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UG pension for academic staff is $7,125 per month
By Stabroek staff | Letters.
Thursday, November 24, 2011.

Dear Editor,

After lecturing for ten years (1975-1985) at the University of Guyana (UG), I became eligible for a pension in 1995. I was awarded the ‘princely’ sum of seven thousand one hundred twenty-five Guyana dollars per month. When I questioned this amount, I was informed that my award was in keeping with the provisions of the pension scheme in force at UG, when I was seconded from the Public Service in 1975.

Some years ago (1995-96), because of the meagre pensions paid by UG, Cabinet found it necessary to award a special pension of $30, 000, to the late Dr George Walcott, a former Vice-Chancellor of the university. The award was intended to bring some measure of relief from the dire circumstances in which the former Vice-Chancellor had found himself. However, the damage had already been done. Dr Walcott did not survive much longer after receiving his new pension.

In 2011, after all the hype about progress over the past nineteen years, I am still receiving $7,125 per month. This is less than the ‘Old Age’ pension of $7, 500 per month. For some reason or other, it appears that the relevant university officials never thought that I was eligible for any of the 5% cost of living increases awarded to public servants through the years.

I have taken due cognizance of Dr Prem Misir’s letter: ‘Why is President Jagdeo’s pension only now a matter of concern‘ (SN, November 7), in which he defends the President’s pension of $3,000,000 per month. I now, publicly, ask the Pro-Chancellor, Dr Prem Misir, who, for the past eight years, is also the Chairman of the governing Council, and Chairman of the Finance & General Purposes Committee (the relevant university bodies in this matter), to use his good office to bring me (and my contemporaries who are still alive), some measure of relief from this gross abomination. After all, charity begins at home – the University of Guyana.
Yours faithfully,
Clarence O Perry

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Out-of-pocket allowances and the President
November 24, 2011 | By KNews | Letters

Dear Editor,

Is there any truth to an alleged US$5000 ($1M) out-of-pocket allowance per overseas trip for President Jagdeo?
Arif Bulkan in his article titled “The Jagdeo Presidency: A dozen years of degeneration and decay” (SN, November 7, 2011) reported that President Jagdeo allegedly receives an out-of-pocket allowance of US$5,000 (G$1 million) for each overseas trip he makes, over and above the state funding for every overseas trip which the state pays for.

Could the following questions be answered and clarified by the Office of the President and others with information on this issue:
(1) Does the President receive or has the President ever received an out-of-pocket or personal allowance or any payment or benefit of any similar kind for his overseas travel and trips ever since he became President in 1999?
(2) If such an allowance was recently made or is still being made, what is the amount of the allowance at present, meaning what is the allowance amount paid per trip in 2011 to Mr. Jagdeo?
(3) If such an allowance was recently made or is still being made, is this allowance tax-free?
(4) When was this allowance instituted in the Presidency?
(5) Has this allowance ever increased during the Jagdeo presidency? What are the details of the increases in the allowance since Jagdeo took office in 1999?
(6) Does this allowance apply to every overseas trip the President makes, whether on official or personal business?

We are merely days from an election and this is a vital issue to those who will be voting on November 28th.
M. Maxwell
Originally posted by Nehru:
Mr Perry's Pension was negotiated in the 1980's and cannot be changed.

You sound like Perry Mason Jagdeo who would bend the rules to suit himself and his friends, when appropriate.
Like manipulate the system to select Ramotar and give himself a hefty pension package.
Originally posted by Tola:
Out-of-pocket allowances and the President
November 24, 2011 | By KNews | Letters

Dear Editor,

Is there any truth to an alleged US$5000 ($1M) out-of-pocket allowance per overseas trip for President Jagdeo?
Arif Bulkan in his article titled “The Jagdeo Presidency: A dozen years of degeneration and decay” (SN, November 7, 2011) reported that President Jagdeo allegedly receives an out-of-pocket allowance of US$5,000 (G$1 million) for each overseas trip he makes, over and above the state funding for every overseas trip which the state pays for.

