merry band of idiots chattering nonsense over and over and it merely leaves the impression you are a bunch of wasteful people


PS to my previous post to TK' s opinion on ID


I also disagree with TK on the strategy of democrats voting for a republican in Mississippi was a good thing. It was a missed chance by the party to advise democrats to stay out of it and let the Republicans cannibalize themselves. Neither candidates were good for democrats. Further, beating a Tea Party Member would be easier since most of of That Cocaran's support could have been swayed to vote for a democrat in the general election. There was a chance to pick up this seat or at least build a democratic base by competing strongly for it so others can benefit in future elections in the state.



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