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U.S. Warns ISIS Capital: Get Out Now

The terror group was already worried that its main city, Raqqa, was under threat. A new push from the U.S. military looks to make that paranoia worse.

The American military is warning residents of ISIS’s Syrian capital to leave the city—suggesting that an offensive on Raqqa was imminent, two Pentagon officials told the Daily Beast.

In the past day, residents of Raqqa have posted photos of the warnings on Twitter, saying they were airdropped on leaflets by the U.S.-led coalition. The defense officials were the first to confirm that the coalition had indeed issued the warnings.

“The time….has arrived. It’s time to leave Raqqa,” one of the ominous leaflets read. Images portray residents fleeing the black-and-white world of ISIS for the color of freedom, urging citizens to flee toward colors. 


There is just one problem: There is no imminent ground or air attack, at least by the U.S.-led coalition. Rather the coalition appears to be the midst of a psychological offensive.

“It’s part of our mess-with-them campaign,” a Pentagon official explained to The Daily Beast.

The leaflets come amid what appears to be something of a panic within ISIS about how long it can maintain its grip on Raqqa. In recent weeks, there were reports that ISIS had declared a state of emergency in Raqqa. And earlier this week, the terror group’s leadership reportedly would not let fighters leave for holiday as ISIS dug trenches around Raqqa, moved headquarters underground, and put coverings over homes in an effort to deflect drone attacks. 

Leafleting campaigns are hardly a new tactic by the U.S. military. But this appears to be the first time the U.S. has dropped them during the war against ISIS to issue possibly-inaccurate threats, an exploitation of growing paranoia within the terror group.

ISIS’s fears appear to have been spurred by the Kurdish rebel forces known as the Peoples Protection Units, or YPG, as they march southwest toward Raqqa. As far back as February, some on the ground believed that the YPG, joined by the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, could be strong enough to move on Raqqa.

The confidence in the Kurds is a marked change from as recently January. Many believed then that the Kurds would not be interested in fighting for or taking over the Arab–controlled Raqqa. But the rebel group’s wins over cities that run along Raqqa’s supply routes, like al Shaddadi, buoyed hopes that the Kurdish-dominated forces would be willing to move on Raqqa next.


If that were to happen, Raqqa would be part a potential Kurdish autonomous state in Syria. 

Either way, ISIS’s paranoia—coupled with a growing belief that local forces might have the ability to move on Raqqa—has upended the longstanding presumption that ISIS’s Iraq capital of Mosul would fall first. The U.S. military has dedicated roughly 1,000 of the 5,000-plus American troops stationed in Iraq to training a local army to retake Mosul.

But the Iraqis are far from ready to take back their second-largest city. U.S. defense officials believe that such an offensive would be a year away, at best. 

The YPG and Syrian Democratic Forces likely could move faster than that.

The fall of Raqqa could be mark the end of ISIS as a quasi-jihadist state as the city serves as the group’s headquarters and main capital. It is where its leaders live and its hostages have been held for months at a time. The group has controlled the city for more than two years, and its fall from Syrian Army control to the terror group marked the official rise of ISIS.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Thanks to Putin, Obama finally stopped scratching and found "it"!.  All this time he sat back and waited for Assad to be destroyed.  Also, Trump has Hillary by the craw, so Obama trying to shore up his failed foreign policy!

Trump will exploit all this manipulation and games.

Why is Hillary and him poking holes at Trump's view regarding speaking to North Korea.  They are much less a strategic challenge than Iran, and we did business with Iran!

Last edited by Former Member

Ba$eman you demonstrate a lacuna to what led to the assault on ISIS. You are blinded by a dislike of President Obama for no logical reason - like the Republicans. If Obama says the sky is blue Ba$eman will say Obama has lied and that the sky is red.

After ISIS over-ran cities in Iraq and then moved to Raqqa in the summer of 2014, the US military has been looking to fund and train partners in the fight against ISIS. The Republican-controlled US Congress never declared war with US ground troops and forced Obama to send US troops in an engagement the US public wants no part of.

Note that Russian airforce dd not engage ISIS at all, but anti-Assad rebels who are not AL Nusra or ISIS. The US President made a clear decision  to not engage US troops in that civil war and the Shiite government's ineptitude with fleeing in the face of ISIS troops and cowardly Muqtadr al Sadr's Shiite militia who only wants to kill Sunnis and not wanting no part of ISIS.

Obama found a reliable ally in the Kurds and started paying Sunni warlords who were fed up with ISIS's head-chopping and stoning and mass murders. Obama acted the way the US's historic role demands - when the Yazidis were threatened on the mountains with genocide. Obama bombed the shit out of ISIS to allow the Yazidis to go to safety. Now we see ISIS has lost over 50% of territory captured in 2014 from your Bush-backed Shiite friends.

Your nonsense about Putin and Trump only shows your hatred for a Black US President compounded with a lack of how the world works , especially in the Mid-East. Even Trump knows his rhetoric about carpet bombing is for show case.

Kari posted:

Ba$eman you demonstrate a lacuna to what led to the assault on ISIS. You are blinded by a dislike of President Obama for no logical reason - like the Republicans. If Obama says the sky is blue Ba$eman will say Obama has lied and that the sky is red.

After ISIS over-ran cities in Iraq and then moved to Raqqa in the summer of 2014, the US military has been looking to fund and train partners in the fight against ISIS. The Republican-controlled US Congress never declared war with US ground troops and forced Obama to send US troops in an engagement the US public wants no part of.

Note that Russian airforce dd not engage ISIS at all, but anti-Assad rebels who are not AL Nusra or ISIS. The US President made a clear decision  to not engage US troops in that civil war and the Shiite government's ineptitude with fleeing in the face of ISIS troops and cowardly Muqtadr al Sadr's Shiite militia who only wants to kill Sunnis and not wanting no part of ISIS.

Obama found a reliable ally in the Kurds and started paying Sunni warlords who were fed up with ISIS's head-chopping and stoning and mass murders. Obama acted the way the US's historic role demands - when the Yazidis were threatened on the mountains with genocide. Obama bombed the shit out of ISIS to allow the Yazidis to go to safety. Now we see ISIS has lost over 50% of territory captured in 2014 from your Bush-backed Shiite friends.

Your nonsense about Putin and Trump only shows your hatred for a Black US President compounded with a lack of how the world works , especially in the Mid-East. Even Trump knows his rhetoric about carpet bombing is for show case.

No, actually the Putin/Trump thing also aimed at Hillary, the UK, etc.  I actually like Obama, just he messed up on just about everything he said when he was campaigning!  Back in 2008 I was for him, but he failed!

I was referring to ISIS in Syria, not Iraq!


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