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UG students protest – Demand raised standards; Gov’t called out on unfulfilled promises, unresponsiveness

(Guyana Times photo)

 A group of University of Guyana students on Monday staged a picketing exercise on campus in an effort to highlight a number of issues affecting the delivery of education at the country’s premier academic institute. The students also took President David Granger and his coalition government to task over its failure to respond to their concerns as well as deliver on promises made on the 2015 election campaign trail.   

The students who were led by University of Guyana Student Society (UGSS) president Joshua Griffith threatened more days of disruption, as they demanded a raise in the standard of services provided, as opposed to a raise in tuition fees which the administration continues to impose.

Using a loudspeaker Griffith told the students that the issues are real.

“Mr President, do you know that because of the services provided by the same loan agencies, and the laxity thereof and the substandard delivery, that students are unable to write exams because they don’t get their loan awards on time!” he asked.

“How many more students would it take to be allegedly raped, and actually raped but not publicised, before you intervene; how many cars must be broken into; how many fires must we have, before you intervene decisively,” the young leader declared as he explained the relentless efforts made by the UGSS to reach out to government.

“Like Peter, three times we tried and three times we were denied to meet with the President. How long more must we wait for an audience?” Griffith demanded as he threatened to move the protest to outside of the Ministry of the Presidency and Education Ministry on Wednesday morning, providing they do not receive a satisfactory response from the relevant authorities before.

“How can you, our government, not include us in your 100 days plan? And a few weeks from now would make your one year in Office and you still have not met with the students of your national tertiary education institution; stop playing politics with our students, stop playing politics with our education,” he added.

Attorney General Basil Williams was also on the receiving e

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Mr.T posted:

Why are they addressing Granger, instead of whoever it is that is being paid big money to be minister of education?

Why not!! Granger helping the criminals.. Granger authorized the minister pay increase. 

You would have sing a different song if Jagdeo was president.  

Which side you on... make up you mind 


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