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UGSSA's Pat Francis and UGSS President, Duane Edwards among others confronting Ms Chandrapal in the Learning Resource Centre. (photo by Adel Lily).

When the staff and students learnt that Chandrapal was in the Learning Resource Centre, they defied staff members inside, pushed open the door, barged in and chanted down the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) Council representative.
Dismissed University of Guyana lecturer Freddie Kissoon once passed himself off as “Dr Kissoon”. Only after that was challenged did he drop this fraudulent claim of his.
It is understood that Kissoon’s foisted contract was not renewed because he did not ‘produce” and research. Two papers in 26 years and neither peer-reviewed? That is the understatement of the year.

Originally posted by albert:
The Freddie Kissoon issue ...many believe is being used to gain cheap political points by opponents of the state....

Your ppl are insecure. If Freddie was wrong all the time, then why penalize the man for the rest of his life.

Guyana needs to be purged of the all the BULLIES that find themselves in authority.
Originally posted by albert:
When the staff and students learnt that Chandrapal was in the Learning Resource Centre, they defied staff members inside, pushed open the door, barged in and chanted down the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) Council representative.

Excerpts from Demwaves

If that wasn't hooliganism then what is?
Hooliganism? They were chanting what ought to be to Guyanese what the Lotus SÅŦtra is to Buddhists!
Originally posted by albert:
that sort of behavior should be discontinued....
It could.. if you stop mistreating the people as if they are serfs and the rest of you their overlords. Continue and while you are at it contemplate the fate of a certain Bourbon monarch named Louis who felt the wrath of his oppressed people.

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