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UG needs ‘significant’ bump in subvention to clear $250M debt to NIS, GRA


Posted By Stabroek staff On January 24, 2013 @ 5:26 am In Local News |


With the University of Guyana (UG) in debt to the tune of around $250M at the end of last year, Bursar John Seeram has indicated that a significant increase in the institution’s budgetary subvention is needed to solve its financial woes.


This is according to correspondences, seen by Stabroek News and which show arrears to the National Insurance Scheme (NIS), the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and the UG Pension Scheme totalling $251M. As a result of the situation, the Ministry of Education has urged the Bursar to address UG’s arrears, which constitute a breach of its statutory obligations. The University of Guyana Senior Staff Association last year highlighted UG’s cash flow problem, saying that the administration was forced to make a choice of paying salaries to staff or NIS, GRA and pension contributions.


In a letter to the Committee of Deans on UG’s Financial Statement, dated January 21, 2013, Seeram said that for the past six years the university’s income has been unable to cover its expenditures, which continue to increase.


“At the end of December 2012, there were liabilities of approximately $250m… The University does not have the income to clear these liabilities over the next three (3) months,” he wrote.


Seeram indicated that considerations were being made to coverliabilities incurred in 2012 with the subvention to be given in the 2013 budget. He also highlighted the fact that proposals to increase the annual subvention have been submitted every year for the last six years, but that all have been rejected.


He said that the Ministry of Finance instead opts to clear the liabilities by granting advances from the Student Loan Capital Account, which have to be repaid. He noted that at the end of December 2012, the $250M given in May of 2012 had been repaid to the Student Loan Agency, but said that the liabilities at 31 December 2012 could have been reduced significantly if the $250M was given as an increased subvention.

He added that the solution to this financial conundrum was a significant increase in the 2013 subvention.


Meanwhile, correspondence between Seeram and Education Ministry Permanent Secretary Delma Nedd point to UG being urged to address the large level of arrears to the NIS, GRA and the UG Pension Scheme.


Nedd, in a letter dated January 16, 2013, voiced the ministry’s displeasure with the amount of arrears —which Seeram put at $228.7M in addition to $22.4M owed for the month of December of the same year—while stating that the payments were statutory and that failure to comply constituted a “breach of regulations.”

As such, she urged the university to resolve the issue as soon as possible since failure to do so may invoke penalties at the least and legal ramifications at the worse.

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US$10M UG science, technology project launched


Posted By Chevy Devonish On January 24, 2013 @ 5:20 am In Local News

The University of Guyana (UG) yesterday launched the long-delayed World Bank-funded US$10M Science and Technology Support Project (STSP).

During the launch, University Pro Chancellor Prem Misir stated that the project has the potential to make the institution a regional and international leader in environmental and biodiversity matters.


The STSP is an initiative birthed by the Government of Guyana (GOG) in support of the implementation of its Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS).

From left are Dr Marlene Cox; Culture Minister, Frank Anthony; Pro Chancellor, Prem Misir and STSP Team Leader, Hongyu Yang.

From left are Dr Marlene Cox; Culture Minister, Frank Anthony; Pro Chancellor, Prem Misir and STSP Team Leader, Hongyu Yang.


The project will finance three components: The Education Quality Improvement Programme will revitalise the university’s science curriculum and support more applied research towards meeting the critical needs for the LCDS, while the Infrastructure Rehabilitation aspect will include improving laboratory and building infrastructure at four faculties in a total of 14 buildings; providing these laboratories with scientific equipment to enable the delivery of practical science education and research as well as establishing a campus wide internet network.

The third component – Institutional Capacity Building – willsupport UG in managing, monitoring and evaluating the project as well as planning for future phases of its strategic plan.


The initial proposal for the project, which was made by the Office of the President (OP), came in the form of a US$10M Biodiversity Centre Building for the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences. This proposal was turned down by the World Bank who said that they could not facilitate funds for the building. With little time remaining before the last of low cost funds for education for highly indebted nations deadline expired, the government quickly reconfigured the proposal and included major infrastructural, academic, and development efforts

Marlene Cox, UG’s Director, Offices of Resource Mobilisation and Planning, explained that the new project document was presented to and accepted by the WB Directors on June 23rd 2011. This left an 18-month agreement deadline, after which the possibility of collecting on the loan would be terminated.



Noting that the initial discussions started only 18 months ago, Operations Officer and Team Leader of the STSP Hongyu Yang commended the government on having completed all of the prerequisites for the agreements in “record time.”