Could the following questions be answered and clarified by the Office of the President and others with information on this issue:
(1) Does the President receive or has the President ever received an out-of-pocket or personal allowance or any payment or benefit of any similar kind for his overseas travel and trips ever since he became President in 1999?
(2) If such an allowance was recently made or is still being made, what is the amount of the allowance at present, meaning what is the allowance amount paid per trip in 2011 to Mr. Jagdeo?
(3) If such an allowance was recently made or is still being made, is this allowance tax-free?
(4) When was this allowance instituted in the Presidency?
(5) Has this allowance ever increased during the Jagdeo presidency? What are the details of the increases in the allowance since Jagdeo took office in 1999?
(6) Does this allowance apply to every overseas trip the President makes, whether on official or personal business?

We are merely days from an election and this is a vital issue to those who will be voting on November 28th.
M. Maxwell
well well no wonder this son of a bitch is always travelling.he nothing but a petty thief
OH RASS Jagdeo only taking Cutters money on his Trips??? What a caring President. Usually, it is a chartered Jet with 200 Bodyguards, Friends, Family, Hotel Rooms for ALL, Medical Care for ALL and so on and so on. Thank you Mr President for saving our money.
Originally posted by Nehru:
OH RASS Jagdeo only taking Cutters money on his Trips??? What a caring President. Usually, it is a chartered Jet with 200 Bodyguards, Friends, Family, Hotel Rooms for ALL, Medical Care for ALL and so on and so on. Thank you Mr President for saving our money.
the DEA will save the guyanese tax payers lot of money too,when they put him behind bars.when they take him back they will not hand cuff him,they will put a mussle on his mouth
Arite God Bless the DEA. partybanana partybanana yippie yippie Anything else you want to share?? partybanana panman yippie
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nehru:
OH RASS Jagdeo only taking Cutters money on his Trips??? What a caring President. Usually, it is a chartered Jet with 200 Bodyguards, Friends, Family, Hotel Rooms for ALL, Medical Care for ALL and so on and so on. Thank you Mr President for saving our money.
the DEA will save the guyanese tax payers lot of money too,when they put him behind bars.when they take him back they will not hand cuff him,they will put a mussle on his mouth
Originally posted by Nehru:
Arite God Bless the DEA. partybanana partybanana yippie yippie Anything else you want to share?? partybanana panman yippie
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nehru:
OH RASS Jagdeo only taking Cutters money on his Trips??? What a caring President. Usually, it is a chartered Jet with 200 Bodyguards, Friends, Family, Hotel Rooms for ALL, Medical Care for ALL and so on and so on. Thank you Mr President for saving our money.
the DEA will save the guyanese tax payers lot of money too,when they put him behind bars.when they take him back they will not hand cuff him,they will put a mussle on his mouth
yes you is a old man so get a heart check up before the election.when the AFC win you might drop
These Phillistines wrote a Gov't check for more than 7 times the annual pension paid to this former UG lecturer to fly Mboya Wood (First Class) to Guyana for party propaganda purposes.

No wonder UG/Guyana is such a shit hole.

BTW, how many of you ole time QC bais remember [COP]erry? He taught @ QC before joining the UG staff.

What is happening/has happened to educators (and education) in Guyana is an unforgivable sin!
Why should a UG teacher earn more than a president in retirement? Is the pension for a president in Guyana comparable to other nations or are the AFC snakeoil salesmen at it again?
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Why should a UG teacher earn more than a president in retirement? Is the pension for a president in Guyana comparable to other nations or are the AFC snakeoil salesmen at it again?

And with whom exactly are you having this particular 'argument' may I ask?

Straw man . . . much?
Originally posted by Nehru:
OH RASS Jagdeo only taking Cutters money on his Trips??? What a caring President. Usually, it is a chartered Jet with 200 Bodyguards, Friends, Family, Hotel Rooms for ALL, Medical Care for ALL and so on and so on. Thank you Mr President for saving our money.

I was talking to a Congolese man recently he said when Mobutu would visit foreign countries as the head of state he would take along all his relatives with him Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, sisters, brothers, in- laws. They had to hire a complete hotel to hold everyone in. All done at the government expense.

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