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UG Chancellor urges gov’t to honour pledge to see higher education as investment in human capital

 Edward Greene
Edward Greene

Chancellor of the University of Guyana (UG), Professor Edward Greene has called on the government to honour its pledge to see higher education as not only an expenditure but an investment in human capital.

Greene’s statement, according to a release yesterday from UG was made at the December 14th closed business session of the university.

There was no elaboration on Greene’s statement in the press release but it comes in the backdrop of an announcement by the University of the West Indies (UWI) on November 18 that it was working out an arrangement with the Government of Guyana to train 20,000 Guyanese over the next five years. The announcement by UWI which made no mention of UG was immediately seen as undercutting the commitment to improve conditions at the university here to allow it to be the premier training ground for locals.

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This could be payback to the UWI, for Ali's certificate.

What a deal : A certificate is given to Ali by the UWI and when Ali becomes president, the government will dump UG and get UWI to train 20,000 Guyanese during the PPP five year term. While the Guyanese taxpayers pay for it ?

These PPP asses are selling Guyana for their own personal benefit and their supporters are to dumb to see it.   


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