She warned, however, that the most delicate and important aspect of the project is still to commence. “Now is the time for implementation, a period that will pose great challenges as well as opportunities,” said Yang.


The Ministry of Education in collaboration with UG has been given the responsibility for the execution of the project, which will span a five-year period (2012-2017). It has been agreed that US$2M will be released by the Bank each year for five years.


The project’s objective essentially is to strengthen UG’s faculties of Agriculture and Forestry, Natural Sciences and Technology and the School of Earth and Environmental Science, through curriculum reviews and research to support more advanced infrastructure and capacity to facilitate effective implementation of the LCDS.


Cox emphasized, though, that it is the School of Earth and Environment that will remain pertinent to improving the university’s ability to build the capacity needed to successfully implement and maintain the LCDS. This will be done through the development of a tailored curriculum as well as the forging of the necessary skill sets.


Cox said that this loan and its ensuing components constitute the largest project for institutional development that the university has ever undertaken. She conceded, however, that the loan will not address all of the university’s needs, such as better lecture halls and other technical facilities.



Meanwhile, Misir said that these undertakings could not have come at a better time. He said that Guyana is experiencing a “biodiversity crisis,” which we cannot fully comprehend or evaluate because we have not developed a system to take such losses into account. The loss of our fresh soils, wetlands and forests translates into the loss of natural revenue, which we do not fully comprehend, he added.  The loss of our natural resources, he further said, negatively impacts public health, food security as well as consumer choice.


However, he was confident that the project’s implementation should lead to decreased deforestation and forest degradation, increased mitigation and adaptation, and an all-round favourable atmosphere for the realisation of the LCDS.  More importantly, Misir said that he hoped that advancement in this area will be able to make apparent the link which exists between environmental degradation and rural poverty.


Speaking in his capacity as acting Education Minister, Frank Anthony said that UG must align its programmes to help with the implementation of the LCDS, since it would help mitigate the effects of climate change. He also urged the institution to engage in more independent initiatives, such as partnerships with private entities, since it has a monumental role to play in the development of science and technology in Guyana. This, he added, will avail it the knowledge of what skill sets are in demand, enabling it to tailor its curricula to provide relevantly-skilled human resources.


Approximately 6,000 students and 300 staff are poised to directly benefit from this project, while private sector employees, local communities and international researchers engaged in rainforest conservation and biodiversity preservation are among the indirect beneficiaries.  Success will be determined based on four indicators: new investments in buildings, equipment and ICT maintained in working order; whether studies produced by the project are incorporated into the UG Strategic Plan; and an increase in student, faculty and private sector satisfaction with the strength of the four science faculties at UG.

Originally Posted by Freaky:
The University of Guyana Student Society (UGSS) yesterday promised an electrifying Mashramani show that will return the university to its former glory when it launched ‘Campus Bubblin,’ scheduled for February 16. Marvin Wray, Coordinator of the UGSS, speaking at a press conference in the Education Lecture Theatre, at the Turkeyen Campus, said the event was an effort not only to raise funds for the university but also to create an atmosphere of cultural unity among the students.


Ah yes. Culture. Europe has Beethoven, Bach, Verdi, Handel etc. etc.


Guyana has a bunch of hookers grinding their disgraceful selves on some uncouth pimps crotches like a bunch of animals.



Originally Posted by Freaky:
The University of Guyana Student Society (UGSS) yesterday promised an electrifying Mashramani show that will return the university to its former glory when it launched ‘Campus Bubblin,’ scheduled for February 16. Marvin Wray, Coordinator of the UGSS, speaking at a press conference in the Education Lecture Theatre, at the Turkeyen Campus, said the event was an effort not only to raise funds for the university but also to create an atmosphere of cultural unity among the students.



The students are paying tuition at 127 exchange rate while UG expenses are at 205 exchange rate. By just raising tuition to meet 205 rate they correct the arrears. These things don't come cheaply.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
The University of Guyana Student Society (UGSS) yesterday promised an electrifying Mashramani show that will return the university to its former glory when it launched ‘Campus Bubblin,’ scheduled for February 16. Marvin Wray, Coordinator of the UGSS, speaking at a press conference in the Education Lecture Theatre, at the Turkeyen Campus, said the event was an effort not only to raise funds for the university but also to create an atmosphere of cultural unity among the students.


Ah yes. Culture. Europe has Beethoven, Bach, Verdi, Handel etc. etc.


