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U.S. willing to assist Amaila becoming reality - Deputy Mission ChiefPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Chamanlall Naipaul   
Friday, 06 September 2013 23:39


NEWLY accredited Deputy Chief of Mission at the United States (U.S.) Embassy in Georgetown, Mr. Bryan Hunt said, yesterday, that the stalling of the Amaila Falls Hydro Project is most unfortunate.

It is a severe setback to the local manufacturing industry, he stated in an interview with the Guyana Chronicle.


Hunt emphasised that the venture is economically viable, noting that it had solid investors behind it and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Government of Norway were prepared to support it financially under its promotion of “green energy.” 
The diplomat said Amaila was a “tremendous opportunity” for the development of the manufacturing sector and the socio-economic development of this country.


Responding to the view expressed in some quarters, that the U.S. was also supportive of the scheme because an American-based company was involved, Hunt dismissed it is a “cynical view” and maintained that, regardless of where the investment came from, the U.S. would have supported it, since that country has an interest in the economic development of Guyana, as that would be beneficial to his country.


On the issue of finding an alternative path to bring the Amaila Hydro Project to reality, he recalled that, recently, President Donald Ramotar indicated his interest in doing so and Hunt revealed that his Government is prepared to assist in this respect.


Hunt lamented that it was unfortunate the political parties could not have come together to move the project forward, remarking that it was sad to see the undertaking aborted.
Nevertheless, he said he hopes President Ramotar is successful in finding alternative ways in making it a reality and assured that, if his Government is approached in that regard, it will, definitely, provide assistance.

Once again the Amaila Hydro Project has been discussed. Thanks to president Ramotar to press on this important matter to get off the mark. 


This time APNU/AFC will not be participating in any discussion on this matter. (They are too busy distorting money from big companies and forget where the Guyanese people interest lies).


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