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Originally posted by redux:
It's the only remaining flimsy 'separation' of the party from the WORST of Burnham's rule . . . the PPP emperor(s) are clutching at smoke to hide their NAKEDNESS!!

That's why 'influential' messenger bais of the cabal (ASJ, that means U) expend so much energy making sure they SILENCE people like JOKER

Amen. flag

The actions of Lamumba and Kwame on e-day were a clear indication that skullduggery was afoot.
The AFCites got nuff mouth now that they are in the position of deal breaker in parliament. These same fools claimed they would win elections when they only managed to fracture the Indian votes. Come 2016 they will fade to oblivion when the Indians abandon them after being burnt when the Blacks fled back to the PNC. ahhaahaha
Originally posted by HM_Redux:
Originally posted by Alexander:
What happened to the march yesterday?

They are busy verifying SOP's which was the reason for the march.....if you remember.

Actually, the racist APNU call for boycott of mostly Indian businesses seem to be backfiring. Indian consumers have gone to the Indo businesses listed which have syphoned away business from small Afro businesses. These small Afro business owners are not happy. The APNU will overplay their hand as they did with the Buxton FF's.

The AFC is sucked in and will be digested unless we separate ourselves and go back to the principle on which we allied as an opposition. TO BRING ACCOUNTABILITY, BETTER GOVERNANCE AND EQUITY. NOT TO BE A CONDUIT FOR APNU'S POLITICAL POWER PLAY.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by HM_Redux:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Alexander:
What happened to the march yesterday?

They are busy verifying SOP's which was the reason for the march.....if you remember.

Actually, the racist APNU call for boycott of mostly Indian businesses seem to be backfiring. Indian consumers have gone to the Indo businesses listed which have syphoned away business from small Afro businesses. These small Afro business owners are not happy. The APNU will overplay their hand as they did with the Buxton FF's.

The AFC is sucked in and will be digested unless we separate ourselves and go back to the principle on which we allied as an opposition. TO BRING ACCOUNTABILITY, BETTER GOVERNANCE AND EQUITY. NOT TO BE A CONDUIT FOR APNU'S POLITICAL POWER PLAY.

Again, your inability to move beyond race is rather telling.Where was the call for a boycott of Indian businesses. The media and blogs show a call for the boycott of Hits & James and the Kashief and Shangai led groups.Later, a larger list was put out there.When will we seek to have solutions beyond your narrow prism of race?
Originally posted by

The AFC is sucked in and will be digested unless we separate ourselves and go back to the principle on which we allied as an opposition. TO BRING ACCOUNTABILITY, BETTER GOVERNANCE AND EQUITY. NOT TO BE A CONDUIT FOR APNU'S POLITICAL POWER PLAY.


KInda late now for that. THe AFC has lost credibility unfortunately and as I stated before they will crumble in 2016.
Originally posted by alena:
Originally posted by

The AFC is sucked in and will be digested unless we separate ourselves and go back to the principle on which we allied as an opposition. TO BRING ACCOUNTABILITY, BETTER GOVERNANCE AND EQUITY. NOT TO BE A CONDUIT FOR APNU'S POLITICAL POWER PLAY.


KInda late now for that. THe AFC has lost credibility unfortunately and as I stated before they will crumble in 2016.

says you who? what or whose authority are you speaking with or under to determine that the AFC has lost credibility. You were never supportive of the AFC and have always been negative to that party.

I suggest you worry about what will happen to the PPP in 2016 instead of mouthing off day in and day out about the AFC losing credibility. You are just angry that Moses left and put a huge dent in your CUP.

The AFC has been fair in condemning acts that were deemed unnecessary and counterproductive to moving our country forward out of this miasmic mess it is in right now.

Parliament has not even been convened as yet, discussions and deliberations have not started as yet but still the prophets of doom are preaching their nonsense without even allowing the process to get started.
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
Originally posted by alena:
KInda late now for that. THe AFC has lost credibility unfortunately and as I stated before they will crumble in 2016.
AFC will rumble,
but they will crumble. Big Grin
This is the same predictive certainty that you folks had prior to the elections. The AFC is a hardened vote. When people sever ties they do so because a belief system was destabilized. They do not go back to the same place. The PPP has not changed.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by TI:
How about some APNU lawlessness ? Big Grin
Where have they been lawless? They have a right to protest. I think it is a good thing so they can vent and lose steam for whatever grievances they may have.
your site so boring that you've been living on gni as devil's advocate? Big Grin panman yippie
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by TI:
How about some APNU lawlessness ? Big Grin
Where have they been lawless? They have a right to protest. I think it is a good thing so they can vent and lose steam for whatever grievances they may have.