Guyana has a bunch of hookers grinding their disgraceful selves on some uncouth pimps crotches like a bunch of animals.



And I suppose you cant handle a Lil grinding???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
The University of Guyana Student Society (UGSS) yesterday promised an electrifying Mashramani show that will return the university to its former glory when it launched ‘Campus Bubblin,’ scheduled for February 16. Marvin Wray, Coordinator of the UGSS, speaking at a press conference in the Education Lecture Theatre, at the Turkeyen Campus, said the event was an effort not only to raise funds for the university but also to create an atmosphere of cultural unity among the students.


Ah yes. Culture. Europe has Beethoven, Bach, Verdi, Handel etc. etc.


Guyana has a bunch of hookers grinding their disgraceful selves on some uncouth pimps crotches like a bunch of animals.



And I suppose you cant handle a Lil grinding???


I don't fornicate in public like an animal. Perhaps that is your forte. Then again, we are two very different breeds of chammar

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
The University of Guyana Student Society (UGSS) yesterday promised an electrifying Mashramani show that will return the university to its former glory when it launched ‘Campus Bubblin,’ scheduled for February 16. Marvin Wray, Coordinator of the UGSS, speaking at a press conference in the Education Lecture Theatre, at the Turkeyen Campus, said the event was an effort not only to raise funds for the university but also to create an atmosphere of cultural unity among the students.


Ah yes. Culture. Europe has Beethoven, Bach, Verdi, Handel etc. etc.


Guyana has a bunch of hookers grinding their disgraceful selves on some uncouth pimps crotches like a bunch of animals.



And I suppose you cant handle a Lil grinding???


I don't fornicate in public like an animal. Perhaps that is your forte. Then again, we are two very different breeds of chammar

We are certainly different it EVERY way possible. What is Chammar????

UG develops environment friendly gold mining methods - patents and sells for millions UG partners with police in crime fighting social experiment. UG political science dept initiates constitutional reform debates. UG develops cash crop initiatives in buxton backdam in partnership with villagers UG tackles suicide problems in blackbush UG organizes backball event . Pick the likely event.
Originally Posted by Brutus:
UG develops environment friendly gold mining methods - patents and sells for millions UG partners with police in crime fighting social experiment. UG political science dept initiates constitutional reform debates. UG develops cash crop initiatives in buxton backdam in partnership with villagers UG tackles suicide problems in blackbush UG organizes backball event . Pick the likely event.



This is definitely some of the things faculties there ought to be researching and writing on. Water management ought to me one. Solving the drainage issue another. How best to promote regional integration, etc? 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
UG develops environment friendly gold mining methods - patents and sells for millions UG partners with police in crime fighting social experiment. UG political science dept initiates constitutional reform debates. UG develops cash crop initiatives in buxton backdam in partnership with villagers UG tackles suicide problems in blackbush UG organizes backball event . Pick the likely event.



This is definitely some of the things faculties there ought to be researching and writing on. Water management ought to me one. Solving the drainage issue another. How best to promote regional integration, etc? 

I notice Guyana's representation at all international renewable energy symposiums. Shouldn't the Institute of Applied Science and Technology be looking into the potential in Guyana to build Wind Turbines? An affordable size.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
UG develops environment friendly gold mining methods - patents and sells for millions UG partners with police in crime fighting social experiment. UG political science dept initiates constitutional reform debates. UG develops cash crop initiatives in buxton backdam in partnership with villagers UG tackles suicide problems in blackbush UG organizes backball event . Pick the likely event.



This is definitely some of the things faculties there ought to be researching and writing on. Water management ought to me one. Solving the drainage issue another. How best to promote regional integration, etc? 

I notice Guyana's representation at all international renewable energy symposiums. Shouldn't the Institute of Applied Science and Technology be looking into the potential in Guyana to build Wind Turbines? An affordable size.



Good point. I was hoping IAST would be involved in exactly that and other renewable energies. Shortage in human capital and underfunding from government could be the reasons for little focus. The benefits from these things are more silent. Build a casino or mall and people say progress. 

Oh come on! Doesn't the casino have something to do with rev's understanding of liquidity theory? Decreasing the money supply in inflationary times perhaps or maybe a 'stupid tax' on the uninformed?
Originally Posted by Brutus:
Oh come on! Doesn't the casino have something to do with rev's understanding of liquidity theory? Decreasing the money supply in inflationary times perhaps or maybe a 'stupid tax' on the uninformed?



Nah. Not that casino. Rev hasn't yet shown the connection. You should ask him. 


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