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  • United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called for a “quick and credible conclusion” to the final recount of the votes cast on March 2 at Guyana’s General and Regional Elections.
    The recount exercise concluded on Monday showing the opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic emerging ahead of the incumbent Coalition, A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change by a little over 15,000 votes.
    In his statement yesterday, Pompeo said that, “The United States continues to stand for democratic values elsewhere in the western hemisphere too. We look forward to a quick and credible conclusion to the vote recount in Guyana.”
    A video of Pompeo’s comments was tweeted by Michael Kozak, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the U.S. Department of State. Kozak has been actively commenting on the election process in Guyana and had in March summoned Guyana’s Ambassador in Washington, Riyad Insanally to a meeting expressing America’s dissatisfaction with the Guyana government’s then apparent preparations to proceed with an inauguration of incumbent David Granger based on the declaration by Region Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo.
    Pompeo has issued two previous statements on Guyana’s post-elections crisis. On April 7, he emphasized that the U.S government is looking forward to working with the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) as well as with international observers to ensure that the recounting process is “free, fair, transparent and credible”.
    On March 9, Pompeo issued a statement via Twitter saying, “Spoke today with Canadian Deputy Prime Minister @CAFreeland to discuss the crisis in Venezuela, the COVID-19 outbreak, support for democratic transition in Guyana, and the importance of continued strong @OAS_Official leadership on democracy and human rights”.
    Pompeo also called for a resolution to the recently concluded elections in Guyana’s eastern neighbour, Suriname, saying “We expect transparent and credible outcomes in the legislative elections in Suriname as well.”
    Suriname conducted their own elections two weeks ago and found themselves in a political limbo similar to Guyana’s with alleged fraudulent acts being conducted in their vote tabulation process. In those polls, former Justice Minister, Chandrikapersad Santokhi defeated incumbent President Desi Bouterse in elections for Suriname’s legislature. Bouterse has asked for a recount.

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@seignet posted:

Considering Black Lives Matter, the Secretary of State has to think of the importance of Black ppl in Guyana. Dey afraid of Irfaan and Jagdeo.

I am still trying to figure out how so many blacks voted for the PPP.

@Mitwah posted:

I am still trying to figure out how so many blacks voted for the PPP.

It was a black person in the PPP who caught Mingo and another GECOM staff member changing the numbers on the spreadsheet at Ashmin’s building.

Bibi Haniffa
@seignet posted:

Considering Black Lives Matter, the Secretary of State has to think of the importance of Black ppl in Guyana. Dey afraid of Irfaan and Jagdeo.

Are you saying Afro Guyanese afraid of Putinsque and his Puppet ?

If any one thinks Afro Guyanese including some Guyanese on the other side will accept a President elected by FRAUDULENT Elections ,they need to wake up and smell the coffee.

Granger could have swear in after the second declaration of Region 4 ,he opted to invite the Caricom heads ,to start the process of recount . If PPP was in power ,President would have already swear in .

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

They have no choice but to accept the results of a free and fair election...unless they want to slo fiah mo fiah the country

Which Election is FREE , FAIR and CREDIBLE, 2020 ?

@seignet posted:

Considering Black Lives Matter, the Secretary of State has to think of the importance of Black ppl in Guyana. Dey afraid of Irfaan and Jagdeo.

What are the importance.

When the PNC was ruling there was no violence because they are the one who create the disturbances.

Only when the PPP acquired the power to rule, then they try to create disturbances and screamed "Black lives matter".

When you make your bed you have to lie down in it.

@Django posted:

Are you saying Afro Guyanese afraid of Putinsque and his Puppet ?

If any one thinks Afro Guyanese including some Guyanese on the other side will accept a President elected by FRAUDULENT Elections ,they need to wake up and smell the coffee.

Granger could have swear in after the second declaration of Region 4 ,he opted to invite the Caricom heads ,to start the process of recount . If PPP was in power ,President would have already swear in .

Really, then it further confirms he is a perennial blunderer.

He blundered through his term hardly addressing the nation on issues. 

He blundered into the NCV with misguided optimism.

He blundered fighting a year to not adhere to the NCV when he was ahead in polls.

He blundered with that wishy-washy campaign which anyone could see was lacking in energy.

Then he blundered in trying to steal an election he clearly lost. 

He blundered in not swearing in when he could have (according to constitutional lawyer, Django).

Now he mek Irfaan getting sworn over him. 

He wife should switch from Slow Hand, to I’m A Blunderer!🤣

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Really, then it further confirms he is a perennial blunderer.

He blundered through his term hardly addressing the nation on issues. 

He blundered into the NCV with misguided optimism.

He blundered fighting a year to not adhere to the NCV when he was ahead. 

He blundered with that wishy-washy campaign which anyone could see was lacking in energy.

Then he blundered in trying to steal an election he clearly lost. 

He blundered in not swearing in when he could have (according to constitutional lawyer, Django).

Now he mek Irfaan getting sworn over him. 

He wife should switch from Slow Hand, to I’m A Blunderer!🤣


One past PPP Presidential Candidate tossed Court Order  behind the back and secretly sworn in as President.

That's called respect and abide by the Constitution.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

I was talking Blunderer!

He blundered in not swearing in when he could have (according to constitutional lawyer, Django).

I should have quoted the above in my response ,to give it more clarity.

@Django posted:

He blundered in not swearing in when he could have (according to constitutional lawyer, Django).

I should have quoted the above in my response ,to give it more clarity.

I do accept you are a constitutional lawyer.


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