Everybody has a right to protest peacefully. Also everyone has to abide by the laws, and if the police commands you to disperse because the march is illegal, then you disperse.
If you persist, you are breaking the law. This is not confined to Guyana. Peaceful Wall Street protestors were also arrested for illegal protests.
Blade runner and D2. - what has ramjattan and others done since the elections to show they are teamplayers with the other parties:

Calling to impeach ministers
Playing hardball to select the speaker.
Acting as a conduit for For APNU.

these actions are all selfish and clearly states they are unwilling to work with the Ppp. the Ppp is back to work while these fools only look for a way to disrupt the smooth running of the govt.
Originally posted by alena:
Blade runner and D2. - what has ramjattan and others done since the elections to show they are teamplayers with the other parties:

Calling to impeach ministers
Playing hardball to select the speaker.
Acting as a conduit for For APNU.

these actions are all selfish and clearly states they are unwilling to work with the Ppp. the Ppp is back to work while these fools only look for a way to disrupt the smooth running of the govt.
Originally posted by alena:
Blade runner and D2. - what has ramjattan and others done since the elections to show they are teamplayers with the other parties:

Calling to impeach ministers
Playing hardball to select the speaker.
Acting as a conduit for For APNU.

these actions are all selfish and clearly states they are unwilling to work with the Ppp. the Ppp is back to work while these fools only look for a way to disrupt the smooth running of the govt.
he have one more job to do,he will jail all those ppp thiefing ministers
Originally posted by alena:
Blade runner and D2. - what has ramjattan and others done since the elections to show they are teamplayers with the other parties:

Calling to impeach ministers
Playing hardball to select the speaker.
Acting as a conduit for For APNU.

these actions are all selfish and clearly states they are unwilling to work with the Ppp. the Ppp is back to work while these fools only look for a way to disrupt the smooth running of the govt.
he have one more job to do,he will jail all those low life thiefing ministers
Originally posted by alena:
Originally posted by

The AFC is sucked in and will be digested unless we separate ourselves and go back to the principle on which we allied as an opposition. TO BRING ACCOUNTABILITY, BETTER GOVERNANCE AND EQUITY. NOT TO BE A CONDUIT FOR APNU'S POLITICAL POWER PLAY.


KInda late now for that. THe AFC has lost credibility unfortunately and as I stated before they will crumble in 2016.
keep hoping and one day people will think you is a women.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by alena:
Originally posted by

The AFC is sucked in and will be digested unless we separate ourselves and go back to the principle on which we allied as an opposition. TO BRING ACCOUNTABILITY, BETTER GOVERNANCE AND EQUITY. NOT TO BE A CONDUIT FOR APNU'S POLITICAL POWER PLAY.


KInda late now for that. THe AFC has lost credibility unfortunately and as I stated before they will crumble in 2016.
keep hoping and one day people will think you is a women.

Julius, what you gat against a woman? Big Grin
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by alena:
Originally posted by

The AFC is sucked in and will be digested unless we separate ourselves and go back to the principle on which we allied as an opposition. TO BRING ACCOUNTABILITY, BETTER GOVERNANCE AND EQUITY. NOT TO BE A CONDUIT FOR APNU'S POLITICAL POWER PLAY.


KInda late now for that. THe AFC has lost credibility unfortunately and as I stated before they will crumble in 2016.
keep hoping and one day people will think you is a women.

Julius, what you gat against a woman? Big Grin
i love women,is just that she sound like kwame,i wonder if she looks like kwame
Originally posted by alena:
Blade runner and D2. - what has ramjattan and others done since the elections to show they are teamplayers with the other parties:

Calling to impeach ministers
Playing hardball to select the speaker.
Acting as a conduit for For APNU.

these actions are all selfish and clearly states they are unwilling to work with the Ppp. the Ppp is back to work while these fools only look for a way to disrupt the smooth running of the govt.

if ministers are corrupt they should be impeached!!! they are using taxpayers money for their own gains. Irfaan lied to the Parliamentary committee and no action has been taken as yet. He is right we need tougher sanctions in place to keep the custodians of our money in check.

Play hardball? excuse m? last time I checked the combined opposition has the majority in parliament and as such THEY decide who the speaker will be and the AFC said they have no issue with Barker or whatever her name is.

Khemraj himself spoke out against the economic boycott. They never participated in the protests as a unit, perhaps 1 or 2 radicals joined the protesters but they were doing so in their personal capacity and not sanctioned by the AFC. Obviously the GPF used unnecessary force against the protesters and even the GPF said it was an unfortunate incident and Rohee tried to distance himself from what transpired.

