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President of the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA) Patsy Francis yesterday received a letter from Vice Chancellor Professor Lawrence Carrington stating that she should apologise to university council member Indra Chandarpal for β€œunbecoming behaviour.”

The letter was issued to Francis, one of the leading members of the Turkeyen campus protests after a confrontation with Chandarpal on Tuesday.

Excerpts from Stabroeknews
Originally posted by albert:
President of the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA) Patsy Francis yesterday received a letter from Vice Chancellor Professor Lawrence Carrington stating that she should apologise to university council member Indra Chandarpal for β€œunbecoming behaviour.”

The letter was issued to Francis, one of the leading members of the Turkeyen campus protests after a confrontation with Chandarpal on Tuesday.

Excerpts from Stabroeknews

Fire Patsy Francis if she does not conform to this request. Clean UG of PNC thugs.

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