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UG Students Society worried about likely termination of lecturers' contracts.
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Tuesday, 18 October 2011 22:41

The University of Guyana Students Society (UGSS) on Thursday backed calls by the University of Guyana Workers Union (UGWU) not to scrap the contracts of several lecturers.

“Pressured by this grave situation, the UGSS voices its disagreement with the attempt by the Government's representatives to forcefully terminate lecturers' contract under the pretext of procedural infractions or any other such considerations and without the least consideration of the negative impact it would have on the students who are the main stakeholders in this regard and who have the most to lose from a further depletion of lecturers at the University,” UGSS President, Duane Edwards said in a statement.

The workers union first raised the issue Monday when it threatened to take legal action if the government members of UG’s council succeed in terminating the contracts of the lecturers. Reacting to their instruction to Vice Chancellor, Professor Lawrence Carrington; the union noted that several classes would be severely disrupted at a time when the institution would be hard-pressed to find replacements nine weeks into thecurrent semester.

Adding its voice to the move, the UGSS noted that a number of students who are required to do four courses per semester have only started one because there are no lecturers for the three other courses. “This is by no means an isolated and infrequent occurrence, on the contrary, it occurs in various degrees both frequently and pervasively,” added the student body president.

Demerara Waves Online News ( ) has been told that the Vice Chancellor was instructed to rescind three contracts including one for Political Science lecturer, Freddie Kissoon.

Carrington has been told that he has no authority to hire and fire and so the lecturers should be let go.

The UGWU, however, argues that in the absence of the council, the Vice Chancellor acts on behalf of the university in the absence of council in situations like acquiring lecturers at the beginning of the academic year.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

UG students should stop worrying about politics and start worrying about their studies.

Nobody thinks much about UG students in canada.

They should remain in the Country and enter the teaching profession. They will be able to become better secondary school teachers..
Demerara Waves Online News ( ) has been told that the Vice Chancellor was instructed to rescind three contracts including one for Political Science lecturer, Freddie Kissoon.

He who pays call the shots, the PPP/C Government has pumped milllions into this instution.
Would be interesting to know what has caused the impasse.

Originally posted by asj:
Demerara Waves Online News ( ) has been told that the Vice Chancellor was instructed to rescind three contracts including one for Political Science lecturer, Freddie Kissoon.

He who pays call the shots, the PPP/C Government has pumped milllions into this instution.
Would be interesting to know what has caused the impasse.


Nonesense, these are national institutions and the Govt has on obligation to fund, it's why they were given the mandate. It's does not give them the righ to exercise political influence. But then again, the PPP applies a sultanistic model, demorcatic principles are lacking and vaguely understood. These defunct Commies knows no better.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by asj:
Demerara Waves Online News ( ) has been told that the Vice Chancellor was instructed to rescind three contracts including one for Political Science lecturer, Freddie Kissoon.

He who pays call the shots, the PPP/C Government has pumped milllions into this instution.
Would be interesting to know what has caused the impasse.


Nonesense, these are national institutions and the Govt has on obligation to fund, it's why they were given the mandate. It's does not give them the righ to exercise political influence. But then again, the PPP applies a sultanistic model, demorcatic principles are lacking and vaguely understood. These defunct Commies knows no better.

You can prattle all you want, they will toe the line or simply go under.....what will it be?

Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by asj:
Demerara Waves Online News ( ) has been told that the Vice Chancellor was instructed to rescind three contracts including one for Political Science lecturer, Freddie Kissoon.

He who pays call the shots, the PPP/C Government has pumped milllions into this instution.
Would be interesting to know what has caused the impasse.


Nonesense, these are national institutions and the Govt has on obligation to fund, it's why they were given the mandate. It's does not give them the righ to exercise political influence. But then again, the PPP applies a sultanistic model, demorcatic principles are lacking and vaguely understood. These defunct Commies knows no better.

You can prattle all you want, they will toe the line or simply go under.....what will it be?


True, what can anyone expect. PPP in a dictatorship and will keep Guyana at subsistence level. No strategic investments will come, you will see.
Sex man got back his job at UG. Liz is a mediocre academic at best. Now they are threatening academics. MARK MY WORDS: GUYANA WILL BECOME A FULL DICTATORSHIP UNDER THE WORLD MARXIST REVIEW EDITOR. DARK DAYS ARE AHEAD should the communists win a majority.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Sex man got back his job at UG. Liz is a mediocre academic at best. Now they are threatening academics. MARK MY WORDS: GUYANA WILL BECOME A FULL DICTATORSHIP UNDER THE WORLD MARXIST REVIEW EDITOR. DARK DAYS ARE AHEAD should the communists win a majority.

pityfull.. How much lower can you sink.

The PPP/C will win a majority. All indication point to an AFC downfall and the PPP rise to absolute power..
Originally posted by TI:
Time to close down U.G.
Open private universities.

Ask yourself why India has public universities like the IIT system and IIM. Why America has a great public university system. If all university is private then many will never have a chance. The elites only will attend.
Originally posted by TI:
Time to close down U.G.
Open private universities.

Similar to private hospitals, only the rich will be able to attend a private university.
The next question to be asked, is UG serving the affordable adaquately ?
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Sex man got back his job at UG. Liz is a mediocre academic at best. Now they are threatening academics. MARK MY WORDS: GUYANA WILL BECOME A FULL DICTATORSHIP UNDER THE WORLD MARXIST REVIEW EDITOR. DARK DAYS ARE AHEAD should the communists win a majority.

pityfull.. How much lower can you sink.

The PPP/C will win a majority. All indication point to an AFC downfall and the PPP rise to absolute power..

Absolute power, like LFSB thought he did back in the 70's. Imagine the excesses of the PPP with absolute power.
I understand students at UG don't have a chance anyway.
From all accounts UG is not up to par according to all opposition groups. Also there are no local jobs for graduates. So why do you need a govt funded institution?
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Sex man got back his job at UG. Liz is a mediocre academic at best. Now they are threatening academics. MARK MY WORDS: GUYANA WILL BECOME A FULL DICTATORSHIP UNDER THE WORLD MARXIST REVIEW EDITOR. DARK DAYS ARE AHEAD should the communists win a majority.

pityfull.. How much lower can you sink.

The PPP/C will win a majority. All indication point to an AFC downfall and the PPP rise to absolute power..

Roma, take some time to sober up, you might realize you cant read voters mind.
Originally posted by TI:
I understand students at UG don't have a chance anyway.
From all accounts UG is not up to par according to all opposition groups. Also there are no local jobs for graduates. So why do you need a govt funded institution?

The answer is not to destroy UG. Look the problem at UG has two sides. The PPP burnt canes to punish PNC. PNC now use UG and GT to make PPP look bad. How can they fire opposition lecturers when you have a mediocre academic, Prem Misir, writing absolute trash all the time? When you have Sex Man is protected? The AFC has a plan to save UG and convert it to a research teaching school. Everyone will be held accountable.

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