Nothing you have listed can be considered irrefutable evidence and I have just dismantled every point you raised. So come again with something tangible instead of your uninformed opinion Alena.
Originally posted by alena:

these actions are all selfish and clearly states they are unwilling to work with the Ppp. the Ppp is back to work while these fools only look for a way to disrupt the smooth running of the govt.

The AFC only have legislative power as a paralegal expert you should have known that. Only when parliament convenes can they begin their work. All Donald h as to do is to agree for Deborah, Moses or Raphael to be Speaker and Parliament will be reconvened.

Obviously with the PPP not practicing inclusive democracy and hogging all the ministries (while achieving only 48% of the votes and the support of 35% of the total electorate) have to get on the ball as they have EXECUTIVE power.
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
Originally posted by alena:

these actions are all selfish and clearly states they are unwilling to work with the Ppp. the Ppp is back to work while these fools only look for a way to disrupt the smooth running of the govt.

The AFC only have legislative power as a paralegal expert you should have known that. Only when parliament convenes can they begin their work. All Donald h as to do is to agree for Deborah, Moses or Raphael to be Speaker and Parliament will be reconvened.

Obviously with the PPP not practicing inclusive democracy and hogging all the ministries (while achieving only 48% of the votes and the support of 35% of the total electorate) have to get on the ball as they have EXECUTIVE power.
they bullying is over,the oppsition will clip their wings.i cannot wait for parlament to start,ALIBABA and the forty thivies,going down
Yeah Bro, they going down. yippie yippie partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
Originally posted by alena:

these actions are all selfish and clearly states they are unwilling to work with the Ppp. the Ppp is back to work while these fools only look for a way to disrupt the smooth running of the govt.

The AFC only have legislative power as a paralegal expert you should have known that. Only when parliament convenes can they begin their work. All Donald h as to do is to agree for Deborah, Moses or Raphael to be Speaker and Parliament will be reconvened.

Obviously with the PPP not practicing inclusive democracy and hogging all the ministries (while achieving only 48% of the votes and the support of 35% of the total electorate) have to get on the ball as they have EXECUTIVE power.
they bullying is over,the oppsition will clip their wings.i cannot wait for parlament to start,ALIBABA and the forty thivies,going down
Originally posted by alena:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by The Blade Runner:

if ministers are corrupt they should be impeached!!!

but that is not high PRIORITY considered the scheme of things. WE need people who are go getters. Learn to Prioritize.

what nonsense!!!! With statement like those your integrity will be called in for serious questioning.

High priority for me and all the taxpayers in Guyana is for the custodians to use our money for our benefit and not to line their pockets. First step is to weed out corruption. That is HIGH PRIORITY. You should learn what are MORAL VALUES and try to attain some.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by The Blade Runner

The AFC only have legislative power as a paralegal expert you should have known that. Only when parliament convenes can they begin their work. All Donald h as to do is to agrrree for Deborah, Moses oraker and Parliament will be reconvened.

paralegal again. Haha.

you guys are deliberately delaying parliament so u can goof off. Becoming more and more like your buddies APNU.
Originally posted by alena:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by The Blade Runner

The AFC only have legislative power as a paralegal expert you should have known that. Only when parliament convenes can they begin their work. All Donald h as to do is to agrrree for Deborah, Moses oraker and Parliament will be reconvened.

paralegal again. Haha.

you guys are deliberately delaying parliament so u can goof off. Becoming more and more like your buddies APNU.

And you want everything to be on the fast track so that all the thieving and corrupt activities will go on unchecked. Morality is not one of your strong points.
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
Originally posted by alena:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by The Blade Runner

The AFC only have legislative power as a paralegal expert you should have known that. Only when parliament convenes can they begin their work. All Donald h as to do is to agrrree for Deborah, Moses oraker and Parliament will be reconvened.

paralegal again. Haha.

you guys are deliberately delaying parliament so u can goof off. Becoming more and more like your buddies APNU.

And you want everything to be on the fast track so that all the thieving and corrupt activities will go on unchecked. Morality is not one of your strong points.

Originally posted by alena:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by The Blade Runner

The AFC only have legislative power as a paralegal expert you should have known that. Only when parliament convenes can they begin their work. All Donald h as to do is to agrrree for Deborah, Moses oraker and Parliament will be reconvened.

paralegal again. Haha.

you guys are deliberately delaying parliament so u can goof off. Becoming more and more like your buddies APNU.

Delaying parliament - I heard parliament will be convened on the 28th of Dec. The speaker will be chosen by votes, no delays there - all you are doing is throwing up smokescreens

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