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June 6, 2017 Source

GENEVA, (Reuters) – The United States denounced the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro today for suppressing protests and called for free elections, saying that he must not be allowed to follow a “dictatorship” path like Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.
The Maduro government calls the protesters violent coup-mongers, supported by the United States.
“This is an economic, political and humanitarian crisis that demands the world’s attention,” Nikki Haley, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, told a U.S.-hosted panel of Venezuelan activists and experts held on the sidelines of the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva.
“The Venezuelan government is in the midst of destroying human rights and democracy in Venezuela. It is conducting a campaign of violence and intimidation against unarmed demonstrators, businesses, civil society and freely elected political opposition,” she said.
But Jorge Valero, Venezuela ambassador, told the Council that Venezuelans enjoyed fundamental freedoms, adding: “This (U.S.) government has no moral authority to set itself up as a universal judge of human rights.”
Haley, speaking later at the Graduate Institute in Geneva, said states must prevent human rights crises from becoming armed conflicts.
“It’s the reason why I am so concerned about Venezuela. Because in Venezuela, (one is) hard-pressed to see that Maduro is not following in the same steps as Assad. We have to make sure we stop it before it gets to that point,” she said.
“It’s supposed to be democracy, it’s turning into a dictatorship and that’s a problem,” she added.
At least 65 people have died in unrest since early April, with hundreds injured. Some 3,000 people have been arrested, with around one-third still behind bars, according to rights group Penal Forum.
“Over 300 people arrested at demonstrations have been taken to military courts. They are being treated as a form of prisoners of war,” Alonso Medina Roa of Penal Reform, which is providing legal defence to hundreds, told the event.
Maduro’s foes are demanding general elections, freedom for jailed activists, humanitarian aid, and autonomy for the opposition-controlled National Assembly.
In May, Maduro announced a plan for a “constituent assembly” with powers to rewrite the constitution, in what he says is a bid to bring back peace. But opponents say he is seeking to dodge national elections and has ignored demands for an end to crushing food and medicine shortages.
“The Venezuela regime is fooling no one. Recognising that its grip on power has slipped, it is yet again trying to change the rules of the game,” Haley said.
“There are many things that could be done to help the people of Venezuela. But they really only need one thing: a free election.”
Venezuela ranks last in Latin America for transparency, said Mercedes de Freitas, executive director of the Venezuela chapter of Transparency International. She blamed “extremely weak institutions and laws constantly being changed to increase opacity”.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Yes, Venezuelans are suffering indeed. But the US is not blameless  for contributing to the situation. Realistically, Maduro's days are numbered. Today's opposition parties will return to power after Maduro's downfall. The US will resume its friendship and economic ties with Caracas. ExxonMobil will get back its oilfields and refineries that were nationalized. Then what? Will Venezuela drop its claim to Essequibo? No way, José. Will the US take Guyana's side in the territorial dispute? No way, Joe, or Django.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

Yes, Venezuelans are suffering indeed. But the US is not blameless  for contributing to the situation. Realistically, Maduro's days are numbered. Today's opposition parties will return to power after Maduro's downfall. The US will resume its friendship and economic ties with Caracas. ExxonMobil will get back its oilfields and refineries that were nationalized. Then what? Will Venezuela drop its claim to Essequibo? No way, José. Will the US take Guyana's side in the territorial dispute? No way, Joe, or Django.

Here we go again Guyana is used and abused by Foreigners,them people in the red light district are treated with more dignity,this is becoming overbearing,screw them the military man Granger and his decorated crew will show them who is the boss.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Then what? Will Venezuela drop its claim to Essequibo? No way, José. Will the US take Guyana's side in the territorial dispute? No way, Joe, or Django.

Here we go again Guyana is used and abused by Foreigners,them people in the red light district are treated with more dignity,this is becoming overbearing,screw them the military man Granger and his decorated crew will show them who is the boss.

Screw yourself, put some sense into your head. Check out what Venezuela got that Granger ain't got in terms of personnel, firepower etc:




Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Then what? Will Venezuela drop its claim to Essequibo? No way, José. Will the US take Guyana's side in the territorial dispute? No way, Joe, or Django.

Here we go again Guyana is used and abused by Foreigners,them people in the red light district are treated with more dignity,this is becoming overbearing,screw them the military man Granger and his decorated crew will show them who is the boss.

Screw yourself, put some sense into your head. Check out what Venezuela got that Granger ain't got in terms of personnel, firepower etc:




They got nuff personnel an firepower but they doan have food. When booleggae brace dem chaps thats when GDF guys kick their butts.

cain posted: They got nuff personnel an firepower but they doan have food. When booleggae brace dem chaps thats when GDF guys kick their butts.

Wrang, señor. The civilian masses don't have food. But dem soldiers getting three square meals, cigarettes and a quota of liquor each. Dem go screw GDF easily. Not being unpatriotic and unrealistic.


How come the United States didn't speak of fair election in Guyana or recognized that Grainger is setting up to be a worse dictator than Burnham that the CIA installed in power?

The USA only speaks when it's convenience to them?


The US is only interested in its own welfare. They don't care who they ignore, or step-on for their own benefit. There are always strings attached when they help a country.

Protectionism...and Trump will not make it any better. But isolating the US from other countries is definitely not a good idea for American business and travellers.

While travelling and saying I am from South AMERICA, the people's attitude would suddenly change. AMERICA is not a welcoming word in many countries. 

You guys want some Canadian flags for your backpacks ?  We give them out free to AMERICANS .   With Trump's help, maybe changing the name to the United States of RUSSIA might be better.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Yes, Venezuelans are suffering indeed. But the US is not blameless  for contributing to the situation. Realistically, Maduro's days are numbered. Today's opposition parties will return to power after Maduro's downfall. The US will resume its friendship and economic ties with Caracas. ExxonMobil will get back its oilfields and refineries that were nationalized. Then what? Will Venezuela drop its claim to Essequibo? No way, José. Will the US take Guyana's side in the territorial dispute? No way, Joe, or Django.

Here we go again Guyana is used and abused by Foreigners,them people in the red light district are treated with more dignity,this is becoming overbearing,screw them the military man Granger and his decorated crew will show them who is the boss.

If Venezuela's soldiers fire a couple shots over the GDF heads, they will shit their pants and run. Let's see their patriotism then.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nehru - like you didn't hear about dat Russia story nah.  Revenge is sweet but success with revenge is sweeter

Ask Putin, he guh tell you the story!!!!

Nehru and Putin are buddies?  

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Yes, Venezuelans are suffering indeed. But the US is not blameless  for contributing to the situation. Realistically, Maduro's days are numbered. Today's opposition parties will return to power after Maduro's downfall. The US will resume its friendship and economic ties with Caracas. ExxonMobil will get back its oilfields and refineries that were nationalized. Then what? Will Venezuela drop its claim to Essequibo? No way, José. Will the US take Guyana's side in the territorial dispute? No way, Joe, or Django.

Here we go again Guyana is used and abused by Foreigners,them people in the red light district are treated with more dignity,this is becoming overbearing,screw them the military man Granger and his decorated crew will show them who is the boss.

If Venezuela's soldiers fire a couple shots over the GDF heads, they will shit their pants and run. Let's see their patriotism then.

This is correct, only when it is Indians armed with cutlass that the GDF turn brave with their ak 47.


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